Best Herbs to Remove Facial Hair

Best Herbs to Remove Facial Hair

Facial hair is one of the factors that affect skin glow. It is normal in every woman but for some, the growth is faster so they need shaving daily. Now, we have many ways to get rid of facial hair including waxing, threading, laser treatments, but the problem is either these are temporary or expensive. That’s why we came up with the list of Natural herbs to remove facial hair permanently. All the herbs mentioned below are readily available in all local stores or online shops and are safe to use.

Why use herbs?

The hair removal methods including threading, waxing, shaving, laser treatments, or saloons became available only a decade ago. Before that women used natural herbs to remove facial hair at home. Most of the herbs they used were available in the kitchen. 

Those methods are safe, easy, and affordable. We should also accept that they had patience so they used the remedies continuously until they got an optimal result. 

Nowadays, people don’t want to wait and need an instant result so they go behind chemical products and medical treatments which sometimes create adverse side effects.

Using natural herbs to remove facial hair may take time to show the result but it is long-lasting and affordable and also the natural ingredients not only benefit hair removal but also improve skin health. The herbs cure skin complexion, uneven skin tone, dark spots, pimples, rashes, acne, blemishes, and every little thing that affects your skin glow.

Read more: Home remedies to remove unwanted hair permanently at home.

Reasons to Abnormal Facial Hair in Women

All women have facial hair which is normal and often not visible in some populations. But some struggle with abnormal facial hair growth. The thickness and rapid growth of the hair in the face make them embarrassed and eat their time and money by pushing them in the bathroom or saloon many times a week.

The thick facial hair in women has many reasons.

The very first that we all can guess is Hormonal imbalance problems. The hormones of the body should be secreted in the right amount to maintain health and beauty. The hormonal changes should be taken seriously as they can cause severe health risks. Eat healthy foods and maintain a stress-free lifestyle to prevent hormone damage.

If it is not due to hormones, there is a high possibility that you have that gene. You can’t do anything here except accept the fact and find a remedy.

Some of the health conditions caused by hormone imbalance including PCOS can also be the reason for abnormal hair growth in the face for women.

If cortisol hormone levels in the body get affected like the level went beyond the required amount, it causes conditions like Cushing syndrome which is one of the reasons for hirsutism. 

Women who have Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) disorder suffer from less production of androgen and cortisol hormones which also causes hirsutism.

Virilization is the biological development of adult male characteristics in young females or males. Women who have these conditions get thick facial hair like men.

Best Herbs to Remove Facial Hair

Let’s see the natural herbs to remove facial hair at home with available ingredients without paying extra.

#1. Ponnatharam and Rose Water

Ponnatharam is a kind of stone used by Asian women for hair removal. In traditional medicines like Ayurveda and Siddha, ponnatharam powder is mentioned as one of the best herbal remedies for facial hair removal.

Rose water removes excess oil and dirt and unclogs pores in the skin. It helps to moisturize and whiten the skin and restores the pH balance of your skin.

How to prepare and use

Take 1 tablespoon of ponnatharam powder and mix it with rose water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the face or skin where you need to remove the hair and let it rest for 10 minutes. Now, rub the paste against the direction of skin growth and wash it off.

Follow the remedy every day for 2 weeks consecutively after that minimize it to twice a week. You can see the best results after four weeks.

It is the best herb to remove facial hair with less expense and effort.

Read also: Benefits of Ponnatharam

#2. Honey and Sugar

Sugar is the best exfoliator to remove the dead skin cells and facial hair while honey nourishes and heals the skin, so both are great home remedies for facial hair removal.

Using a peel-off mask using these two ingredients will hydrate, cleanse, and help to get rid of hair.

How to prepare and use

Take two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of honey, and water in a bowl and mix them. Microwave the mixture for 30 seconds or heat it till sugar dissolves. Let it cool to use on the skin.

Apply the paste on the face and other areas where you need to remove hair. Place a cotton cloth over the paste. After a few minutes, pull it off in the opposite direction of hair growth with one motion.

It is the best hair wax with kitchen ingredients you can make any time you need.

#3. Gram Flour (Besan) and Rose Water

Gram flour nourishes the skin and removes excess oil. It is combined with the therapeutic properties of rose water to heal skin and prevent hair growth.

How to prepare and use

Take 2 tablespoons of gram flour and rose water with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix them to make a paste.

Apply the paste on the face and let it dry for a while. Rub it off and then wash it with clean water. Do this three to four times a week for best results.

This is the best dry face pack that hydrates and removes oil with hair.

#4. Egg and Cornstarch

Egg white is great for removing dead skin cells and facial hair while cornstarch absorbs excess oil and prevents acne signs.

How to prepare and use

Take one egg white, one tablespoon of sugar, and half a tablespoon of cornstarch in a bowl. Mix them well and apply them evenly on the skin and let it dry completely.

After it dried, peel off the mask in the opposite direction of hair growth.

It is the best face mask to remove unwanted hair.

#5. Papaya and Turmeric

An enzyme in papaya called papain helps to remove facial hair by making the hair follicles open and turmeric acts as an antibacterial agent to remove impurities in the skin, give a radiant glow, and prevent hair growth.

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

How to prepare and use

Cut one papaya into small pieces and mash them to a nice paste. Add a teaspoon of turmeric to it and mix well. Apply the paste on the skin where you have unwanted hair.

Massage the paste in the skin for a few minutes and let it rest for 15 minutes. After that, wash off with clean water. Do this twice a week to remove facial hair.

It is the best skin massage to hydrate your skin and to get rid of unwanted hair growth.

#6. Milk and Gelatin

Gelatin is a thickening agent mostly used in desserts like pudding, jellies, and custards. Gelatin with milk can remove thick hair in the skin.

How to prepare and use

Take a teaspoon of gelatin powder and 3 tablespoons of milk with a squeeze of half lemon. Microwave the mixture for 15 seconds and mix well. 

After the mixture cools for a minute and applies the paste on the face evenly. Let it dry for a few minutes on the face and peel off in the opposite direction of hair growth.

It is the best face care to whiten the skin and remove hair.

#7. Oatmeal and Banana

Aside from the healthy breakfast option, oatmeal also works wonders for skincare. It helps tighten the skin and clears dead cells while a banana has potassium which is essential for skin health.

How to prepare and use

Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and one ripe banana. Mix them well and apply them to the skin and massage for a few minutes in circular motions. Let it rest for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water or use ice over the scrubbed areas. Do this once a week for better results.

It is the best face pack for all skin types to treat pigmentation and remove unwanted hair.

#8. Sugar and Lemon

Sugar and lemon are a classic combination that has been used for skin care since ancient times. The sugar sticks with the hair and removes it while lemon gives the skin a radiant glow, also acts as bleach and lightens the skin.

How to prepare and use

Take 2 tablespoons of sugar with the juice of one lemon. Stir the mixture with 8-9 tablespoons of water to make a granular paste. You can warm the mixture to make it a sticky paste similar to a wax or use it as cold.

Apply the paste evenly on the face or skin, massage for a few minutes, and let it dry for 15 minutes. Wash it off with clean water. Do this every alternate day to get the best result.

It is a traditional skincare method used for removing facial hair.

#9. Lemon and Honey

If you have dry skin and want to wax the facial hair, use honey and lemon. Honey helps to moisturize the skin and lemon improves skin tone.

How to prepare and use

Take 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and one tablespoon of honey. Mix the ingredients and heat the mixture for a minimum of 3 minutes and add water to get a thin mixture. Let it cool down.

Apply the cornstarch on the skin where you need to remove hair and spread the paste in the direction of hair growth. Cover the area with a cotton cloth. After it dries, peel it off in the opposite direction of hair growth. 

You can use it 2 to 3 times a week for the best results.

It is the best alternative to painful facial waxing.

#10. Potato and Lentil

Potato is a natural bleach that helps to remove black patches in the skin and lentils help with skin whitening, skin glow, and removing skin tan.

How to prepare and use

Soak 5 tablespoons of lentils overnight. The next day, grind the soaked lentils to smooth paste and add one tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of lemon juice, and 5 tablespoons of potato juice into it. 

Blend them well and apply the mixture on the skin then rest it for 20 minutes to dry. Wash off after that.

It is the best face care routine to remove tan and hair.

#11. Oatmeal, Lemon, and Honey

Oatmeal’s coarseness works against hair and exfoliates the skin and honey brings moisture while lemon whitens the skin.

How to prepare and use

Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of honey, and lemon juice. Blend all the ingredients and add water if required to make a nice paste.

Apply the mixture over the skin and massage in a circular motion opposite to hair growth. Wash off with cold water and use ice on rubbed areas.

You can use this pack every two days a week.

It is the best herbal face scrubber for all skin types.

#12. Turmeric and Milk

The antibacterial activity in turmeric heals skin and acts as an antiseptic while milk moisturizes the skin and removes dirt.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

How to prepare and use

Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, 1 tablespoon of rice flour, and 2 tablespoons of milk. Mix them all to a paste.

Apply the mask on the face or skin where you need hair removal and let it dry for 5 to 10 minutes. After that, wash off with warm water. Repeat this every day for better results.

It is the best everyday face mask to cleanse the skin and remove facial hair gradually.

#13. Alum and Rose Water

Alum with rosewater is one of the secret beauty routines followed in South Asian countries. In most of the natural permanent hair removal methods, these two ingredients must be present.

How to prepare and use

Mix alum powder with rosewater. Apply it on the skin or face using a cotton ball. Let it dry and apply again. Repeat this 5 to 6 times in one sitting. Wash it off and massage the area with olive oil.

Do this once a week or every alternate day as per your convenience.

It is the best method to curb hair growth and cool the skin.

Read also: Alum and Rose Water for Permanent Hair Removal

#14. Aloe Vera and Papaya

Papaya has papain which is an enzyme that weakens the hair follicles and lets them open up as a result hair falls and aloe vera cools down and moisturizes the skin.

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

How to prepare and use

Take slices of one papaya, 2 tablespoons of aloe vera pulp, and 1 tablespoon of gram flour. Mix all these ingredients with mustard oil and make a thick paste.

Apply the paste on the face or skin and let it dry. Use a cotton cloth and rub the paste opposite to the direction of the hair growth. 

Wash off and massage the rubbed skin with olive oil. Repeat this procedure 3 to 4 times a week for three months for permanent results.

It is the best routine for skin to get moisture and nourishment.

#15. Turmeric and Nettle

Nettle leaf juice or extract affects hair follicles and leads to hair fall while turmeric prevents infections and allergies.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

How to prepare and use

Take a few nettle leaves and grind them to paste with a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply this paste over the area and let it rest for 2 hours. Wash off with lukewarm water. Follow this method daily for 6 weeks to get the best results.

It is the best antiseptic face mask to remove hair.

#16. Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil

The anti-androgenic properties in the oils prevent hair growth. Tea tree oil soothes skin and relaxes the nerves when massaged.

How to prepare and use

Mix tea tree oil and lavender oil in equal amounts. Using a cotton ball apply the oil over the places where you have to remove hair. Let it be absorbed by the skin.

Repeat this process twice a day for three months to see the results.

It is the best treatment for acne and warts on the skin also.

#17. Thanaka Powder and Kusuma Oil

The combination of Thanaka Powder and Kusuma Oil is traditionally used for hair removal, skin brightening, and calming skin.

How to prepare and use

Take 1 tablespoon of Thanaka powder and mix it with Kusuma oil to make a paste. If you have thicker hair growth, remove the excess hair by waxing. After washing the area, apply the mixture and massage in the opposite direction to hair growth. Let it stay for a night and wash off. Do this once a week.

It is the best remedy for permanent hair removal at home.

#18. Yogurt, Gram Flour, and Turmeric

Gram flour is ticky to the hair thus removing hair when rubbed against. Turmeric calms the skin and removes clogs in the pores. Yogurt prevents inflammation in the affected area.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

How to prepare and use

Take one tablespoon of yogurt, one teaspoon of turmeric, and one tablespoon of gram flour. Mix them to a fine paste, add water if required.

Apply the paste over the affected area and wait till it becomes semi-dry. Massage the paste against the hair growth and wash it off with lukewarm water. You can do this routine every day to speed up the results. 

It is the best daily skincare routine to whiten, tighten, and lighten the skin.

#19. Apricot and Honey

The oil content in the apricot helps to whiten the skin, remove blemishes and maintain oil levels in check. Honey tightens the skin and removes fine lines, also sticks to the hair, and gets removed when rubbed.

How to prepare and use

Take a few apricots and grind them to powder. Mix 1 tablespoon of apricot powder with honey and make a paste. Apply this paste on the skin and let it dry. Massage the paste on the skin in circular motions and then wash it off with warm water.

Repeat this process three times a week.

It is the best remedy to improve skin glow while removing the hair.

#20. Chickpea Flour and Turmeric Root

Chickpea flour works as a rub and removes the hair while massaging. Turmeric prevents the hair from growing back.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

How to prepare and use

Take 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour and mashed fresh turmeric roots. Blend them well to a fine paste, add water if required. You can replace normal water with rose water.

Apply the paste and wait until it becomes semi-dry. Now, rub or massage the paste on the skin opposite to hair growth in a circular motion. Use a wet cotton cloth to wipe off the paste.

Do this every alternate day. After you see a reduction in hair growth, do this once a week.

It is the best face and skin hair removal remedy with easy ingredients.

Essential Precautions to Take While Using Herbs to Remove Facial Hair

There are a lot of natural herbs to remove facial hair which are relatively safe to use. However, we need to use it with caution to avoid possible side effects.

You need to be patient when trying herbal remedies for permanent hair removal.

Be careful while using the remedies which are heated or microwaved. Make sure the product is not too hot before applying it to the skin.

People with sensitive skin or specific allergies should not try home remedies without asking your skincare provider.

It is best to take a warm bath before applying the products as it will open up the pores in the skin.

After washing off the pack from the skin, use ice cubes to rub on the area to close the pores.

The bottom line

Permanent hair removal is not an easy task. It needs time and patience more importantly interest to do this. Almost all of the above-mentioned natural herbs to remove facial hair took one to two months to show a significant reduction in hair growth.

Once you notice the difference try to minimize the usage of remedies based on the result.

The best thing about using a home remedy including natural ingredients is it not only does the specific job but also benefits the overall health. The application of effective herbs on the skin induces its goodness to our body and heals us from inside.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does hair removal cause thicker hair growth?

No. Most people believe that removing unwanted hair from the body will cause thick hair growth. But it is not true. It is fine to remove the unwanted hair on the body.

Is facial shaving safe for women?

Probably not. Because the facial hair of women is more delicate than men’s. Let it be in any thickness, shaving facial hair can cause irritation and itching or similar skin problems in women. So, stick with natural herbs to remove facial hair.

Is lemon juice a good bleach?

Yes. Lemon juice is an effective natural bleach. It can bleach the hair follicles and help you in hair removal.

Is honey a natural waxing ingredient?

Yes. Honey has been used to wax hair for a long time now. In addition, it moisturizes the skin and improves radiance.

Is herbal hair removal safe to follow for long periods?

No. Not just herbal remedies but any process of health and beauty care in the body should not be continued for a long time unless your physician approves it. If you notice any adverse effects while using any product, you should stop using it and consult your doctor.

This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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