Best Herbs to Treat Hypertension

Best Herbs to Treat Hypertension

Almost 1/4th of the people have hypertension worldwide. It is a deadly disease that affects your heart and decreases your lifespan.

The good thing here is, you can overcome this condition naturally by changing your lifestyle and adding natural herbs to your diet. These natural techniques reduce the risk of long term hypertension.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Do you’ve high blood pressure and find it difficult to take medications?
Then there are natural herbs for you to lower your blood pressure. But before using these herbs, seek advice from your doctor.

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension (HTN) is a medical term for High Blood Pressure. It is a deadly disease that disrupts the function of your heart. It hardens the arteries and makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood.

HTN is of two types; Primary and secondary. 

Primary or normal high blood pressure does not cause chronic symptoms. But, if high BP continues for the long term, it is called secondary hypertension. This leads to many complications like atherosclerosis, stroke, heart failure, coronary heart disease, kidney disease, and blindness. It causes the risk of living.

Role of Natural Herbs in Hypertension

Approximately 80% of people in the world use herbal medicines to take care of their health. Because it causes less or no side effects than conventional antihypertensives.

People with high blood pressure can also use natural herbs in their diet to increase their lifespan. Natural herbs contain some nutrients that block the toxic substances in the arteries and dilates the blood vessels.

So that your blood flows freely to the heart and it pumps the blood without any difficulty. This then brings back your hypertension to a normal level.


Here we have listed some of the best natural herbs that are used in the treatment of hypertension. Just have a look at these natural herbs.


Botanical Name: Ocimum basilicum
Family: Lamiaceae
Native: Central Africa to Southeast Asia

Basil plays a therapeutic role in Ayurvedic medicines. It is a tender plant that can tolerate any climatic conditions. It is mostly found in tropical regions.

Basil adds flavor to the food and has a delicious taste. You can add the basil leaves to pasta, salads, and hot soups. Having this in your diet lowers your high blood pressure.

The chemical called Eugenol blocks the substance that hardens the arteries. This in turn drops down your blood pressure to a normal level.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Can you grow basil at home?

Of course. You can grow such a beneficial herb easily in your garden. This herb survives any climatic conditions. Using fresh leaves of basil to your diet does not hurt you.


There are many varieties of basil grown worldwide. They are Thai basil, Holy basil, Sweet basil, lemon basil, and African blue basil. All these basils have numerous health benefits.

Among them, holy basil is considered a sacred plant and is grown in almost all the houses of Hindus in India.

Health Benefits

  • All the parts of the holy basil plant are used for treating different diseases.
  • The flowers are used for curing bronchitis
  • The leaves and seeds along with black pepper are used for treating malaria.
  • Oil made from the leaves is used for insect bites.
  • The whole plant helps with diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • The extract of basil contains antioxidants that improve your skin health.
  • The sweet basil extract contains eugenol that blocks the calcium channel in the blood vessels and lowers your high blood pressure.
  • It also improves your mental health.



Botanical Name: Apium graveolens
Family: Apiaceae
Other Name: Wild celery

Celery is a small plant that has been cultivated as a vegetable since antiquity. The seeds are used to add flavor to many dishes. Celery seed has been used in China for several hundred years in the treatment of hypertension.

Studies in rodents have explained that celery seeds are more effective with hypertension.


The celery plant has a long fibrous stalk with the leaves tapered at the top. Both the leaves and the stalk are used for cooking in many areas. The extract of celery is used in traditional herbal medicine. It is mostly grown in marshy soils or coastal areas. You can also raise a celery plant in your garden.

How to take it?

You can use these seeds in dishes like soups, stews, and casseroles to add flavor. Not only the seeds, the whole plant itself is healthy. You can juice the entire plant, mix it with honey, and drink.

Taking the juice orally three times a day will definitely reduce your hypertension. Studies have reported that it has reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Health Benefits

  • Celery is a diuretic that increases the flow of urine.
  • The seeds help in digestion and improve your liver health.
  • Mixing the fresh juice of celery with vinegar helps you to get rid of dizziness and headache.
  • It also soothes your pain associated with hypertension.
  • Long ago in Ayurveda, celery was used for treating the common cold and flu.

Important Evidence

A study published in the Asian Journal of Cancer Prevention has revealed that the extract of celery seed fights against the development of cancer cells in the liver and stomach. It inhibits the spreading of cancer in your body.

Another study has suggested that celery seed has a powerful antioxidant character that removes the free radicals and protects you from cell damage.

Side Effects

Celery seeds can also cause allergic reactions in some people. If you find any skin inflammations just keep it away.
Moreover, celery seeds can interact with other medications also. So before taking this supplement seek advice from your doctor.


Celery seeds are not recommended for pregnant women. Because it can cause miscarriage. So it is safe to avoid celery seeds while you’re pregnant.



Botanical Name: Linum usitatissimum
Family: Linaceae
Common Name: Linseed, Flaxseed

Flax is an annual food crop grown in cool regions. It is also cultivated as a fiber crop for various uses.


Flax grows up to 1.2 m in height with broad leaves. It is a flowering plant with pale blue colored flowers. The fruit is round, with several brown seeds packed inside. These seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

Health Benefits

  • Flax seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that helps in lowering high blood pressure.
  • A recent study has suggested that taking about 30-50 grams of seeds per day effectively improves your heart health and reduces hypertension.
  • Helps in improving the glucose level in the body.
  • It acts as an antioxidant and protects your brain from cell damage.
  • Reduces the cholesterol level in the blood.


Flax seeds are used in Textiles for their linen. Linen is used in the manufacture of bed sheets, underclothes, and table cloths. Oil is also extracted from flax seeds.


Don’t think what this tiny seed can do. Though it is a small seed, it safeguards you from the deadly disease. Also, it has shown potential health benefits.



Botanical Name: Allium sativum
Family: Liliaceae
Native: Central Asia, Iran
Garlic is a type of onion species that has long been used for human consumption. It has been used as a flavoring agent in food and also used in traditional medicine from ancient times. Globally, 80% of garlic is cultivated in China.


Garlic is a perennial flowering plant that grows from a bulb. The stem is tall and grows up to 1 m. It is a seasonal plant and produces pink to purple flowers. These flowers bloom only during the month of July to September. The fruit or the garlic is produced in the bulb underground.

Health Benefits

  • Garlic increases the nitric oxide present in your body which in turn relaxes the blood vessels and allows the blood to flow freely. This action reduces your high blood pressure.
  • Garlic is also more powerful for those having hyperlipidemia.
  • Garlic improves the function of the immune system and helps to fight against disease-causing microbes.
  • It is a very good remedy for the common cold and flu.
  • It balances the cholesterol level in the body and lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • The antioxidant supports brain functioning and keeps it healthy.
  • It also helps you in the loss of bone density in menopausal women.
  • The key function of garlic is, it helps you to get rid of the symptoms of chronic diseases and increases your lifespan.


Add fresh garlic to your favorite dishes and see the changes in hypertension. You can also roast the garlic for a strong flavor. Consume garlic regularly and live a healthy life.



Botanical Name: Crataegus pinnatifida
Family: Rosaceae
Native: Northern Europe
Other Name: Chinese Hawthorn, Quickthorn, Thorn apple

Hawthorn is one of the best herbal remedies for hypertension. It has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese medicine.

Hawthorn is a shrub that grows in the temperate region of Northern parts of Asia, Africa, and America. The parts of the plant namely; flowers, leaves, and berries are used to make medicine.

Hawthorn contains two major compounds, flavonoids and oligomeric procyanidins, which keep your heart healthy. It improves the pumping of blood from the heart to other parts of the body.


The extracts of hawthorn seem to have numerous health benefits. But the main function of hawthorn is to prevent the arteries from hardening and in turn, lowers your blood pressure.

Health Benefits

  • It removes the bad cholesterol from the blood and keeps you healthy.
  • It prevents you from blood clots in the brain, heart, and other organs.
  • It inhibits the formation of plaque in the walls of the arteries.
  • It helps to overcome the risk of hypertension and heart attack.
  • The berries of hawthorn have long been used as a powerful remedy for digestive ailments such as stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea, and intestinal infections.
  • It also helps women with menstrual problems.
  • People also use hawthorn as an antidote for boils, ulcers, and sores.


Experiments with rabbits have proved that the extract of hawthorn decreased the blood pressure for up to 3 hours.


Hawthorn is available in pills, tea, and liquid form. The berries of hawthorn are used as an ingredient in juices, jams, jelly, and wine.


If you’re taking medications for your heart, then consult your doctor before using it. Because hawthorn can interact with those medicines and can cause side effects like nausea or dizziness.



Botanical Name: Zingiber officiniale
Family: Zingiberaceae
Native: Southeast Asia

Ginger is a perennial herb whose rhizome is used for medicinal purposes.
The main bioactive compound of ginger is Gingerol. This compound is responsible for its flavor, unique fragrance, and medicinal properties.


Ginger is a flowering plant that grows about 1m tall with pseudostems. It produces yellow-colored flowers that arise directly from the rhizome. The fruit ginger is produced on the stem underground.


Ginger is one of the inexpensive herbal species to control hypertension. It relaxes the muscles of blood vessels and allows the blood to circulate freely from the heart to other parts of the body. So automatically your high blood pressure gets reduced.


It is a versatile ingredient that adds flavor to any dishes like sweets, beverages, soups, fries, noodles, and other vegetable recipes. Another interesting recipe in ginger is the tea that gives a unique aroma and refreshing taste.

Health Benefits

  • The antioxidant effect in it removes the excess free radicals from the brain and keeps your brain healthy.
  • It is the best remedy for morning sickness especially to treat nausea, vomiting.
  • It also plays a major role in weight loss.
  • Ginger with tea is more effective for those suffering from cough and the common cold. It gives a clear throat and brings back your voice.
  • The anti-inflammatory property of ginger prevents you from stomach upset, ulcers, boils, and other pains.
  • The warming effect of ginger is the best refreshing evening drink during winter. It keeps you warm and fresh.

Side Effects

It is not advisable for pregnant women because it might cause miscarriages.



Botanical Name: Uncaria rhynchophylla
Family: Rubiaceae
Native: China

Cat’s claw is a popular herbaceous species used in traditional Chinese medicine. The name cat’s claw is given to this plant because it bears claw-shaped thorns. The root bark of it is used as a dietary supplement to treat various ailments.


Cat’s claw contains hirsutine alkaloid which acts with the calcium channels in the cells and reduces hypertension. The effects of hirsutine regulate the systolic and diastolic movement in the heart and bring you back to normal.

Health Benefits

  • This herbal medicine has been in practice in Chinese medicine in the treatment of neurological disorders and hypertension.
  • It helps to fight against the chronic disease called osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
  • The anti-inflammatory property soothes your pain, inflammation, and regulates the bowel movement.
  • It also stimulates the immune system to work actively against viral infections and other diseases.
  • Regular usage of cat’s claw in your diet prevents you from the symptoms of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.


Cat’s claw is made in the form of a capsule, powder, liquid extract, or tea.

Side Effects

High-level consumption of cat’s claw may lead to nausea, diarrhea, and stomach upset.


It is advised to avoid the cat’s claw for those who are pregnant and breastfeeding. It is also important that cats’ claw should not be taken by people who are taking any medications or drugs for certain diseases. Get advice from your doctor before taking it.



Botanical Name: Cininamomum verum
Family: Lauraceae

Cinnamon is a medicinal spice obtained from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree. It is used as a table condiment spice to add flavor to the dishes.

The unique flavor and aroma make the dish highly delicious. It is worth for its medicinal properties. Cinnamomum cassia is another variety of cinnamon used for various purposes as Cinnamomum verum.


The aroma and the flavor of cinnamon are due to the oil content present in it. The key component in cinnamon is eugenol and cinnamaldehyde which deals with hypertension.

Adding cinnamon to your regular diet may bring your hypertension level to normal. A study has revealed that the extract of cinnamon in rodents has shown a miraculous decrease in secondary hypertension.


Its unique flavor and aroma are used in a variety of cuisines, savoury dishes, sweets, breakfast cereals, snacks, tea, and other traditional foods.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Health Benefits

  • Protects the body from free radicals causing damage.
  • Cinnamon cures the inflammation that are present internally and repair the damaged tissues.
  • 1 gram of cinnamon a day lowers the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • It balances the cholesterol level in the blood and keeps your heart healthy.
  • It increases the production of insulin and regulates body metabolism.
  • Intake of cinnamon regularly protects the neuron and prevents you from neurological disorders.
  • It also deals with respiratory and digestive problems.



Botanical Name: Elettaria cardamomum
Family: Zingiberaceae
Native: India, Indonesia

Cardamom is an expensive herb whose seeds are used for medicinal purposes. It has long been used in South Asian cuisine for its sweet and spicy flavor.

There are two types of cardamom available: Black cardamom (Amomum cardamomum) and Green cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum). Both the spices are used in cooking for flavor. But only the seeds of green cardamom are used for medicinal purposes.


The cardamom seeds are small, spindle-shaped having a thin papery outer shell. Elettaria pods are very small and green colored, while the Amomum pods are dark brown colored and large.

How to take it?

Cardamom is boasted with plenty of nutrients and so it is used in traditional medicine for years. You could see changes in the blood pressure when consumed regularly.

Taking 1.5 grams of cardamom powder two times a day helps in the reduction of blood pressure. Consuming cardamom tea keeps you calm and refreshing.

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Health Benefits

  • Cardamom contains natural chemicals that help to treat intestinal spasms.
  • The anti-inflammatory property relieves you from swelling and helps with digestive problems.
  • It helps in excretion of the waste products faster.
  • It is also an excellent remedy for dental health. It prevents tooth decay and inhibits the growth of bacteria even from the root canal.
  • Strengthen your immune system and stimulate your WBC to fight against disease-causing microbes.
  • Cardamom clears your respiratory pathway and increases the airflow to the lungs that enhance breathing.
  • The antioxidant and diuretic property of the spice decreases your hypertension and keeps your heart healthy.

Special Benefit

Are you a chain smoker? Trying to stay away from smoking? Eh, then this herb is for you. Take cardamom tea twice a day, you will really find better changes in you. It reduces the usage of smoking day by day.



Botanical Name: Lavandula stoechas
Family: Lamiaceae
Native: Northern Africa

When I hear of the term lavender, immediately that strikes my mind is purple and fragrance. You could have heard that purple color flowers that produce a sweet and pleasant fragrance.


French lavender is an evergreen shrub that grows up to 2 m tall. It produces small purple color flowers produced on spikes at the top of the plant. These flowers bloom in the late spring and early summer. The blooming period depends on the climate in which it grows.

Why is French lavender best for Hypertension?

Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research has shown that nearly 40 people have inhaled the lavender oil, after their open-heart surgery. It reduced the heart rate and hypertension in them. The research had concluded that lavender oil controls high blood pressure and decreases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Health Benefits

  • Lavender oil is used to treat fungal infections and wounds affected externally. This oil is strictly prohibited for internal use.
  • Applying the oil thrice a week improves your hair loss problems and promotes hair growth.
  • It is believed that consuming lavender tea treats anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure.
  • It also cures menstrual cramps and pains during periods.
  • If you’ve acne, eczema, or inflammation on the skin, then apply this lavender oil to that area. It helps to get rid of those inflammations and gives you luscious skin.


In ancient times lavender has been used as a religious herb by the African people. It is often used as a refreshing agent for clothes, hair, and other personal items. Essential lavender oil is extracted from the lavender species. It is also available in capsules and tea.


The downside of French lavender is that it has not been approved by the FDA for the treatment of Hypertension.


Lifestyle Changes

If your lifestyle and diet changes, automatically the medications will improve the blood pressure level and reduce the risk of health complications. Lifestyle changes include;

  • Avoid Smoking – Smoking is the major cause that increases cardiovascular problems like stroke or heart attack in hypertensive people. Repeated smoking can increase blood pressure immediately. So try to avoid smoking to get rid of Hypertension. Instead, take any of these herbal supplements to decrease high BP.
  • Weight Loss – Obesity is another cause of hazardous symptoms of hypertension. In overweight people, the heart has to pump more blood to supply all parts of the body. This can raise blood pressure in obese people. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has reported that too much obesity in people can cause sleep apnea that interrupts normal breathing and it may contribute to increased hypertension. So reducing your weight may help in lowering the blood pressure.
  • Regular Physical Exercise – Regular exercise always helps with many medical problems including Hypertension. Doing any activity like jogging, walking, or swimming for about 30 to 45 minutes can help in reducing your blood pressure. It also refreshes your mind from stress. Most of them have hypertension due to their stress. So you can go with stress-relieving exercises like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, etc. By doing this daily reduces the stressful factors and so your hypertension is decreased.
  • Reduction of Salt Intake – The American Heart Association has suggested that reducing 6 grams of salt per day is also another fact to lower hypertension. Because some salt contains harmful sodium that increases your blood pressure by regular intake. So have a limited amount of salt in your food which is good for your health.
  • Reducing Alcohol Consumption – People who drink alcohol regularly in excess are mostly affected by hypertension. Alcohol is always harmful to health when consumed a little amount in excess. If you reduce alcohol consumption, you could get rid of hypertension very easily.
  • Healthy Diet – People having hypertension should definitely add potassium to their diet. Because consuming more potassium can lower your high blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. Some of the sources of potassium include; bananas, melons, oranges, and spinaches. Take these fruits along with your food and notice the changes in your blood pressure. There are also some other supplements to get rid of hypertension. You can also follow any of those natural herbs listed in our article.

Wrapping Up

All the herbs in our list are natural and safe to use for hypertension people. So you need not want to worry about side effects or any other ailments. But if you’re a hypertensive person then consult your doctor before taking these supplements in your diet.

Also try to change your lifestyle and diet to get rid of hypertension. This is the best treatment to get rid of hypertension.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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