Medicinal Benefits Of Neem : Incredible Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Overall Health

Recently updated on December 24th, 2021 at 05:01 am

Neem Tree is also known as ‘Azadirachta indica’ which is completely filled with medicinal properties and it’s native to India. Actually, Neem is known for its anti-aging properties. Every single part of the neem tree gives a lot of medicinal properties and beauty properties.

In Sanskrit, the name of Neem is “Arista” which means perfect, imperishable, and complete. The Neem tree falls under the Meliaceae—the mahogany family and the most interesting fact is, this tree can live 150-200 years.

This fast-growing, evergreen tall tree is a great boon for Indians. It grows with large branches and roots and due to its anti-oxidant properties, our skin can be protected from harmful UV rays, pollution, and other external factors.

Neem is the best remedy for Pitta and Kapha related disorders. It is one of the well-known detoxifiers which can cure skin diseases, worms, thirst, nausea, fever, obesity, and diabetes. It has antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antimalarial, anthelmintic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, and hypoglycaemic properties.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Common Names of Neem

Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica
English Name: Neem, Indian Lilac, Margosa tree, nim, crackjack, paradise tree
Hindi Name: Nim, Nimb, Bal-nimb, neem, nind
Malayalam Name: Aryaveppu, veppu, Aryaveshnu, Rajavedhu, vepe
Telugu Name: Nimbanuv, vepa, yeppa, yapa, vepachettu, yapachattu, teruka, vemu
Marathi Name: Kadukhajur, limba, limb, nimbay, Bakayan, Balanti-limb, bal-nimb
Gujarati Name: Limba, Limbado, Leemgo, Danu-jhada, Kohalu limdo, Kohumba

Medicinal Properties of Neem Leaf, Bark, Flower:

We all know that Neem is a complete package for treating various diseases now let’s see how it works.

Neem leaf is the best medicine for treating eye disorders, skin ulcers, intestinal worms, fever, diabetes, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, heart diseases and cardiovascular disease, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. 

Neem bark is used for stomach and intestinal ulcers, malaria, skin diseases, pain, and fever. Neem bark and leaves contain properties that can easily cure arthritis and reduce pain. The bark, leaves, and seeds of the Neem tree are composed of Polysaccharides and limonoids, which alleviate tumors and cancers without side effects.

The Neem flower can reduce bile, intestinal worms, and control phlegm. Most parts of the neem tree would be bitter except the flowers.

It looks white and delicate which can be eaten raw and has therapeutic properties.

You can see a bunch of flowers over the tree which can be used as fresh, dried, or in a powdered form.

Mostly in South India, people use Vepampoo for a number of dishes like pachadi, rasam, lentils, and more. You can also dry roast and place it on the top of the dish to give a vibrant look. 

Neem flowers are the best factor to treat anorexia, nausea, belching, and intestinal worms.

Ayurveda suggests neem leaves are good for the eyes and useful in treating skin disease and headaches. 

There are even studies being conducted that explore neem’s fruit effect on the bloody nose, eye disorders, diabetes, intestinal worms, urinary tract disorders, etc.

The Neem seed extracts are the significant by-product for curing ear-related issues and are commonly used in eye and ear drops.

You can mix the seed’s extract with honey to treat ear boils. Neem leaves can cure redness, and irritation of the eyes.

Most people have used neem twig for maintaining oral hygiene and naturally whiten teeth in the olden days.

It fights against germs, maintains the alkaline levels in your saliva, keeps bacteria at bay, treats swollen gums, and also gives you a brighten teeth. The twig can be turned into threads, almost like bristles that also destroy and prevent plaque.

Due to the vitamins and fatty acids in neem improve the elasticity of the skin, and thus reduces wrinkles and fine lines. As a result, you can get rejuvenated and youthful skin. 


10 Health Benefits of Neem

1.Increases immunity :

It has been clinically proven that Neem is completely loaded with antiviral, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties so as a result, it can boost the immune system and make it better. 

Even by chewing the fresh neem leaves in the morning you can get strong immune power and fight against many serious diseases including cancer and heart attack.

2. Moisturises skin

Neem leaves are the great natural moisturizer which not only works for oily and acne-prone skin but also gives better results for dry skin. So without any temptations, you can make use of this amazing toner. The presence of fatty acids and vitamin E nourishes the dry skin and gives an additional glow to the skin.

Regular use of Neem leaves eliminates the harmful toxins and results in clear glowing skin. To hydrate the skin apply neem oil on your skin before bed.

3. Improves digestion

Are you troubling from digestive problems? Do you want to get rid of such issues? Without any wonder, I’m here to suggest some natural tips for you guys! Neem leaves are the best healer for fighting against liver ailments and thus improves digestive health very soon.

What would be the causes of improper digestion? The production of bad bacteria and intestinal worms are the major reasons but it can be vanished by consuming neem leaves as it cleanses the colon, and results in smoother digestion. Chew some neem leaves daily and mark the notable changes in your gut health.

4. Oral health

Say goodbye to Toothpaste and Welcome the nutritional-rich Neem leaves guys! In olden days most of our ancestors used neem twigs for maintaining their oral hygiene. This generation may not know the medicinal and scientific facts behind this neem tree. 

Neem leaves are rich in the anti-microbial property which kills the germs and controls the plaque formation. It maintains the alkaline level of saliva.

5. Promotes hair growth

Another strong benefit of Neem leaves includes strengthening hair follicles and by the way, it reduces hair fall. If you keep on applying a neem leaf mask or oil every week then you can see the wonder!

It results in a long and voluminous hair without any extra effort. I’ve one more simple tip to share, so for that just take a handful of neem powder and mix with coconut oil apply the mixture from root to tip once in a week and massage gently. Repeat this until you get better results.

6. Fights signs of aging

Neem leaves are rich in vitamin E and antioxidants which makes them a good treatment for anti-aging. By applying the neem leaf paste over the skin you can get rid of wrinkles, fines lines, and dark spots.

They protect the skin from sun exposure and UV radiation so it not only boosts collagen but also fights against aging signs. Prepare a neem face pack and mix with either sandalwood powder or whatever you wish to maintain youthful and radiant skin.

7. Has Anti-Septic Properties

Neem is most commonly used to heal wounds it can completely vanish the scar marks from the skin due to its antiseptic properties.

You can take some amount of neem oil and apply over the affected area and on scars until you get relief. As it has essential fatty acids that promote wound healing and keep your skin younger and healthy.

8. Eye Trouble

If you’re suffering from conjunctivitis and other eye problems then make use of neem leaves to get instant relief. Just boil the fresh neem leaves in pure water and drain it after some time, now apply the water to wash the eyes. It reduces redness, irritation, or tiredness. Chewing neem leaves also improves vision.

9. Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial

Neem leaves can treat fungal and bacterial infections. It can act as a great medicine for warts as well as chickenpox, you can just apply the paste over the affected area and bathe in neem water. It can also treat foot fungi.

10. Blood purification:

Neem has blood purifying properties that remove the harmful toxins and helps for the proper functioning of vital parts like liver and kidney. If there are too much of toxins in the blood then it may lead to allergies, fatigue, headaches, etc. 

The anti-oxidant properties help to keep the blood levels in the right condition and don’t allow any other harmful properties to enter inside the body. Chew neem leaves daily and detoxify your blood from various impurities!

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Uses of Neem Seed Oil & Herbalized Oil

Neem oil is derived from the seeds of neem, which is also known as Indian lilac.

It has been used to treat many conditions also the neem oil is rich in fatty acids and other essential nutrients so it’s a significant component for preparing beauty products like skin creams, body lotions, hair products, and cosmetics.

Neem oil is extremely beneficial to the skin which has limonoids, vitamin E, triglycerides, antioxidants, and calcium. Neem oil may also be used to treat the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, and other disorders of the skin.

It has been used in beauty regimens and skincare to:

  • heal wounds
  • treat acne
  • minimize warts and moles
  • treat dry skin and wrinkles
  • stimulate collagen production
  • reduce scars

To use on Skin and Nails: 

Apply the neem oil over the worried area and cover it freely using a bandage, old clothing, so that nails can breathe freely and also soak up uncovered.

For Use on Hair and Scalp: 

Massage the roots of your hair gently before going to sleep or even 15-30 minutes prior to bathing.

For Use in Oral Hygiene: 

Swish with the neem oil in the mouth for about 30-60 seconds and spit it. You can also use it straight to the teeth or even gums.

Neem oil is inexpensive, easy to use, and easily blends into the skin, as well as with other oils.

Herbalized Neem oil

You may wonder about the fact of Herbalized Neem oil, a very clear point to convey is, it’s nothing big. Herbalized oil is also prepared from neem leaves but in a base oil. Rather than preparing own, it’s much simpler to get from the market.

You can use this traditional ayurvedic preparation in a sesame oil base. Moreover, it can be used to treat damaged skin, nails, hair, teeth, and gums. 

For Healthy Skin, Nails, Hair, and Scalp

It’s very simple to make the unhealthy skin or nails to the stronger ones by just applying the herbalized neem oil. Nowadays most of us are very much concerned about skincare so rather than choosing chemical products let’s move for natural neem products.

You can apply the neem oil and close it with a soft cloth for a while, allow it to breathe. Within a few days, you can see notable differences. 

Gently rub the neem oil from roots to tip of the hair daily and leave it for at least 60 minutes before bathing. This remedy will work out if done properly. 

For Oral Hygiene:

Make use of herbalized neem oil to get healthy teeth and gums instead of using toothpaste go for this option because there are lots and lots of benefits behind the neem tree.

If possible you can apply the neem paste or oil straightly over the unhealthy gums and see the difference after some days. Make it usual or else you can’t get quick results guys!

Side Effects of Neem Oil

Neem oil has the tendency to decrease the temperature of the human body in such cases it behaves as a refrigerant.

If neem oil is prepared in the sesame oil base then it would be cooling so be careful. Don’t take heavy dosed neem products especially internally because it may lead to serious disorders.

Neem oil prepared from neem leaves is not a heavy preparation so it can be utilized for hundreds of years, enduring the test of time.

How to Use Neem

So guys as of now we’ve come across the medicinal and ayurvedic uses of Neem and it’s no wonder that it can be used for treating various diseases.

In this section let’s see about the internal and external uses of Neem, so Internally in the case, it can be taken as a powder or tablet.

Externally means either neem paste or neem oil can be applied on the skin for attaining better results. 

Internal Benefits

Our Moolihai store produces only high-quality products which will undergo lots of tests and inspections before moving to the market.

We have Neem in a powder form which aids in digestion and boosts the digestive system. You can buy neem powder for treating numerous disorders.

Neem can also be consumed in tablet, and liquid form, the bitter taste of neem will kill all the harmful bacterias in your body and keeps you healthy for a long time. 

How to Use Externally:

  • Neem Leaf Paste

Neem paste is very easy to prepare, for that just pick some fresh leaves and grind with a little water so now your neem paste is ready! If you don’t have fresh leaves then buy dried neem leaf powder from our Moolihai store and make the paste. 

  • Heals Scars

Neem paste will be helpful for eliminating the scars, pimples, wounds, and burns. If you have such scar problems then mix a neem powder along with a pinch of turmeric and apply on the affected area. 

  • Treats Skin Infections

Neem has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties. Neem paste can treat various types of diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis. It also soothes skin infections and inflammations.

Neem Flower uses in South Indian Cuisine- Recipies

Neem flower is popularly known as an antiseptic that can cleanse your body and cure skin problems. Apart from that, neem flowers are commonly used in south Indian cuisines to cook various dishes such as rasam, pachadi, neem flower rice, chutney, lentils, and more. These flowers are often dry roasted and sprinkled on the top of the dish to garnish well. 

Here’re some traditional south Indian recipes with neem flower. 

Neem Flower Rasam


  • Neem flower: 1/4 cup
  • Tamarind extract: to taste
  • Tomatoes: 2
  • Pepper: 1 teaspoon
  • Asafoetida: a pinch
  • Dried red chilies
  • Curry leaves: a small bunch
  • Coriander leaves: to garnish
  • Garlic- 4 pulps
  • Ghee: 3/4 spoon
  • Salt: to taste


  • Fry the dried neem flowers in 1/2 teaspoon of ghee until they turn golden brown, then keep it aside.
  • Boil tamarind juice, water, and salt till the raw smell leaves; simmer for a few minutes and add the crushed pepper before turning it off.
  • Make a paste of crushed red chilies, garlic pulp, tomatoes, curry leaves, and coriander leaves before tossing in the neem leaves.
  • Add 1/4 teaspoon of ghee to another pan and add this mixture to the pan with tamarind water, asafetida, and boil briefly. Close and let it simmer for a while before serving
  • You can enjoy this rasam with rice or consume it like a soup.

Neem flower pachadi

Vepampoo pachadi or neem flower pachadi is usually prepared on Tamil new year’s day to add some bitterness. It’s to have arusuvai (6 different tastes) in our food.


  • Dry neem flower – 2 tsp
  • Tamarind extract – 1 cup
  • Green chili – 1 slit
  • Jaggery powdered – 1/3 cup
  • Salt – pinch
  • Rice flour – 1/4 tsp
  • To temper: Add Mustard seeds – 1/4 tsp


  • Make a paste of rice flour by adding a tbsp of water.
  • In hot water, add powdered jaggery and strain the impurities.
  • Add two tsp of ghee, and roast mustard seeds and green chili; let it crackle.
  • Add the dry neem flowers and saute in a low flame for a minute till it turns brown.
  • Add tamarind juice/extract and let it boil briefly until the raw smell goes off.
  • Now add the jaggery syrup and let it boil for 3 minutes.
  • Finally, add rice flour paste and cook till the pachadi thickens.

Neem flower chutney

It’s one of the immunity-boosting recipes, and you can mix this with hot rice and ghee or enjoy it as accompanied with idly or dosas. To prepare this,


  • Dried neem flowers: 1/2 cup
  • Red chilies: 8-10
  • Coconut scrap: 4 Tsp
  • Black gram [ urad dal ]- 1Tsp
  • Jaggery- 1 Tsp
  • Ghee- 1 Tsp
  • Tamarind- a lemon size
  • Asafoetida- 1/4 Tsp


  • Soak tamarind in a bowl with lukewarm water.
  • Roast red chilly, urad dal, and asafoetida, and keep it aside.
  • Roast the dried neem flowers in ghee till they turn crispy.
  • Saute until it gives out a pleasant aroma.
  • Now add all the ingredients along with roasted ones in your mixie jar.
  • Grind into a smooth paste. Adjust salt.
  • Now enjoy this healthy and tasty side dish with Pongal, white rice, or curd rice.


Neem should be taken with caution if a person suffers from fatigue, debility because it may increase the Vata dosha. It is strictly to be avoided during pregnancy periods and not good for the heart.

It is a strong bitter herb so if consumed over the limit then you may need to face critical situations.

It may be used for longer periods in low doses. It’s good to consult an Ayurvedic Practitioner before taking any herbs in therapeutic doses.

Modern Research on Neem

Well, I hope that we’ve all known about the uses, side effects, and other medicinal properties of neem in this article.

Researchers have found that all parts of the Neem tree produce countless benefits especially the leaves. The dried neem leaf extracts which are derived from neem leaf, oil, and paste can be used for promoting healthy skin.

Neem leaf extracts play a key role in calming the nervous system. It works well for boosting the immune system, controlling blood sugar, promoting a healthy digestive system, and what not? As a whole Neem is god’s gift for all of us! I hope that I’m not wrong.

Frequently Asked Question

Does Neem Help in Fighting Cancer?

Actually, Neem is a god’s gift for all living organisms there are lots of medicinal uses behind this tree. One of the most incredible use is it can kill even the cancerous cells.

If you’re not aware of such situations in the body then it may gather in one place and begin to hit off.

But don’t worry guys because we have a superpower ‘Neem’ by consuming it every day you can definitely overcome any serious diseases.

It keeps the number of cancerous cells in the body within a certain limit so that they will not group and work against your system.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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