Incredible Health Benefits of Kuppaimeni (Indian Nettle / Khokali)

Recently updated on April 7th, 2023 at 05:34 pm

Kuppaimeni is scientifically known as Acalypha Paniculata. It is a popular herb used in the Siddha and Ayurveda medicines. The native of this herb is a tropical region, and now it is widely grown in India and other Asian countries.

In India, this herb is grown in the garden, waste areas, and roadsides also. The other names of this herb are Three-seeded Mercury, Indian Copper Leaf, and Indian Nettle. This herb has numerous health benefits and used as indian nettle tea & Indian nettle leaf powder by people.

The shoot of this plant and the leaves of this herb are used in cooking. In India, there are some dishes prepared by using this kuppaimeni, such as poriyal, dosa, rasam, soup, etc. The leaves of this herb are highly used to treat the respiratory problem. In the traditional Tamil Siddha, this herb is believed to rejuvenate the body. Nowadays people consume it in latte form know as Indian nettle latte mix.

Let us find out more about Indian nettle leaf below.

Kuppaimeni Plant Description

Chemical Components of Kuppaimeni

There are some bioactive components present in kuppaimeni, which is responsible for medicinal uses, such as Phytol, 9-Tricosene, Dihydroactinidiolide, MOME inositol, Docosanol, Loliolide, 1-Triacontanol, 1-Eicosanal, Tricosane, Octocosanal, etc. 

The kuppaimeni has a high amount of catechols, alkaloids, phenolic components, flavonoids, saponins, and steroids. 

Apart from these components, loliolide and phytol dihydroactinidiolide are also found in large amounts in kuppaimeni.

Table of Contents

Common Names of Kuppaimeni

Botanical Name: Acalypha indica
English Name: Indian Acalypha, Indian Copperleaf, Indian Mercury, Three-seeded Mercury, Indian Nettle, Indian Nettle
Tamil Name: குப்பைமேனி / Kuppaimeni
Malayalam Name: കുപ്പി, കുപ്പമേനി, കുപ്പിഖോഖലി / Kuppi, Kuppameni, Kuppikhokhali
Telugu Name: మురుకొండ / మూర్కొనద / కుప్పి చెట్టు / Murkonda/Moorkonda/kuppi Chettu
Kannada Name: Kuppigida
Hindi Name: खोकला / खोकली / Khokali/ Khokali/ Khokli/ Khokla
Bengali Name: Muktajhuri
Gujarati Name: Dadano
Marathi Name: Khajoti

Kuppaimeni Plant Description

Kuppaimeni Plant Description

Kuppaimeni is an annual herb that grows up to 3 ft in height. It can be easily distinguished by the cup-shaped involucre of this plant. The small flowers in the catkin are covered by the cat-shaped involucre. The kuppaimeni leaves are broad ovate, and their length is 1.2-6.5 cm.

The flower spikes of the kuppaimeni are axillary; its length is 2.5-6 cm. The tiny white-green flowers are placed in the upper part of the flower spikes and are defined as male flowers. The pollen of the male flowers are roughly round and 10-12 microns in diameter.

The green flowers located in the lower part of the flower spikes are defined as female flowers. These female flowers are subtended by 3-7 mm suborbicular-cuneiform. The fruits are tubercular in shape, its size is 1.2-2 mm, and it is covered with pubescent. The kuppaimeni stems are also covered with pubescent.

Kuppaimeni prefers shades and moist places to grow. It is commonly seen in roadsides, wastelands, and crevices walls. It is also grown in forest edges, rocky hillsides, and river banks.

Medicinal Properties of Kuppaimeni

Kuppaimeni Podi


i] Analgesic Property

The kuppaimeni has a high level of the analgesic property that reduces pain. In villages, the paste of the kuppaimeni illai is applied as a poultice on the wounds, that helps to reduce both pain and inflammation. The methanol extract of this herb has an excellent analgesic property.

ii] Anti-inflammatory Property

The kuppaimeni is one of the herbs that have an amazing anti-inflammatory property. Applying the paste of the kuppaimeni leaves externally will effectively reduce inflammation. Usually, applying the kuppaimeni poultice on the wounds helps to heal the wound quickly, and also it reduces the wound inflammation.

iii] Antibacterial Property

The kuppaimeni has an excellent anti-fungal and antibacterial property. It is one of the best herbs to use for skincare. Kuppaimeni oil can be easily prepared at home to treat a lot of skin problems, such as eczema, acne, etc. The kuppaimeni powder can also be used as a face pack to treat skin problems. In villages, the fresh kuppaimeni leaves are grind with the rice water and apply as a face pack to treat skin problems.

iv] Anthelmintic Property

Due to the anthelmintic property of this herb, the decoction and juice of the kuppaimeni leaves effectively get rid of intestinal worms. This is also proved in some modern research.

v] Anti Ulcer Property

The extract of the kuppaimeni has excellent anti-ulcer properties. Consuming the kuppaimeni extract will help to reduce gastric secretion, ulceration, and acidity.

vi] Anti Venom Property

The anti-venom property is another amazing property of this kuppaimeni. The kuppaimeni leaf extract effectively resists the Rusell viper’s venom. Usually, the extract is prepared by boiling the leaves in water and is given to the people bitten by the Rusell Viper Snakes.

vii] Antioxidant Property

The kuppaimeni has excellent antioxidant properties. The free radicals are the main reason for premature aging. Consuming the kuppaimeni leaves extract will help to reduce the free radical so that your skin will be young for long years.

viii] Anti Diabetic Property

The anti-diabetic property of this herb will help to lower the blood sugar level. It also prevents sugar spikes. This kuppaimeni is good for diabetic patients.

Benefits of Kuppaimeni


Treats Scabies

The scabies is one of the dangerous skin infections. It will spread from head to neck for the babies. If you are not taking any treatment for this problem, it may cause itches in the unaffected area, and also it causes chronic secondary infection. 

Due to this bacterial infection, it leads to a loose appearance. The kuppaimeni has the phytochemical component that is used to treat this infection. The phytochemical components of this herb are tannins, alkaloids, steroids, saponins, and protein. 

These components help in preventing the action of the harmful bacterias. Mix the kuppaimeni leaf extract with the common salt, lime juice, or quicklime and apply this mixture on the skin rash.

Good for Headache

Nowadays, headache is the most annoying problem among youngsters. The headache is caused because of various issues, such as hormonal changes, stress, respiratory infections, lack of sleep, or strong odors. Massaging with the kuppaimeni juice on the spot will cure headaches. The bandage made with the kuppaimeni plant is also used to treat headaches.

Treats Ringworm

The polluted environment is an important reason for the fungal infection. Our body skin acts as the host, and it leads the ringworm to spread all over the body, and also it spreads person to person. The antimicrobial property of the kuppaimeni leaves helps to cure fungal infection. Apply the kuppaimeni paste with the common salt on the affected area that will cure itches.

Treats Arthritis

Arthritis or joint pain is a common problem in aging. It is also caused during the perimenopause stage for women, which screws them. Moreover, it leads to negative thoughts by increasing the C-reactive protein; it is the main reason for the inflammation in the joint. 

The kuppaimeni is used as an alternative option for the painkiller. Mix the fresh juice of the kuppaimeni leaves with the oil and common salt and apply it on the affected area that will effectively treat arthritis. The anti-inflammatory property of the kuppaimeni leaves will cure rheumatoid arthritis pain.

Used to Remove Facial Hair

The unwanted hair such as facial hair and upper lip hair is the most depressing problem for women. Most of the women lose their charm and get worried because of unwanted facial hair. Most people are afraid of using artificial products because some of the products are painful, and some others may trigger skin problems. The kuppaimeni is the natural remedy for this problem. 

The property of this herb helps the hair fall by infiltrating in the skin and preventing hair growth. The mixture of kuppaimeni with the turmeric powder and korai kizhangu powder is an amazing remedy for facial hair. Apply this paste on the face and wait for almost dry, then start rubbing your face in a circular motion. 

Doing this process regularly will help to fall down the facial hair. The time taken for the result varies from person to person as it depends on how coarse the facial hair is.

Good for Heat Boils

The heat boils mostly occur in the neck, face, underarms, buttocks, form pus as it swells. The heat boils may cause more pain than the swelling, and sometimes it becomes fiery red that causes fever. The heat boils make people more sensitive both physically and mentally. 

Applying the kuppaimeni juice with the lime juice on the affected area helps to remove heat boils and acne scars from the skin. The acetone extract of the kuppaimeni is effectively fighting against the staphylococcus; it is the main cause of heat boils. Moreover, the steroids of this herb help to reduce swelling.

Beneficial for Muscular Pain

The temporary muscular pain is caused because of sprain or exercise, and the staphylococcus infection causes serious pain; it leads to arthritis, fever, etc. It also leads to ringworm diseases. Due to the anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties of this herb, it fights against the muscular pain. 

Prepare the oil by using the kuppaimeni leaves and apply the oil on all parts of the muscular pain. For preparing the kuppaimeni oil, make the kuppaimeni leaves juice and add turmeric powder and sesame oil to it. Heat the mixture until the moisture of the mix dries away.

Treats Cold & Cough

The common cold makes the children dejected; it may be caused due to the contamination or viral infection. The histamine production in the body leads to allergies in the body. The alkaloids of the kuppaimeni helps to cure colds. Consuming the kuppaimeni decoction will help to treat cold and cough. The kuppaimeni juice with turmeric and cumin seeds is an excellent medicine for colds, and is also used to get rid of the intestinal worms.

Good For Asthma

Usually, asthma is caused because of the environment, genetic factors, or smoking. It forms the mucus in the airway and blocks the airway and also tightens the muscles that leads to the shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing. It is one of the serious problems for kids; it will make them weak and tired. 

The kuppaimeni extract will help to treat asthma because it acts as the expectorant and removes the mucus from the airway. The quantity of the extract depends on the extent of the disease. But consuming the excess amount of the extract leads to vomiting.

Treats Dandruff

The dead skin cells of the body will shed the hair. It leads to dry skin, and it causes redness, itching. Sometimes, moist dandruff may lead to an unpleasant smell. The kuppaimeni helps to treat dandruff. Applying the mixture of the neem powder and kuppaimeni leaf powder helps to get rid of dandruff.

Treats Bedsores

The bedsores are caused because of the pressure concentrated on a particular part of the body for a long time, which leads to the lack of blood flow in that part. This may cause some serious skin infections. If it will extend for an extended period; then, it leads to the accumulation of metabolic waste in that particular area. It causes aging. 

The kuppaimeni helps to treat bedsores because of the presence of steroidal enzymes of this herb. It will help to fight against skin infections effectively. The oil prepared by using the kuppaimeni helps to treat skin infection. To make the oil, take the fresh kuppaimeni leaves and grind it to a smooth paste. 

Then take an equal amount of coconut oil and a small amount of turmeric powder in the pan. Heat the pan; it will immediately start sizzling. Once the sound is stopped and the pleasant aroma comes, cool it, then strain the liquid. Keep this oil in the glass bottle and use it regularly. 

This oil is also used to treat all kinds of minor skin infections, eczema, wounds, psoriasis, cuts, and scrapes.

Good for Pneumonia & Bronchitis

When the bronchi are inactivated by the mucous leads to chronic or acute bronchitis. Usually, it creates mucus to avoid worms and dust particles. If more mucus occurs, then it can be an infection like wheezing, cough, etc.,which is defined as acute bronchitis. 

Chronic bronchitis is caused by pneumonia. Due to the presence of phytochemicals, the kuppaimeni acts as the antimicrobial drug that helps to release the mucus blockage. Moreover, this kuppaimeni effectively fights against the staphylococcus species. The decoction prepared using the kuppaimeni is used to get rid of these diseases.

Treat Constipation

An improper bowel movement causes constipation, and it may lead to some severe health problems. The abnormal bowel movement may be caused by pregnancy, aging, food habits, dehydration. The Kuppaimeni has an excellent amount of laxative, which helps the proper bowel movement. Consuming the kuppaimeni juice with the common salt will help to treat constipation.

Used for Intestinal Worms

The stomach worm is the main reason for most of the health problems for kids, which is caused because of the unhygienic particles. This will lead to stomach pain, weight loss. The ascariasis is the most common worm, which is scary during cough and bowel movements. 

This worm will stay for at least two months, and causes dehydration. The kuppaimeni has a good amount of anthelmintic property, which removes worms and releases in the bowel movements. Consuming the kuppaimeni extract with the garlic paste will remove the worms. The dry kuppaimeni leaf powder is also used to remove the intestinal worm.

Good for Centipede Bite

The antifungal property of this herb helps to treat fungal infection. The crushed kuppaimeni leaves will reduce the centipede pain.

Used to Treat Acne

The antibacterial property of the kuppaimeni is one of the best herbal medicines for skincare. It is a great wonder for the skin; the fresh leaf paste or kuppaimeni powder is commonly available in the shop. To prepare the face pack, mix 1 tsp of kuppaimeni powder with 1/4 tsp of Kasturi turmeric powder. Add sufficient rice water to make a paste and apply it as a face pack. 

The kuppaimeni and Kasturi turmeric is effectively fighting against acne, and the rice water is soothing the skin to use on the inflames, acne-prone skin. The person who is suffering from acne, this paste is highly recommended for them.

Heal Wounds

The anti-bacterial property of this herb helps to heal the wound quickly. This kuppaimeni is commonly grown all over the place. The paste prepared by using the kuppaimeni leaves helps to treat injuries. Apply the paste as the poultice on the affected area and tie the wound using the thin cloth to secure it. Allow it for a few hours for an excellent result.

Treat Nervous Disorders

The kuppaimeni has a lot of medicinal properties, which helps to cure some nerve problems also. The kuppaimeni is used to treat neuralgia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, sciatica, and multiple sclerosis.

Traditional Uses of Kuppaimeni


  • In German, these kuppaimeni leaves are traditionally used as an adjuvant remedy to treat arthritis.
  • This herb is used to treat arthritis and gout.
  • In folk medicine, this kuppaimeni is used to control dandruff, and it will make your hair glossier.
  • In traditional Austrian medicine, this herb is used internally to treat urinary tract, kidney problem, locomotor system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, skin, flu, hemorrhage, gout, and rheumatism.
  • The extract of the kuppaimeni leaves helps to control glycemic in type 2 diabetes patients.
  • The whole plant is anti-dandruff, anti-asthmatic, depurative, astringent, galactagogue, diuretic, hypoglycaemic, hemostatic, and stimulation tonic.
  • The tea prepared by using the kuppaimeni is used as the blood purifier so that traditionally, this herb is used to treat arthritis, fever, anemia, etc.
  • It is also used to treat excess menstruation, arthritis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, and eczema.
  • The infusion of this herb efficiently treats stemming from internal bleeding.
  • Rubbing the fresh kuppaimeni leaves on the skin effectively treats rheumatism.
  • The infusion of the fresh leaves quickly heals the burns, and soothes your pain.
  • The extract of the kuppaimeni leaves is used as the antidote for stings.
  • The leaves are used to prepare homeopathic remedies.
  • It helps to dissolve the kidney stones.
  • It used to relieve lung congestion.
  • It is useful to treat osteoarthritis.
  • Traditionally, this herb is effectively used to treat cancer also.
  • The kuppaimeni helps to relieve allergic symptoms, such as hives, hay fever, etc.
  • It also reduces respiratory ailments, such as bronchitis, cough, asthma, chest congestion, TB.
  • The tea prepared by using kuppaimeni is beneficial for countering diarrhea. It also treats dysentery. It is also a good remedy for women to ease labor pains.

Side Effects of Kuppaimeni

Kuppaimeni Side Effects


The Kuppaimeni plant has very low toxicity. One research conducted with rats proves that there is a minimal amount of toxicity in kuppaimeni leaf. In that research, they gave the kuppaimeni extract in different dosages from 100 mg to 500 mg to the rats for 30 days. It proves that there is no toxin observed from that kuppaimeni extract. 

People who have glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase problems should avoid the consumption of kuppaimeni because it may lead to hemolysis. Kuppaimeni also has anti-fertility properties, so people who are planning for pregnancy should avoid the consumption of kuppaimeni. 

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