Unknown Facts & Benefits of Quercus Infectoria

Quercus Infectoria is commonly known as Manjakani. For centuries, it is traditionally used as a medicine in Asia. The native of this plant is Southern Europe and The Middle East. You can also find this Manjakani in South and Southwestern Asia.

The botanical name of the Majuphal is Quercus Infectoria that comes under the genus Quercus and Fagaceae family. It plays an essential role in Ayurvedic medicine. It is also used for therapeutic uses. As it comes with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can heal your wounds.

Other Language Names of  Masikai 

English name : Asian holly oak, Gall oak, Dyers’ Gall Magic Nut, bluejack oak

Bengali name: Majuphal, Majoophal

Gujarati name: Majuphal, Muajoophal, Mayfal, Maiphal

Hindi name: Majuphal (माजूफल), Majuphul, Mazu, Muphal, majoofal

Kannada name: Machikai, Macike, Machi Kaayi, Mapalakam

Malayalam name: Masikka, Mayakku , majkani, Majakaanee, Mashikkay

Marathi name: Majuphala, Maayaphal

Punjabi name: Maju

Tamil name: Masikkai, Cakkirakacikakkay

Telegu name: Mashi Kaaya, Mashikaya, Masikaya

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Plant Description

According to Ayurveda, gargling by using the manjakani decoction can decrease the throat inflammation. Manjakani is an autumn, semi-evergreen, shrub, which can grow up to 6 feet height. It can grow in a wide variety of soil types. 

Its roots are cylindrical in shape, branched, and show fibrous fractures, and it’s up to 10 cm long as well as 8 mm thick. Shoots come with a juvenile, reddish or yellowish-brown color. Buds are reddish-brown and are about 3 mm in length.


Leaves vary in size and color, and grow about 70 mm long and 45 mm wide. It is leathery, hairy, ovate, narrowly elliptic, rounded or wedge-shaped. Margins are often 4-8 granite with first saw-tooth lobed or entirely wavy (at base of branches); Petiole is about 15 mm long. Usually, the upper sides of the leaves are glossy.


The flowers are unisexual. Its male flowers are 6-8 tepals perigone and hanging with 6-10 pollen, complicated as mold catkins. Female sessile flowers are drooping on axils of leaves in single or small clusters. Perigone 6 is surrounded by an inferior 3-chambered uterus, initially obscure and later surrounded by a cup-shaped cupula.


Inflorescence axillary racemes are ovoid elliptic, about 2–3.5 cm long, 1.8 cm diameter; Hairless, cylindrical, glossy brown, more or less attached to scales called cup or cupule.

Table of Contents

Therapeutic Implications

Quercus Infectoria (Manjakani) is very beneficial for following health conditions.

Digestive Health-Related Issues

Chronic Diarrhea with Mucus :-

  • Severe Dysentery
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Bleeding heaps
  • Rectal prolapse

Kidneys & Bladder & Urinary Tract Issues :-

  • Repeated urination
  • Urinary debauchery
  • Urinary tract infections

Dental Problems :-

  • Cavity
  • Gingivitis
  • Pyorrhea

Women Health :-

  • Uterine prolapse
  • Leucorrhoea
  • Extreme uterine bleeding

Ayurvedic Properties of Quercus infectoria

  1. Rasa (Taste) : KASAYA (Astringent)
  2. Guna (Main Quality) : Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
  3. Virya (Potency) : Sheeta (Cold)
  4. Vipaka (Resultant ) : Katu (Pungent)
  5. Prabhava (Therapeutic Effect ) : Astringent
  6. Dosha Karma (Effect on Humors) : Pacifies KAPHA & PITTA

Effects on Organs : Intestines, Colon, Female reproductive organs

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Health Benefits of Quercus Infectoria (Majuphal)

1] Controls the Nosebleeding

Nasal congestion is a common condition that can be easily controlled. There are two types of nasal bundles, namely anterior and posterior. You can control the front nosebleed by using your home remedies. You should consult your healthcare provider if you have a posterior nostril, as this is not a common condition. Manjakani is high in blood clotting agents, so it can be used to stop rhinitis.

2] Benefits of Skincare

Manjakani is one of the best natural remedies for a variety of skin issues such as skin infection, cuts, wounds, acne, large pores, excessive bleeding, eczema, impetigo, ringworm, saggy skin and so forth. As it has astringent properties, it is very effective in working with open pores and loose skin. If you want to decrease the pores’ size, use the majuphal decoction directly on your skin. This solution will help you to get firmer and smoother skin. Moreover, it inhibits acne and infections. To get clear and radiant skin, wash your face with this water every day.

Due to its antioxidant properties, it can deal with premature aging. Its decoction prevents greasy and dry skin. Take the majuphal powder, add it into the water. Wash your wounds and cuts, with this antifungal and antiseptic solution. This solution will speed up the wound healing process and also stop more infection.

Manjakani can be effective in reducing the symptoms of hyperglycemia. Hyperpigmentation is caused when the skin is shown to heat or sun, worsening the pitta dosha in the body. Since it has healing properties and coolness, it can decrease tanning and pigmentation on your skin.

3] Leucorrhea

Intaking the Manjakani, can control the Leucorrhea. Leucorrhea is a thick and white discharge that comes from the women’s genitals. As per the Ayurveda, it may be caused by the imbalance of Kapha dosha. One study found that manjakani can give a better result for Leucorrhea by its Kashaya (astringent) property. Moreover, it can help to control bad cough and reduce the symptoms of Leucorrhea.

4] Teeth, Gums, & Oral problems

Many oral or dental problems can be easily prevented and treated by the Manjakani. That’s why it is one of the main ingredients in most famous dental care companies’ products, like tooth powder, herbal toothpaste, mouthwash, and gargling solution. Moreover, it is very beneficial for strengthening teeth, eliminating gum problems, and treating oral infections. It is also good for odors, cavities, and bleeding gums.

Take oak gall powder, add some water into it. Boil them for up to a few minutes. Filter it and use this water as a mouthwash. Keep the remaining solution in your refrigerator for two or three days. If you have a sore throat, throat infection, loose gums, tonsillitis, and many other oral problems, you can gargle the Majuphal decoction twice a day.

To treat mouth ulcers, use the oak gall paste, which is made by rubbing on the stone. Applying this paste directly on the affected area every day, can give the best result. As it is very safe, you can use it even for your small children.

5] Urinary tract infections

Oak gall helps eliminate urinary tract infections. Its astringent property can cure tissue damage, rejuvenate skin and tissue health in the vagina, and overcome urinary tract infections. It is suggested to consume internally along with other herbs.

6] Piles

Due to the unhealthy food and a sedentary lifestyle, piles can be caused. It may lead to constipation also. It creates veins inflammation that leads to mass piles. As this Manjakani has astringent properties, it provides relief to the inflammation of the mass pile and also controls bleeding.

Generally, Majuphal has cooling properties, so that it helps to decrease the burning sensation as well as discomfort in piles. Moreover, it produces cooling effects on the burning area in the anus.

7] Treatment of the Uterus & Vagina

Women widely use Manjakani after baby birth as a drink and in many vaginal tightening products to replace the uterine wall elasticity.

Manjakani juice is beneficial for postpartum women. There is no report about Manjakani extract that creates any adverse effects. In addition, it is traditionally used by Arabs, Persians, Indians, Malays, and Chinese to treat postpartum vaginal discharge and postpartum infections.

Take one liter of water and boil it. Add 2 Manjakani into the boiling water. Boil them until the color changes. Remove it from the stove, ideal it for cool, and wash it hard. Start using it after pregnancy. If you want to get better results, you can do exercise along with it. In Malaysia, manjakani gel is very popular for vaginal tightening. This home wash works very effectively.

8] Sagging Breasts

Most women’s common problem is sagging or loose breasts. Oak gall comes with tightening properties. Make a mixture of this herb and consume it two times a day. This solution will give a better result. Without the help of any expensive creams and other medical treatments, you can cure this issue by using this majuphal.

9] Chronic Diarrhea with Mucus Discharge

Manjakani is the best herbal remedy to treat Diarrhea. Take an equal amount of both manjakani powder and cinnamon powder. Add one tsp of honey into it. Consume it two times a day for up to two weeks. You will get a better result.

Culinary Uses of Majuphal

  • The seeds can be washed well in running water to remove the bitter tannins.
  • Take the dried seed and grind it. Use it as a thicker in shells. You can also mix it with grains to prepare bread.
  • The seeds can be used as a coffee substitute when roasted.
  • You can use its powder to make herbal tea. It is very healthy to your body.

Utilization of Quercus Infectoria

Majuphal Powder

  • Take 1.5 grams of majuphal powder.

  • Add milk or honey, make it like a paste.

  • Apply this paste directly on the affected area one time per week.

  • You can get relief from hyperpigmentation

Oak Gall Powder

  • Take 1.5 grams of Manjakani powder, or you can also take it as per your wish.
  • Mix it with the lukewarm water.
  • Consuming it two times a day can give relief from the leucorrhea.

Majuphal Kada (Decoction)

  • Take 3 grams of Majuphal powder
  • Add 2 cups of water into it
  • Boil them for up to 15 minutes or until it reduces 1/4 amount of the water.
  • Filter and gargle this water two times per day
  • You can get rid of inflamed gums.

Manjakani Kada (Decoction)

  • Take Majuphal powder of 3 grams
  • Add it into the 2 cups of water
  • Boil them for up to 15 minutes or until it reduces into 1/4 cup of water.
  • Filter and consume 10 ml of this decoction two times a day.

Scientific Information About Quercus Infectoria (Majuphal)

Kingdom           : Plantae (Plants)

Subkingdom    : Tracheobionta (Vascular plants)

Infrakingdom   : Streptophyta  (land plants)

Super Division : Spermatophyta (Seed plants)

Division           : Magnoliophyta (Flowering plants)

Sub Division   : Spermatophytina  ( (spermatophytes,  seed plants, phanérogames)

Class                : Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledons)

Sub Class        : Hamamelididae

Super Order    : Rosanae

Order                : Fagales

Family Fagaceae (Beech family)

Genus Quercus L. (oak)

Species Quercus infectoria Olivier (Aleppo oak)

Traditional Uses of Majuphal

  • The combination of 1g of majuphal powder and 500 mg of godanti bhasma, can give you the best result for leucorrhea. 
  • If you want to treat irritable bowel syndrome, manjakani is the apt one for you. Take majuphal powder 1 gram, add 500 grams of both dried ginger powder, and mustak into them. Consume this two times a day with lukewarm water. It gives relief from that syndrome. 
  • Moreover, it tightens the Breast’s muscle and is the best for those who have saggy breasts.
  • Take an equal amount of Mesua ferrea and dried ginger powder, 1 gram of manjakani powder. Add 4 ml of ghee into them. Consuming this mixture two times a day can prevent rectal bleeding. 
  • Also, Manjakani is suggested for throat infections such as tonsillitis and stomatitis.
  • It acts as an antidote for various plant poisons due to alkaloids.
  • To heal the cut, use this Manjakani extract.
  • Due to its antifungal property, it can be used for candida infection in some vaginal problems.
  • To decrease inflammation of the throat and manage tonsillitis, gargle by using Oak galls decoction. 
  • Oak galls help to inhibit uterine prolapse.
  • Majuphal has an excellent clinical value and is pharmacologically proven that it acts as antipyretic, anti-diabetic, tremor, local anesthetic, and Parkinson’s antidepressant, impetigo and eczema bleeding, chronic diarrhea, diarrhea, etc.
  •  It also inhibits gum bleeding.
  • Unani doctors treated ringworm and alopecia using oak gall soaked in vinegar.
  • Ointments made with oak gall powders are also used topically for anal diseases.
  • Its astringent properties play an essential role in restoring health, causing tone and increasing vigor.
  • It can also cure leukorrhea, atonic menorrhagia, and uterine prolongation.
  • It improves hormone estrogen production. 
  • If the rectal collapses in your children after severe diarrhea, use this manjakani. Take the cotton cloth and dip it into the manjakani decoction. Apply it directly on the affected area. You can also use majuphal powder paste.
  • It alters the walls of the vagina.
  • It will alleviate the symptoms of Leucorrhea.
  • If you want to treat vaginal suppositories, apply the majakani paste in the vaginal canal.
  • For centuries, Oak Gall has been used to cure inflammatory bowel disease in Asian countries. 
  • Take the majuphal powder with alum then ties in a muslin gauze. Inserting it into the vagina can help regression of prolapsed uterus.
  • It cleanses the female genitals and protects the vagina from bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Most people are using its decoction to cure oral dysentery and diarrhea.
  • To cure gum inflammation, pyorrhea, and gingivitis,  use the Manjakani tooth powder. Take the required amount of black salt, babul bark powder, neem powder, and manjakani powder. Mix them well and use it as a tooth powder to prevent gum related problems, gum bleeding, etc.
  • Manjakani improves sensitivity as well as sexual pleasure.
  • In Indian traditional medicine, majuphal is widely used as a  tooth powder. 
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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Nutritional Contents of the Manjakani Fruit

Manjakani or masikai contains the following:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Tannin 
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C
  • Fiber
  • Tannic acid
  • Carbohydrates

Safety Concern about Quercus Infectoria

Manjakani is safe and gentle on most people until consumed with low dosage levels. Don’t consume it above 6 grams per day. The high dosage of the Manjakani may lead to the following issues.

1 Constipation (common)

2 Malnutrition (when used in high doses for a long time): When you are intaking in high doses, its high tannin content can cause slow absorption of nutrients from foods, which may cause a deficiency of many nutrients.

3 Anemia (when used in high doses for a long time)
Side effects of Manjakani are rare. Constipation is the most common adverse effect when used alone. So you should be used in conjunction with other medicines.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

If you are a pregnant woman, then you should avoid using manjakani, because it may cause congenital birth defects. It is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers. There is no reliable information about whether the manjakani is safe or not during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


It is advisable to avoid Manjakani for the following health concerns:

  • Dry skin
  • Skin irritation
  • Cuts and Rashes
  • Excess vaginal dryness

Betel leaf is another medicinal herb that has the same nutritional value as Majakani. You can use both the herbs separately or combined together to enjoy its medicinal value.


All the parts of this majuphal plant such as fruit, seed, bark and leaf are used widely for its unique medications.
Man’s creation has gone forward in using this herbal product. Recently, it has been known that condoms are also sprayed with this manjakani with no side effects.

However science and technology has been developed in more advance, Ayurveda is the one that will never change and will not cause any adverse effects. It improves your health and extends your lifespan.

Over dosage of anything spoils your health. So take in the right quantity of medicinal herbs and live a healthy life.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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