Best Herbs to Boost Ovulation

Ovulation is a normal process that happens monthly once in women. During ovulation, hormonal changes occur in women which triggers the release of an ovum (egg) from the ovaries to promote pregnancy or fertility. Ovulation is one of the main processes involved in the creation of life. Ovulation normally happens 12 to 14 days before your period begins.

During the beginning process of ovulation, the pituitary gland produces large amounts of an estrogen hormone. This makes the lining of the uterus to thicken and create a sperm supporting environment. An increase in estrogen hormone increases the secretion of another hormone called luteinizing hormone which releases the mature egg from the ovary.

Ovulation occurs 1 to 1.5 days after the sudden rise of luteinizing hormone which is the peak time of fertility. The ovum can only get fertilized up to 24 hours after ovulation. If fertilization does not happen, then the lining of the uterus with the egg gets shed and the bleeding phase of your menstrual cycle begins. This is the starting day of the next menstrual cycle.

Irregular Ovulation in Women

Anovulation is a menstrual disorder that is due to the absence of ovulation, it is the main reason for infertility. Anovulation happens due to interruption in hormonal communication or hormonal imbalance which aids in the release of a mature egg. When the ovulation process does not occur, there is no developed egg released from ovaries for the pregnancy process. It blocks the chance of getting pregnant.

Ayurvedic Explanation

Ayurveda is one of the best ancient medicinal sciences which has a detailed explanation about all parts of the body, diseases, and relevant medicines. The tissues present in the reproductive system of the women experience major changes due to puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Ayurveda indicates that by tuning with the menstrual cycle, you can easily understand which dosha imbalances you are facing.

The blood flow during menstruation is a byproduct of the basic tissues of the body. Normally when we eat food, it will get transformed through the seven tissue layers of the body. The seven layers of the human body are

Plasma – Rasa dhatu
Blood – Rakta dhatu
Muscle – Mamsa dhatu
Fat tissues – Meda dhatu
Tissue – Asthi dhatu
Nervous system –  Majja dhatu
Reproductive tissues – Sukhra dhatu

Here, the menstrual flow is a byproduct of the plasma and blood. Plasma (the liquid part of the blood) has various hormones, vitamins, minerals, and water. When the plasma is healthy, it will store needed nutrients and remove toxic wastes from the body. The blood layer releases excess pitta.

The plasma and blood are the two layers of the human body that are getting spoiled by excess Vata, Pitta, or Kapha in the gastrointestinal tract (GI Tract). That change in quality and consistency of blood and plasma. This is how the dosha gets dominant in blood and plasma before entering into other layers of the body.

Menstrual Cycle

Usually, most people will compare the menstrual cycle with the ebbs and waves of the lunar cycle. The duration of the lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days which is equal to the average duration of the menstrual cycle of ovulating women. 

The healthy one is that when the flow gets tuned with the lunar phases; the menstruation starts at the beginning of the new moon; ovulation occurs at the time of the full moon i.e., the full moon has a peak energy level in which the ovum gets released from the ovary.


In women, the dosha gets dominant at the age at which they experience the first period. Normally, puberty occurs at the average age of thirteen to fifteen; but girls with strong pitta dosha face their first menstruation at the age of nine. Thus it is easy to find women with a high level of pitta. 

Girls in urban areas get their first period earlier than girls in rural areas because of their different lifestyle and food which increases pitta. Pitta inhibits the release of the ovum. Kapha slows down the menarche and it could occur at the age of sixteen years. Kapha is responsible for enough quantities of tissues for menstruation, and Pitta is responsible for plasma, blood which maintains the correct flow of blood.

Vata helps blood vessels in the reproductive system to menstrual flow go down and out. Without a Vata balance, the downward flow may be balanced with upward functions in the body. Outward moving force (Apana Vayu) which is responsible for downward flow in the pelvis, easily excrete wastes such as motion, urine, and blood during menstruation. The upward flow of energy which works against Apana Vayu is caused by speaking, thinking, laughing, and running.

Vata also depletes reproductional tissues which leads to functional defects in the ovum and causes difficulties with implantation which is a reason for ovulation disorder that causes infertility problems. Vata imbalance occurs because of exercise, fear, anxiety, and food.

Factors Affecting Ovulation

Ovulation is the main process which happens in the female reproductive system and it can be affected by

  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Infections
  • Diet
  • Exercise Routines
  • Breastfeeding
  • Fertility Issues
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Pituitary Problems
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Overtravel

12 Best Herbs to Boost Ovulation


Flaxseed is obtained from the plant Linum Usitatissimum. Flax seeds are a rich source of vitamins B, magnesium, and manganese. The polyunsaturated fatty acids present in flax seeds aids in maintaining the overall health of women.

Flaxseeds contain phytoestrogens compounds called lignans which prevent harmful xenoestrogens – artificial estrogenic chemicals, balance the hormone levels, regulate the menstrual cycle, enhance ovulation, and improve fertility.

Other health benefits of flaxseeds are lowering bad cholesterol levels, increasing good cholesterol, helps in weight loss, improve the digestion process, and promotes skin and hair health. It also helps women with irregular periods, heavy bleeding, headache, anxiety, and mood swings.

Flaxseeds are also enriched with Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids which help your body to maintain hormone level. Flaxseeds are available as whole grain, oil, or capsule.

Dosage: 2 tablespoon
How to Consume: You can sprinkle crushed flaxseed over oatmeal or a salad. and also it can blend with a smoothie and milkshake.


The famous herbal supplements obtained from the dried fruits of agnus castus plant have many health benefits for women. It stimulates the pituitary gland to produce sufficient hormones secretion, treats ovulation irregularities and irregular periods.

Chaste Berry balances the hormone level in the blood and provides a better hormonal feedback loop that maintains the menstrual cycle. It plays a major role in the production of luteinizing hormone which causes the ovulation process.

It is used to cure premenstrual syndrome, menstrual disorders, infertility, menopause, and breastfeeding issues. It may sometimes cause side effects like diarrhea, acne, stomach cramps, and headache. Consult your doctor before taking Vitex.


Garlic is the flavoring medicinal herb or vegetable which is used by various cultures of people for thousands of years. It gives a distinct flavor to the food items. Adding Garlic to your daily food items plays an important role in enhancing the ovulation process.

The diallyl disulfide (a volatile sulfur compound) present in garlic initiates the secretion of luteinizing hormone in the pituitary gland, which is the main reason for ovulation to occur.

Garlic relaxes blood vessels which enhances blood circulation which makes your ovaries and uterus healthy. Garlic is also used as a home remedy in the treatment of hardening arteries in the heart, preventing cancer, reducing blood pressure level, and improves immune power. Garlic can be intaken as fresh, dried, oil, or extract.

Dosage: 2 to 5 cloves.
How to Use: Add chopped garlic cloves to your soups and curry.


Licorice is also known as Athimathuram which has a detoxification capacity to remove waste contents from the blood and repair the liver. It is a source of phytoestrogen, which acts as estrogen by binding with estrogen receptors. N-acetyl cysteine compounds found in Licorice increase glutathione antioxidant in the ovary and enhance fertility. The antioxidant compound coenzyme Q10 treats irregular ovulation.

Other health values of Liquorice include maintaining diabetics, acts as an anti-inflammatory, helps in digestion, and improves cervical mucus secretion.

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The root of Licorice used to cough, and arthritis. The antispasmodic properties of athimathuram relieve menstrual cramps and pain.

Dosage: 1-5 g
How to Consume: Make a tea by boiling 3-5 grams of Athimathuram powder with a cup of water, then filter it and drink it. You can add sugar or honey if needed. Naturally, Athimathuram will give a sweet taste.


Ashwagandha increases the function of the endocrine system which plays a key role in balancing the reproductive hormones by controlling the adrenal and thyroid gland. In females, it regulates the ovulation process and infertility problems. Ashwagandha Powder is loaded with active substances including amino acids, peptides, lipids, and nucleic acids.

The main issues which are the reason for ovulation irregularities and infertility are depression, anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia. The calming properties of Ashwagandha aids in the treatment of these issues by relaxing the nervous system. The iron content in ashwagandha treats anemia by increasing hemoglobin levels. It also reduces blood pressure level, treats ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.

Dosage: 0.3 to 5 g
How to Use: Boil 2 to 5 grams of Ashwagandha powder or crushed Ashwagandha with a cup of water, then filter it and drink it. Add sugar syrup or honey if necessary.


Dried Velvet Bean Seed has a sweet and bitter taste that balances the nervous, reproductive, and digestive systems. This seed extract has antioxidant properties that improves follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone level. These hormones increase the count of oocytes released during ovulation. It also increases sperm count, improves blood circulation in genital part, reduces inflammation, stress, and increases energy level.


Ginger has various medicinal properties and it is used to treat various diseases. Ginger is an aromatic, delicious herb that can be added to your food and drinks. The antioxidants present in ginger will protect your ovaries and ovum from damage and regulate the ovulation process. It also removes toxic substances from the body part by enhancing the circulation of blood flow.

It has powerful antioxidant properties because of the bioactive compound gingerol. Gingerol is the reason for ginger’s unique flavor. It also treats other health issues including weight loss, headache, period cramps, digestive issues, cold, cough, nausea, and throat infection. The pain-relieving capacity of ginger gives relief from swollen joints, joint pain, and chest pain. It also treats PCOS, endometriosis, and morning sickness.

How to Use

Prepare a tasty tea by boiling a few fresh pieces of ginger or dried ginger with a cup of water, add lemon, sugar, or honey as per your choice. Then filter it, and drink it.

Add the ginger paste while preparing curries and other dishes.


Turmeric plays an important role in the detoxification process. Hormones and toxins are found in the plasma layer, thus turmeric removes the toxic substances from the plasma and makes the hormones healthier and it balances female hormones. In Ayurveda, it is used to protect DNA from damage, liver, heal wounds, treat depression, high fever, itching, and reduce cholesterol. It fights against microbes that treat scar, acne and remove facial hair.

Turmeric has the emmenagogue effects that purify and eliminate stagnant blood during menstruation flow. Curcumin is an important chemical substance present in turmeric which regulates the ovulation process. Turmeric helps in releasing ovum from the ovary by stimulating the pituitary gland to secrete a high amount of estrogen and progesterone. It also treats women issues namely endometriosis, menstrual pain, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, absence of periods, and PCOS.

How to Use

Mix turmeric and pepper with roasted or fried vegetables

Add it to the curry, which gives extra flavor and color


Nettles treats many health issues. It has a micronutrient non-heme iron that decreases the chance of ovulatory infertility. Nettle nourish the uterus, prepare them for pregnancy, and sustain the embryo. It also improves the production of milk in nursing mothers.

Other health benefits of Indian nettle are curing brain-related issues, osteoarthritis, treating internal bleeding problems, anemia, and tiredness. It also improves blood circulation throughout the body, prevents heart diseases, and treats skin and hair problems. It is a beneficial kidney tonic.

How to Use

Prepare a tea with fresh, powder, or crushed nettle with water.

Add it to smoothies and soups.


Asparagus racemosus is the best tonic for the female reproductive system which is used for 1000s of years in Ayurveda. Consumption of Shatavari Root Powder maintains estrogen and aids in the secretion of luteinizing hormone in the body which stimulates the ovulation process in the uterus. It maintains the menstrual cycle, healthy cervical mucus production, and infertility problems.

This medicinal herb has galactagogue and adaptogen effects that balance the body and mind. It gives relief from stress and increasing milk secretion(prolactin-trigger lactation). The bitter and sweet tastes of Shatavari herb has cooling properties that reduce anxiety and boosts up immunity power.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

How to Use

Mix Shatavari root powder with warm milk and honey

Add or cook with ghee to get Shatavari infused ghee.


Green tea is a tea prepared from the Camellia sinensis leaves which stimulate SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin), which can lower the estrogen and androgen levels in the body.

Globulins are a protein compound present in the blood which is secreted by the liver. It supports liver function, blood clotting, and fight against infection.SHBG will help in over hormone secretion problems and enhance ovulation. Women intaking green tea regularly will lower the risk of ovarian cancer.

How to Use: Add 1 to 1.5 tablespoon of green tea to the cup of water, boil it for 1-2 minutes, filter it and drink it at a warm temperature.


Puncturevine is a small flowering plant with thorns which are enriched with antioxidants. This antioxidant tonic is an excellent medicine for the entire female reproductive system which regulates ovulation. Puncturevine increased follicle-stimulating hormones and estrogen levels in women that increase the count of maturing follicles which contain ovum(egg) in the ovaries.

The botanical name of Puncturevine is Tribulus Terrestris. This plant also increases testosterone levels in men, bone strength, energy level, treating kidney stones, painful urination, Bright’s disease, and increased urination. Skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, and scabies can also be treated. Puncturevine should be consumed between the meals.

Dosage: Below 1.5 g / day


Fertility is the main process of humans and other mammals. Irregular ovulation will block the release of ovum which may lead to infertility problems. so it is important to regulate the ovulation process. 

Nowadays various modern technology and medicines are invented to treat irregular ovulation. But our ancestors used herbs as natural remedies without any side effects to treat these problems. Consult the medicinal advisor and take the herbal medicine.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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