Tamil Name : ஊமைத்த விதை/ Oomatha Vidhai
English Name : White Thorn Apple
Hindi Name : Dhatura
Sanskrit Name : Kanak, Ummatta, Dhustura
Marati Name : Dhatra
Malayalam Name : Ummam
Telugu Name : Ummettha, Erriummetta
Kannada Name : Umbe
Bengali Name : Dhutura, Dhutra
Assamese : Dhatura
Punjabi : Dhatura
Datura grows up to is 30 to 150 cm. It has erect, forking, and purple stems. The leaves are 7 to 20 cm long. The flowers are one of the unique features of datura. During the evening their leaves are open and close at irregular intervals. The native place of this plant is still ambiguous. It is said that the birds carry their seeds and spread them in their droppings.
Health Benefits
Datura is used for treating Asthma by relieving the spasm of bronchitis. It is also used in the treatment of Parkinsonism and Hemorrhoids. The roasted leaves of this plant are applied to relieve pain and the healing process.
The parts of these plants including leaves, flowering tops, and seeds have many health properties like anodyne, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, hallucinogenic, hypnotic, mydriatic, and narcotic.
Datura is partially used for curing giddiness, dry mouth, hallucinations, and coma.
Mainly it is used as a poultice in treating fistulas, abscesses wounds, and severe neuralgia.
It is used to calm schizoid patients. Because the plant has Traces of scopolamine which is a potent cholinergic-blocking hallucinogen that has the ability to treat schizoid.
Its leaves have hyoscyamine and atropine that can be used as an immensely powerful mind-altering drug.
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