Amazing Health Benefits of Bhringraj

Bhringraj is the most popular herb because of its effective benefits like hair growth and cures  liver diseases. It is an effective remedy for cough, asthma, eye diseases, skin disorders, and other diseases associated with any part of the head. 

It enhances your hair growth and inhibits hair fall and reduces premature hair graying. It enhances the glow and complexion of your skin and inhibits various skin disorders. 

It is effective in treating chronic skin diseases such as chronic wounds, atopic dermatitis, pruritus, skin ulcers, etc. It improves the bile production from the liver, decreases constipation, manages digestion, improves liver functions, and metabolism.

About Bhringraj

Bhringraj is a creeping herb that can grow up to 3 m height. It contains long stalks and white flowers that are alone, winged, and have 6-8 mm of diameter. 

It has sessile and lance-shaped leaves that are arranged in the opposite direction. The root of this plant is a distinct cylindrical shape and grey in color. This herb usually grows in moist areas in India, Nepal, Thailand, China, and Brazil. 

Bhringraj is an ancient traditional medicine that is broadly used in many Ayurvedic scriptures such as bhring, bhringaar, markav, keshraaj, angarak and keshranjan. The Sanskrit scriptures of Raj Nighantu classifies Bhringaraj into three. 

  • Shweta Bhringaraj (contains white-colored flowers)
  • Peet Bhringaraj (contains yellow-colored flowers)
  • Neel Bhringaraj (contains blue colored flowers)

Formulations of Bhringraj

Bhringraj can be widely used in many forms such as juice or kashayam, oil or thailam, powder or churna, juice or asava. But many people prefer the oil form of Bhringraj.

Common Names of Bhringraj (Karisalankanni)

Botanical Name: Eclipta Prostrata
English Name: Bhringraj, False daisy
Tamil Name: Karisalankanni
Malayalam Name: Jala bhangara, Tekaraja
Telugu Name: Kayanthakara, Kaikeshi
Kannada Name: Garagada soppu, Garga
Hindi Name: Bhangra, Bhangaraiya
Marathi Name: Maka
Punjabi Name: Bhangaro
Bengali Name: Kesuriya
Gujarati Name: Bhangaro
Sanskrit Name: Kehraj, Bhringraja, Bhangra

Medicinal Properties of Bhringraj

  • Antiflatulent
  • Appetizer
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Hepatic stimulant
  • Anthelmintic
  • Anti-ischemic
  • Detoxifying
  • Mild diuretic
  • Carminative
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Diaphoretic
  • Hematogenic
  • Mild febrifuge
  • Neuroprotective
  • Mild anodyne
  • Cholagogue
  • Mild Antihypertensive

Health Benefits and Uses of Bhringraj (Karisalankanni)

Bhringraj provides excellent benefits and uses in abdominal disorders,  indigestion, hemorrhoid, liver, and spleen enlargement. It improves your hair growth. The essential health benefits and uses of Bhringraj are described following:

Improves Liver Health

Bhringraj causes specific effects on the liver. It acts as hepatoprotective and promotes the regeneration of hepatic cells. Due to the impact on the liver, it can cause many pharmacological actions. 

It promotes bile production, improves digestion, induces breaking down and removal of toxins, and also improves overall health. 

In liver disorders, Bhringraj is used to decrease inflammation, enhance liver enzymes, and exert antihepatotoxic effects. It protects your liver from alcoholic toxicity and decreases elevated liver enzymes. 

The hepatoprotective effects of Bhringraj are greater than the Milk Thistle. It decreases the levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, and alkaline phosphatase.

Treats Jaundice

The inflammation of the liver can decrease the ability to conjugate and secrete bilirubin, and it can cause jaundice because of the excess of bilirubin in the blood. This condition is known as hyperbilirubinemia. 

Take a mixture of 10 ml of Bhringraj Svarasa, 1 gm of Black Pepper, three gms of Mishri, and consume this three times per day for 3 to 5 days. 

It reduces the level of bilirubin in the body and treats jaundice. It is recommended to take a curd and rice-based diet during the treatment.

Prevents Hair Fall

The good health of the liver can help to decrease hair loss by improving hormones and fats, eliminating toxins, and promoting the level of hormone in the body. 

Due to many factors, hair fall can occur, so Bhringraj is an effective remedy to prevent and treat hair loss. The external application of Bhringraj is to prevent hair loss by strengthening the root of the hair. 

Bhringraj contains hair growth-promoting property that helps to stimulate hair growth by improving hair follicle transition from the telogen phase to the anagen phase. 

In Ayurveda, Bhringraj oil is recommended as an external application, which helps to promote hair growth by cooling your scalp and decreasing stress. It increases blood circulation in the scalp, inhibits dryness of scalp, and decreases hair fall.

Treats Asthma

Bhringraj provides effective treatment for Asthma. Take juice extracted from Bhringraj with honey that provides great relief for Asthma. 

For children, give Bhringraj juice with honey for 3-4 times per day or until they get relief from breathing problems. It helps to cure cough, chest congestion, and high-pitched wheezing.

Chronic Fever

Bhringraj has been used in various Ayurvedic medicines to treat chronic fever since ancient times, and it helps in impairing liver function, enlargement of liver and spleen. 

It also treats loss of appetite, indigestion, and severity of Kapha doshas in the body. In these cases, take 3-5 ml of Bhringraj juice with milk two times per day for 2-3 weeks.

Headache & Migraine

Bhringraj is not only effective for nourishing hair and also excellent for relieving pain from head and migraines. 

It provides both internal and external treatment. Consume 3-5 ml of Bhringraj juice internally thrice a day that will cure headaches and migraines. Mix Bhringraj juice with an equal quantity of goat’s milk and instill 2-3 drops in each nostril before sunrise. 

It is an effective remedy for the headache that increases with sunrise and reduces after sunset. It is called as SURYAVRAT in Ayurveda.

Productive Cough

The mixture of Bhringraj juice and honey is used for preventive action. It improves the expectation of sputum and clear lungs. 

It also prevents the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and provides great relief from productive cough. Use this with Sitopaladi Churna to get better results.

Treats Diarrhea with mucus discharge

According to Ayurveda, mucus discharge in the stool occurs due to the poor digestion and formation of AMA in the digestive system. 

It is a common symptom for some diseases like bacterial infections, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc. Bhringraj is recommended for those who have diarrhea and mucus discharge with digestion problem, bacterial infection, or IBS. 

In such cases, it helps to enhance digestion, decreases AMA, and also treats infection using its antibacterial properties.

Prevents Premature Whitening of Hair

Soak Triphala Churna with Bhringraj juice and leave for drying. Grind it like a fine powder, which is called Bhringraj Siddha Triphala Churna. 

Take this bhringraj powder on an empty stomach in the morning to treat premature greying of hair. The regular usage of this gives better results within a month. 

Treats Dandruff And Scalp Itchiness

Generally, many types of dandruff occur because of dry scalp, lack of hygiene, and humidity in the air, and it leads to flaking and itching. 

The Bhringraj oil contains not only powerful anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties and also has high gravity that allows the oil to spread deeply inside of your scalp and also treat dry scalp, itching.

Recurrent Miscarriage (Habitual Abortion)

Bhringraj inhibits pregnancy loss. Women who are affected by recurrent miscarriage take 3 ml of Bhringraj juice with Cow’s milk on an empty stomach in the morning. 

This is a traditional remedy to prevent miscarriage and strengthens the uterus. In these cases, start this before re-planning of pregnancy and continue throughout pregnancy. Take this also with Ashwagandha for the same purpose to get better results.

Treats Skin diseases

Bhringraj contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties that play an important role in treating skin infections. 

It provides effective treatment for wound healing, and it helps in detoxifying the blood. The paste or juice of leaves cures inflamed skin and helps to treat pimples, eczema, acne, boils, sunburn, etc. It also provides healthy, rejuvenated, and radiant skin.

Treats Heart diseases

Bhringraj is a strong antioxidative in nature, and it contains effective values to treat heart problems. It maintains cholesterol, prevents the formation of lipids in blood vessels, controls high blood pressure, strengthens heart muscles. 

Thus, it decreases the chances of heat blocks, blood clots, heart attacks, etc. It also plays an important role in decreasing the level of triglycerides in the blood. By consuming the effective leaf extract with honey in water, you can improve the heart health.

Eye disorders

Bhringraj contains effective Chakushya properties that make it great for enhancing the vision of your eyes. 

By pulling the mixture of Bhringraj juice and water or Bhringraj oil on each nostril in the morning, you can prevent nasal congestion and enhance your eye’s vision.

Boosts immunity

Bhringraj is a magical Ayurvedic herb that contains high significance to enhance the general stamina and energy level of the body. 

It contains powerful ingredients that help to decrease fatigue, weakness, and enhance the vitality of your body. It promotes the adrenal glands function and decreases stress levels.

Treats Respiratory diseases

The powerful anti-microbial property of Bhringraj makes it great for preventing infections. Thus, it plays an important role in treating respiratory diseases like cold, cough, bronchitis, and asthma symptoms. 

The anti-inflammatory property of Bhringraj helps to decrease inflammation of bronchi and makes your body easy.

Treats Scalp infections

The Bhringraj contains anti-bacterial properties that contain great benefits for treating various scalp infections. Bhringraj oil is very effective in treating several forms of folliculitis. 

It occurs because of the infection from Staphylococcus aureus and inflammations of the hair follicles, and it leads to balding and hair fall. It also helps in the treatment of ringworm infection on the scalp because of Tinea capitis. 

Regular usage of this oil decreases the inflammation on scalp tenderness, hair follicles, cures scalp itching, and improves hair growth. 

Gastro-Intestinal System

Bhringraj is an effective remedy to promote the functions of the gastrointestinal system. It contains carminative and digestive properties that help in digestion, assimilation, absorption, and elimination of wastes. It also helps to prevent heartburn, nausea, gastric ulcers, abdominal pain, etc.

Improves diabetes

Bhringraj contains an effective hypoglycaemic property, which plays a vital role in reducing the level of blood sugar in the body. 

While consuming Bhringraj in the form of formulation, the insulin production from the pancreatic β-cells becomes active. It helps to decrease the breakdown of starch into glucose and leads to lower blood glucose levels.

Treats Dysentery

Bhringraj is an ultimate remedy to treat dysentery. In amoebic dysentery, it completely kills Entamoeba histolytica, which is a causative agent and clears the traces from the liver and intestines. 

It also inhibits the dormant amoeba inside the digestive system and creates other problems. Consume Bhringraj juice with honey to cure the symptoms of dysentery.

Bhringraj Oils

Bhringraj oil is a traditional Ayurvedic hair tonic that provides great benefits for grey hair, hair fall, and dandruff. 

It is not only beneficial for hair and also provides effective treatments for headaches, skin disorders, and mental weakness. By massaging your hair using Bhringraj oil, you can get a great effect on the head, enhances blood circulation on the scalp, and improves memory. 

It is one of the most powerful hair oils that prevent hair loss and improves hair growth effectively. There are many varieties of Bhringraj oils available in the market that are the best formulations in Ayurveda. 

It improves immunity and hair growth that is mentioned in Siddha Yoga Sangraha, which is an Ayurvedic organization and provides great benefits for hair and overall health.  

Preparation of Bhringraj Oil


Herb Juice

Amla Juice 640 gms
Bhringraj Juice 2560 gms
Brahmi Juice 640 gms

Base Oil

Sesame Oil – 1280 gms

Herb Paste

Amla 10 gms
Kachur 10 gms
Haritaki 10 gms
Red Sandalwood / Chandan 10 gms
Manjistha 10 gms
Anantamul 10 gms
Babchi 10 gms
Lodhra 10 gms
Bibhitaki 10 gms
Nagarmotha 10 gms
Mehndi 10 gms
Padmaks 10 gms
Kuth 10 gms
Mandur 10 gms
Priyangu 10 gms
Jatamansi 10 gms
Yashtimadhu 10 gms


This powerful formation of Bhringraj effectively helps in digestion, increasing appetite, and enhances metabolism. It is very beneficial in increasing libido, improves stamina, treating cold, cough symptoms, and enhancing the quality, texture of skin and hair.


Bhringraj decoction 2460 parts
Pippali 10 parts
Haritaki 10 parts
Elaichi / Cardamom 10 parts
Jatiphal / Nutmeg 10 parts
Tejpata / Bay leaf 10 parts
Lavanga / Clove 10 parts
Gur / Jaggery 1000 parts
Dalchini / Cinnamon 10 parts

Preparation Method

Take an asava vessel coated with cow ghee, mix Bhringraj juice with jaggery and haritaki powder. Leave it to ferment for 15 days. After fermentation, add other ingredients and keep it for 15 days. After 15 days, filter this mixture and store it in the glass bottle for prolonged usage.


Take asava formulation with water after meals twice a day. 

Bhringraj Churna

Bhringraj churna is a formulation of fine powder that can be made using every part of the Bhringraj tree, such as leaves, roots, flowers, and stems. It provides effective benefits for vision, skin, and hair. It helps to naturally purify the blood and enhances heart and liver functions.


Take Bhringraj churna along with cow’s ghee, warm water, jaggery, mishri, or milk 2-3 times per day before food. 

Bhringraj Juice

Bhringraj juice is the decoction obtained from Bhringraj leaf or extract from the flower. It increases appetite and helps in digestion. It is also useful to prevent symptoms of cold and flu and seasonal infections


Consume Bhringraj juice along with haritaki powder, honey, jaggery, mishri, or milk 2-3 times per day before food.

Side Effects Of Bhringraj

Bhringraj is one of the traditional herbs that proved with no side effects, but it is better to consult with your ayurvedic doctor before started to consume any formulation of bhringraj. Because there is a chance of causing harmful interaction with the medicine that you have already taken. In some cases, consumption of bhringraj in a high dose may cause heartburn or stomach problem.

If you are like to use bhringraj oil, it is better to go for the patch test. Apply few drops of bhringraj oil on the skin to check the sign of allergies, redness, or itching.


Bhringraj is widely popular as a nourishing herb, and it provides a wide range of effective treatments for heart disorders, respiratory diseases, liver disorders, diabetes, hair and skin problems, arthritis, tummy issues, pain, and inflammation. It has no reported side effects, so you can consume this formulation according to the consultation of the doctor or Ayurvedic practitioner and get effective results.

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