Clove is a flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae, with the botanical name Syzygium aromaticum. The flower buds of this fragrant tree all have a very intense aroma. Native to the island of Maluku or Moluccas in Indonesia, the plant is widely known as Lavangam.
This plant can grow up to 8 to 12 meters in height and is considered a shrub or evergreen tree. The leaves and bark of this evergreen tree are all in use because they all have an intense aroma. The flower buds on this tree are the most popular, although different parts of the tree emit a strong aroma.
Its leaves are simple and large, bright green in color and glossy in appearance. The surface of the leaves is covered with essential oils, which are responsible for the plant’s unique aroma. Elliptical leaves with petioles, up to 13 cm long, with many short branches. Its crimson flowers grouped in terminal clusters.
The flower buds that appear on these are initially pale but gradually turn green and then bright red when ready for harvest. The flower buds have a short ovule at its apex, which is about 1.5-2 cm long, with four small triangular seals extending outwards at one end.
The seals form a small ball of four interlocking petals that protect the growing flower parts inside. The Lavangam, called cloves, reach about 1.5–2 cm in length and are ready for harvest. Its structure with 4 unopened petals and 4 sepals is called calyx, which is used as a spice in the form of cloves.
Clove is used as an important ingredient in Indian cuisine as it has various medicinal properties, unique aroma, and individual health benefits. The reason why cloves are not a seasonal spice is that cloves are available throughout the year as they are harvested at different times in different countries.
General Information of Lavangam
Clove called Lavanga is one of the most common spices used in kitchens for many years. Due to its medicinal properties and unique aroma, they have been used in cooking and pharmaceuticals for over centuries. From the Ayurvedic point of view, this herb is of great clinical importance and is used by Ayurvedic doctors to treat various ailments.
This herb has soothing and cooling effects on the stomach, so it is highly recommended for the treatment of stomach related ailments. This spice is very beneficial for morning sickness which is common in pregnant women. This herb contains eugenol, which adds 70% to 90% of the essential oil components of cloves. Other significant phytochemical components are methyl salicylate, beta-caryophyllene, eugenol, eugenin, kaempferol, triterpenoids, acetyl, gallotannic acid, vanillin, and rhamnetin.
These biochemical compounds are bound with antifungal, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, carminative, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, stomachic, expectorant, decongestant, digestive, and aphrodisiac properties.
Different Names of Cloves (கிராம்பு)
Botanical Name: Eugenia caryophyllata
English Name: Turmeric
Tamil Name: கிராம்பு / kirambu
Malayalam Name: Karayaamboovu
Telugu Name: లవంగం / Lavangam
Kannada Name: ಲವಂಗ/ Lavanga
Hindi Name: लौंग/ Laung
Marathi Name: लवंग/ Lavanga
Urudu Name: لونگ
Arabic Name: كبش قرنفل / Kabsh qarunfil

Health Benefits of Cloves(Lavangam)
1. Nutrition Facts
Clove is one of the best spices that offer significant nutritional benefits. As per the nutrition knowledge, one teaspoon cloves have 4 percent of the RDI of vitamin K, 30 percent of RDI of the mineral manganese, 3 percent of the RDI of vitamin C, and a minimum amount of magnesium, vitamin E and calcium.
Clove is the best fiber source that includes eugenol and Vitamin C. Both antioxidants are used to stop chronic disease growth. Manganese is an essential thing to improve bone strength.
In 2019, the pilot study found that the clove extract increased the glucose levels of healthy volunteers who ingested a polyphenolic.
2. High in Antioxidants
Generally, cloves come with many essential minerals and vitamins and are rich in antioxidants. We all know that the antioxidant compound can decrease oxidative stress. In addition, it also has a eugenol compound that acts as a natural antioxidant.
One test-tube study shows that the eugenol compound can prevent oxidative damage induced by free radicals five times more effectively compared to another potent antioxidant vitamin E. Adding cloves to your diet with antioxidant foods can help increase your overall health.
3. Fight Against Cancer
Some test-tube studies found that the cloves and its compounds can fight against cancer. One test-tube research shows that the clove extract stops the tumor’s growth and increases death cells in cancer cells. Moreover, the intense amount of clove oil induced death cells in 80% of esophageal cancer cells.
The eugenol compound in cloves has anti-cancer properties as well as it increases cell death in cervical cancer cells. Keep in mind that these test-tube studies used heavy amounts of Eugenol, clove juice, and clove oil.
One thing we have to tell you that the high amount of Eugenol is poisonous, and overdosing on clove oil may damage the liver, particularly for kids.
Also Read: 10 Best Herbs to Treat Cancer
4. Boosts Immune System
The clove eugenol compounds can fight against several harmful fungus, viruses, and dangerous bacteria. The cloves have an antiviral, and blood purification capacity that reduces the toxicity level in blood and improves the protection against attacks by stimulating white blood cells.
Also Read: 10 Best Herbs to Boost Immune System
5. Can Kill Bacteria
The cloves have antimicrobial properties, thus helping to stop the microorganisms’ (like bacteria) growth. One test-tube study found that clove oil can kill three common types of bacteria, including E.coli; it is a force of bacteria that may produce food poisoning. In addition, the antibacterial properties help to improve vocal strength.
Moreover, the cloves extract compounds can stop the bacteria’s growth, which may cause gum disease. Another study examined the results of an herbal mouthwash containing cloves, tea tree oil, and basil.
After 21 days of using herbal mouthwash, people showed changes in their gum health as well as the plaque and bacteria amount.
Your daily brushing with proper oral hygiene and the antibacterial effects of cloves can improve your oral health.
6. Reduces Body Pain and Inflammation
The Eugenol found from cloves has anti-inflammatory properties that give relief from pain in your body. The clove oil and extract both give relief from inflammation, arthritis, and other pains.
7. Promotes Digestion
If you have digestion problems, the cloves are one of the best natural remedies. It stimulates enzyme secretions that can help to increase metabolism and can improve the digestive motility. You can eat the cloves while being affected by gastric irritation, nausea, flatulence, and dyspepsia.
Also Read: 10 Herbs Naturally Boost Digestion
8. Promote liver health
Many studies found that cloves compounds can support liver health. Eugenol is especially useful for liver strength. Eugenol and clove oil can increase liver function, decrease inflammation, and reduce oxidative stress. Another one-tube study found that the Eugenol in cloves can help opposite signs of liver cirrhosis.
Regrettably, research into the liver’s protective impacts on cloves and Eugenol is insufficient. Even though a small study showed that using eugenol supplements for one week reduced the glutathione-S-transferase (GST) level, a family of toxic enzymes, often referred to as a liver disease.
Cloves are rich in antioxidants that help to prevent the liver from disease because of their ability to reduce oxidative stress. Although the high amount of Eugenol is toxic. A case study found that a 2-year-old boy had a critical liver injury when he consumed 5-10 mg of clove oil.
Also Read: 10 Effective Herbs For Healthy Liver Function
9. Toothache and Dental Pain
The clove can give several benefits, but one of the best is its use for toothache and dental pain. The cloves have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. In Germany, Commission E governmental regulatory approves the clove to use as a topical antiseptic and anesthetic.
The clove oil is one of the best natural remedies for dental pain and toothache. One study found that the clove based gel is comparable to benzocaine; it can reduce pain caused by mouth injections.
10. Manage Blood Sugar
One tube study shows that the cloves compounds help maintain and control blood sugar levels. Another test tube study showed that the clove extract helps to increase blood sugar.
Cloves and nigericin raise blood sugar from cells into cells, improve insulin secretion, and enhance insulin-producing cells’ function. Insulin is a hormone used to move sugar from blood to your cells. The proper insulin process is necessary for keeping a balanced blood sugar level. Along with a balanced diet, cloves can help regulate your blood sugar levels.
Also Read: 10 Herbs for Diabetes
11. Acne
However, tea tree oil is (one of the essential to use in aromatherapy) used for acne; the clove oil is a better choice for the pimples. According to the 2017 Vivo study, ethanolic clove extract includes Eugenol suppressed P.acnes motion that can decrease a similar inflammatory response. It can be an effective treatment for acne by reducing inflammatory responses compared to acne bacteria.
12. Increase Bone Health
Low bone density is a major issue for elders. In the United States, there are 43 million old adults affected by this problem. It may be the reason to develop osteoporosis and also enhance the chance of fractures and breaks.
The animal studies found that some of the cloves compounds can maintain bone mass. For example, an animal study showed that clove extract high in Eugenol increased bone thickness and health by developing many markers of osteoporosis.
Cloves are also rich in manganese, which produces 30% DV in 1 tbsp (2 g) ground clove. Manganese is a mineral that includes bone formation, and it is essential to improve bone strength.
Taking manganese supplements for up to 12 weeks can promote the growth and mineral density of the bone. Although, this research of cloves on bone density is mostly limited to animal and test-tube studies. Additional research is required to decide how this induces human bone formation.
13. Obesity
Nowadays, obesity is one of the main problems for people. Reducing weight is a tough task for everyone, especially for married women. Scientists and researchers found that cloves are one of the best natural remedies for reducing weight and obesity-related issues.
Taking cloves extract daily can decrease the weight easily, and you no need to follow a tough diet. In addition, it also decreases abdominal fat, liver fat, etc.
14. Reduce Stomach Ulcers
Some studies show that the cloves compound is the best treatment for stomach ulcers. It is also called peptic ulcers; It is a painful abscess that develops in the lining of the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus.
They are usually created by a reduction in the stomach’s protective layer, which is caused by stress, infection, and genetics. In fact, cloves oil is used to improve gastric mucus production. Gastric mucus acts as a wall and helps to protect the stomach lining from digestive acids.
Moreover, the clove extract is the ideal treatment for stomach ulcers and revealed many anti-ulcer-like results.The anti-ulcer effects of cloves and their compounds are assuring, but more studies are required to impact humans.
Buy Cloves Here
Cloves in Ayurveda
According to the science of Ayurveda medicinal system, cloves improves the blood circulation, digestion and metabolism of the human body. It also used to act against stomach disorders like gas, bloating and nausea. The oil prepared from the clove is used in oral hygiene products which enhance overall tooth health and also freshen the breath.
Ayurvedic properties of Clove
Taste (Rasa) | Bitter (Tikta), Pungent (Katu) |
Qualities (Guna) | Light (Laghu), Oily (Snigdha) |
Taste after digestion (Vipaka) | Pungent (Katu) |
Potency (Veerya) | Cold (Sheeta) |
Effect on Tridosha (Karma) | Balances Kapha and Pitta (Kaphapittahara) |
Ayurvedic Indications
- Trushnapaha (relieves excessive thirst)
- Vaktra kleda daurgandhya nashana (relieves bad breath)
- Netrahitam (good for eyes)
- Deepana, Paachana (improves digestion)
- Ruchya (improves taste)
- Pittasranashana (cures bleeding disorders)
- Chardi (vomiting)
- Adhmana (bloating)
- Shula (abdominal colic pain)
- Kasa (cough, cold)
- Shwasa (Asthma, wheezing, breathing difficulty)
- Hikka (hiccups)
- Kshaya (chronic respiratory disorders)
Nutritional Values of Cloves
As per the US national nutrient data, one teaspoon of cloves has
Nutrient | Value |
Calories | 6 |
Total Fat | 0.27 gms |
Carbohydrates | 1.38 gms |
Protein | 0.13 gms |
Fiber | 0.7 gms |
Manganese | 1.216 mg |
Here’s How You Can Make Clove Tea:
You can easily make the clove tea by the below instruction. By taking clove tea every day, it helps to keep you fresh and healthy.

- Grind the cloves and take one tablespoon.
- Take the pan, fill the cup of water.
- Add the cloves and wait for boiling.
- Steep it for 3 to 4 minutes
- After that cool and strain it
- The special clove tea is ready to drink
If you want a sweeter brew, you can use a little bit of honey in your tea. Taking this tea every day in the morning gives a lot of health benefits. Keep in mind anything too much can ruin your health.
Selection, Preparation & Storage
Clove oil is widely available in most supermarkets and health food compartment stores. If you plan to prepare clove oil remedies for your children, mix the clove oil with almond or olive oil as a carrier oil that helps reduce the effects. In German, the Commission E approved the clove oil, 1 to 5 percent essential oil for mouthwashes and dental use.
Ayurvedic medicine said that the cloves have a healing property that helps to maintain the Kapha dosha. Another study found that clove buds powder has antimicrobial properties.
How to Use Cloves
- For Cough, Sore Throat, and Congestion
- For Fever and Flu
- For Morning Sickness and vomiting
- For good Digestion, Metabolism, Detoxification process, and Weight Loss
- For Poor Circulation
- For Depression
- Headache or migraine
- You can add the cloves in the oatmeal, cookies, applesauce, and muffins.
- In the gingerbread cake recipe, the cloves are used.
- Cloves are widely used in India and Pakistan to make chai, tea, and add it to the milk. Especially they added cloves in the cardamom ginger chai.
- It is also used in savory dishes such as boiled chicken with artichokes, preserved lemons, and even slow-cooker braised beef with carrots & turnips.
The dosing method is based on factors such as the user’s health, age, and medical conditions. There is no proper scientific information to define the correct range of clove dosage. Remember, one thing that natural products are not always safe to use and dosage methods are essential.
You should follow the appropriate instructions on product labels and discuss it with your pharmacist or doctor or other healthcare professionals before using it.
Possible Side Effects
- Although cloves are usually recognized as safe for topical use, clove oil contains a variety of internal microbiota and it has the sensitivity of certain beneficial bacteria to eugenol in the intestinal biome, as shown in a 2012 study.
- It is not suggested to swallow large amounts because it may cause a burning feeling. Protect your infants and children from consuming clove oil.
- In one case study in 1992, one child consumed clove oil that caused the disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and hepatocellular necrosis.
- Another case study found that the central nervous system depression may cause when the infant consumes clove oil.
- It doesn’t have sufficient research about the effects on clove oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so it is better to avoid it while conceived.
- However, Eugenol reduces blood clotting, it leads to a risk of increased bleeding.
- People with bleeding complications and those who scheduled for operation and people on anticoagulant prescriptions should avoid this clove.
- It may lead to reduced blood sugar levels, so hypoglycemic people should avoid using the clove.
Cloves can provide a lot of health and medicinal benefits such as maintaining blood sugar level, and prevent the bacteria’s growth. Like various healthy foods, they can be very effective while incorporated into a healthy and balanced diet.
Try to take the cloves once a week into your food, which is very beneficial for you. You can easily add the cloves into your meal. Cloves can produce a unique flavor and aroma to your chutneys and curries.
Boil whole cloves in boiling water for up to 5-10 minutes to get a sweet cup of clove tea. Cloves is one of the delicious spices that offer several essential health benefits.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How many cloves can you consume a day?
Don’t take more than 3 cloves per day. If you consume a large number of cloves that can damage your liver and cause fluid imbalances. So you should take this in moderation as it can lead to more medical complications. Adding cloves in your morning tea is the best way to start your day fresh.
2. What happens if I eat too many cloves?
If you have the habit of eating many cloves, it will cause many problems. Such as
- Rashes and itching
- Skin irritation
- Bleeding in your gums and sore gums
- Mouth irritation and
- Erection related problems
Cloves offer a lot of health benefits, but you have to take it limit. It helps to maintain the blood sugar level, stop bacteria’s growth. You can add it to your usual diet. The best thing in the clove is you can add it to the boiling water and prepare tea.
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