The Spanish cherry is a medium-sized evergreen tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family. The native of this herb are India, Indo-china, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Andaman Island, and Peninsular Malaysia, and the scientific name of this plant is Mimusops elengi.
This plant has a lot of medicinal properties and is traditionally used to treat toothache, headaches, poisonous cases, oral cavity problems, diarrhea, and other health problems in Ayurveda.
The seed coat and bark of this herb are used to strengthen the tooth gum. You can consume the raw spanish cherry fruit, and also you can prepare pickles by using these fruits. The tree bark helps to improve women’s fertility. The Makilam Vittu is rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.
The Other common English names of the Spanish cherry is Medlar, Bakul, Tanjongtree, barsoli, bakuli, Elengitrd, elagi, Kirakuli, Intianbaulapuu, Marouc, Magadam, west Indian medlar, Maulsari, bullet wood, Asian bullet wood, Indian Medlar, Asian Bulletwood, and Red Coondoo Spanish Cherry.
Common Names Of Spanish Cherry
English Name: Spanish cherry, Medlar, Tanjongtree, bakuli, Bakul, elagi, barsoli, Intianbaulapuu, Elengitrd, Magadam, Kirakuli, Maulsari, Marouc, Asian bullet wood, west india medlar, bullet wood
Tamil Name: Alagu, Ilanji, Ilanci, Kesaram, Kecaram, Magil, Kosaram, Magish, Magilam, Mahila, Magizham, Makilam Maram, Makilam, Makilampu, Makilam Vittu, Mogadam, Makizampu, Magadam, Makulampu, Maghizham, Magizh, Vagulam, Mogidam, Vakulampu, Vakulam
Malayalam Name: Elangi, Bakulam, Elanni, Elani, Elengii, Elengi, Erini, Elenjee, Iranni, Ilanni, Makura Makuram, Makira, Mukura
Telugu Name: Kaesara, Bogada, Kesara, Kasara, Nunni, Nemmi, Pagada, Paarijaathamu, Pal, Pagade Chettu, Pogada, Parijatamu, Pogada Manu, Pogada-Manu, Poghada, Pogadoo, Vakulamu, Vakula
Kannada Name: Backhul, Baagala Mara, Bagala, Bagada, Bakul, Bakkula, Bhagal, Bakula, Bokal, Bogada, Buckhul, Boklu, Halmadhu, Bukul, Kaesara, Kaalaale, Kalhale, Kalhaale, Kanja, Kallaala, Minjulu, Kesara, Mugula, Mugali, Mulasari, Mugule, Nanja Okula, Najalu Mara, Pagade-Mara, Pagade, Pagademara, Pagade Mara, Pogade, Pokkalthu, Ranje, Ranjal, Pokkalathu, Renjil, Ranjalu, Ranja, Renge, Renje, Renjyamboro, Renji, Vakula
Hindi Name: Bolsari, Bakul, Maulser, Maulsarau, Maulsiri, Maulsari, Molsiri, Molsari, Tendu, Morsali Mulsari, Maulsari मौलसरी
Marathi Name: Bakul, Bakhor, Barsoli, Bakula, Omval, Bkhor, Owli, Ovalli, Ranjanasal, Raini, Wovali, Vavoli, Wowli
Gujarati Name: Bolasari, Barsoli
Bengali Name: Bakul, Bakal, Bokul, Bohl, Bukal
Punjabi Name: Maulsiri, Maulsari
Konkani Name: Omval
Manipuri Name: Bokul Lei (বোকুল লৈ), Bokul
Nepali: Bakulapuspa, Bhalsari
Oriya Name: Simshakesara
Urdu Name: Mulsari, Maulsari, Kirakuli (किराकुली)
Sanskrit Name: Bakul, Anangaka, Bakulah, Bakula, Cirapuspa, Chirapushpa, Dohala, Dhanvi, Kantha, Gudhapushpaka, Kesara, Karuka, Keshara, Kesarapa, Madhupan jara, Madhugandha, Mukula, Madhupushpa, Sharadika, Padyamoda, Simhakesara, Sidhugandha, Sinhakesara, Sindhu gandha, Strimukhagandha, Sthirakusuma, Surabhi, Strimukhamadhu, Vakula, Tailanga, Visharada, Varalahdha
Medicinal Properties Of Spanish Cherry

Anti-Anxiety Property
The extract of the Magilam bark has the aqueous, methanolic, and n-butanol, which ensures the anti-anxiety property of this herb. The 50, 100, and 200 mg/kg methanol extract, 100 and 200 mg/kg aqueous extract with the 200 mg/kg n-butanol extract is more effective. But the 200 mg/kg of methanolic extract has more anxiolytic property than the n-butanol and aqueous extract.
Anti-Bacterial Property
The extract of the fruit, bark, and seeds of the Spanish cherry has a high level of antibacterial property. By using the spectrophotometric method, this herb will effectively fight against the positive gram and negative gram strains viz. This herb effectively fights against the Micrococcus luteus ATCC 10240, Nocardia asteroides NRRL 174, Bacillus licheniformis NCL 2024, Bacillus subtilis PCSIRB 248, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028, and Proteus mirabilis ATCC 29425. The seed and fruit extract are inactive on these bacterias, but the antibacterial property of the bark extract effectively fights against these 6 bacterias.
Antioxidant & Anti-Urolithiatic Property
The chloroform, petroleum ether, and alcohol extract of the Spanish cherry bark have a good amount of antioxidants and antiurolithiatic property.
Benefits Of Spanish Cherry Seeds

1] Treats Diabetes
The Spanish cherry seeds have anti-diabetic properties. Consuming these cherry seeds will help to control the blood glucose level. The Mahila vithai is one of the best medicines in Ayurveda for the person who is suffering from diabetes. It will help to stimulate the insulin in the body, which helps to maintain the proper blood sugar level.
Also Read: Scientifically Proven Herbs for Diabetes
2] Promotes Better Sleep
The Spanish cherry has a hormone called melatonin, which helps to promote good and peaceful sleep. The melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It will regulate the sleep and wake cycle and control your internal body clock for the healthy life cycle. Consuming the decoction of Magilam seeds after the 30 minutes of the evening meal will help to boost the melatonin.
3] Reduces the Risk of Stroke
The Spanish cherry has cardiovascular benefits. The antioxidant present in this Makilam Vittu is called anthocyanins, which helps to reduce the bad cholesterol level from the blood. Moreover, the antioxidant property of this cherry will effectively fight against free radicals and regulate the blood pressure level. Research conducted by the University of Michigan Health System proves that consuming the Spanish cherry will help to reduce the risk of stroke and other heart problems.
4] Lowers the Risk of Gut Attacks
Research conducted by the Boston University medicine and public health with the 633 gout patients proves consuming the Spanish cherry will help to reduce the 35 percent risk of a gout attack. The gout patients consuming this Mahila vithai over two days will 35 percent minimize the risk of gout attack compared with the person who does not eat cherries. Increasing the consumption of Spanish cherry or the extract of the Spanish cherry will reduce the gout flare risk.
5] Helps Weight Loss
Adding the Spanish cherry in the diet will help the people who are planning to reduce some bodyweight. Some researches prove that by consuming the Mahila vithai or the extract of the Mahila vithai will help to avoid weight gain or body fat. It is low in calories, which means one cup of Spanish cherry has less than 100 calories. Also, it is rich in vitamins so that it helps to increase the metabolic level in the body, and it has a moderate amount of water content which flushes out the toxins from the body.
Also Read: Best Herbs for Weight Loss
6] Lowers Hypertension
The cherries are a good source of potassium, which remove the excess sodium from the body. Consuming this Spanish cherry will help to balance the amount of sodium and potassium in the body, which in turn maintains the blood pressure level.
7] Has Anti-aging Properties
The Spanish cherry has a good amount of antioxidant property. The antioxidants effectively fight against the free radicals, which makes your skin dull. The antioxidant of this Magilam will make your skin healthier and younger for a long period. The powder of the Spanish cherry seeds will help to remove the dark spots from the skin, which may appear due to the sun damage. Prepare the paste by using Spanish cherry seeds powder with turmeric and 1 tsp of honey. Apply it on the face and wait for 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with cold water. This face pack will help to reduce the dark spots from the skin and improve the skin tone. Consuming the Spanish cherry is an alternative option to maintain the skin in good conditions.
8] Maintains pH Balance
Cherries are natural alkaline. Whenever the acidic content increases in the body, consuming the cherry will help to balance the pH level by neutralizing the acidic level in the body. This will help to prevent stomach problems, such as indigestion or acidity.
9] Reduces Muscle Pain
A study suggested that consuming one and a half cup of Spanish cherry or one cup of Magilam extract will reduce muscle inflammation and soreness. Consuming the extract of the Spanish cherry twice per day for seven days will reduce muscle pain.
10] Prevents Colon Cancer
The substances of the Spanish cherry will reduce the formation of carcinogenic chemicals, which is developed from the charring of the hamburger. The fat and moisture content of the Makilam Vittu will not slow down the oxidation deterioration of the meat lipids, but this substance will reduce the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines. Due to this process consuming the Spanish cherry will help to avoid the risk of colon cancer.
Also Read: Best Herbs to Treat Cancer
11] Helps to Osteoarthritis Relief
Research conducted with the 20 women of 40-70 ages who are suffering from inflammatory osteoarthritis proves consuming the extract of the Magilam twice per day for three weeks will reduce the discomfort and pain of the swollen joints.
Traditional Uses Of Spanish Cherry

- In Ayurveda, this Makilam Vittu is commonly used to treat dental problems, such as pyorrhea, bleeding gums, loose teeth, and dental caries.
- In traditional medicine, the flower, bark, fruits, and seeds of this Magilam is considered as the cooling, astringent, tonic, anthelmintic, and febrifuge.
- Consuming pulverized ripe fruit with water will help to promote childbirth.
- The Spanish cherry fruit is used to treat constipation, chronic dysentery, and also it provides better relief from burning urination.
- The flower of the Magilam is used as lotion to treat ulcers and wounds and also it is used as the snuff to get better relief from cephalalgia.
- The flowers are also used to treat leucorrhoea, heart problems, menorrhagia and it acts as the antitoxin and antidiuretic in polyuria.
- The stem bark is used as a gargle for ulitis, odontopathy, and haemorrhagia.
- The Spanish cherry flower powder is used to treat Ahwa. The symptoms of the ahwa is headache, strong fever, and pain in the neck, shoulders, and other parts of the body.
- The tender stem can be used as a toothbrush and treat diarrhea, cystorrhea, and dysentery.
- The bark is also used to increase women’s fertility and also it has a good amount of anti-ulcer property.
- The decoction prepared by using the bark and flower of the Magilam is effectively fighting against diarrhea, fever, and inflammation of the gum, gonorrhea, toothache, and wounds.
- The decoction prepared by using the Magilam bark and tamarind bark is used as a lotion for skin problems.
- The Spanish cherry leaves are medicinally used to treat toothaches, headaches, sore eyes, and wounds.
- In Asia, the smoke of the leaves is used to cure the infection in the nose and mouth.
- The young Spanish cherry fruits are used as a gargle to treat gum problems.
- The flowers are used to fight against diarrhea.
- In the Philippines, the bark and ripe fruits are used as a powerful astringent remedy.
- The pounded seeds are used to cure obstinate constipation.
- The tonic and astringent of the Spanish cherry bark is used to treat dysentery and diarrhea.
- The decoction of the Spanish cherry bark is used as a lotion for ulcers and also used as the urethral injections for gonorrhea.
- Boil the leaves with some spices, such as cinnamon bark, ketumbar, fennel, cloves, and gadung. Consuming this liquid will treat leprosy and grey hair in young people.
- In Sarawak, the people prepare a paste by using the leaves with the dry skin of shallot. Apply the paste on your forehead and the nose to get relief from headache and itchy nose.
- The boiled water of the Spanish cherry bark is used to clean the wounds and cuts.
- The boiled water of the bark helps to treat inflamed gums, thrush, mouth burning, gingivitis, and other gum problems.
- The fresh Magilam flowers are used to treat dental problems and white vaginal discharge.
- The decoction prepared by using Spanish cherry bark, fruits, and flowers inhales a good remedy for heart problems.
- Applying the dried flowers with the thanakha helps to cure prickly heat and heat rashes.
- Traditionally the bark is used to treat dysentery and diarrhea.
- Gargle the decoction of bark with the flower to effectively treat toothaches, gum inflammation, etc.
- The Makilam Vittu paste with the cold water is ingested for persistent diarrhea.
- In Ayurveda, the leaves are used to treat toothaches, headache, and sore eyes, and then inhale the smoke of the leaves helps to cure the infection in mouth and nose.
- This herb is also used to treat snakebites, gonorrhea, wounds, fever, eczema, and scabies.
- The alcohol extract of the Spanish cherry bark has a high level of the anti-ulcer property, which is effectively fighting against gastric ulcers. This herb helps to reduce gastric acid.
- The young Spanish cherry is used as a gargle to treat sprue.
- The ripe fruit acts as facilitates in burning urination.
- The extract of the Spanish cherry flowers is used to treat leucorrhoea, heart problems, menorrhagia, and also it acts as the antitoxin and anti-diuretic.
- The dry flower powder is an excellent brain tonic, and also it is used as a snuff to get better relief from cephalalgia.
- The dry flower powder or the juice of the flower is administered through the nostrils to get better relief from sinusitis and headache.
- The decoction prepared by using the bark is used to wash wounds to avoid infections.
- Chewing the unripe fruits and tender leaves helps to treat bleeding gums and gingivitis.
- The cold-infusion of 40-50 ml of bark decoction helps to treat leucorrhea and dysmenorrhea.
- The decoction prepared by using the bark and stem of this herb helps to treat intestinal worms and diarrhea.
- Applying the paste of the unripe fruits and bark of the Spanish cherry on the affected area effectively treats insect bite and other small animal bites.
- Consuming the 30-40 ml of bark decoction helps to treat fever and general debility.
- Consuming the 40-50 ml of decoction prepared by using the dried flower helps to strengthen the cardiac muscles.
Facts Of Spanish Cherry

The Spanish cherry woods are luxurious, strong, heavy, durable, and hard. It is a well-known wood in Asia.
- Usually, the Spanish cherry is planted for its timber and also is grown as a shade tree in the garden.
- The wood is used for the poles and piles, foundation sills, furniture, paving blockers, railway sleepers, cabinetwork, mine timber, wheels, vehicle bodies, tool handles, turnery, weaving shuttles, walking sticks, sporting goods, toys, and musical instruments.
- In the Philippines, the woods are used for ship wheels, fine tool handles, marine-spikes, etc.
- The Spanish cherry woods are heavy so that it is generally used in bridge building, construction, shipbuilding, flooring, marine construction, doors framing, bearings, oil mills, and agricultural implements.
- It is also used as good fuelwood.
- The Spanish cherry bark is used for coloring tackle and toughening in ghana.
- The bark has low tannin content, but in India, it is used for tanning.
- The essential oil from the Spanish cherry flower is used as a perfume.
- The fresh flowers are used for the fragrant garlands as the necklaces in decoration.
- The Mahila vithai oil is used to make paint for lighting.
- The seed oil is used for cooking and illumination.
- The seeds are used for the necklace.
- The aromatic flowers are used as a filling in the pillow.
- The essential oil of the bark is perfumery.
- The bark is also used to prepare the brown dye.
- The dried flowers are used as the strung in garlands or placed in the linen cupboards, or necklaces for decoration.
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