Keezhanelli- Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus Niruri) | Health Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, and More

Recently updated on April 12th, 2023 at 01:58 pm

The botanical name of the Keezhanelli / Bhumi Amla is Phyllanthus niruri. The native of this plant is tropical Asia, which is commonly grown in tropical and subtropical climates around the world, and it is mostly grown in the rainy season. Keezhanelli is a flowering plant used in herbal medicine, which grows about 50-70 cm height. 

The stem, leaves, and root of this herb are used to prepare decoction, tea, extract, and tinctures. The fresh shoots and leaves of this herbal plant are used to treat skin problems, such as rashes and sores. In Ayurveda, this keezhanelli is an effective remedy to treat liver diseases, ulcers, urinary tract stones, etc.  Now a days people consume phyllanthus niruri tablets and phyllanthus niruri powder for its various health benefits.

The fruit of this herb is smooth, tiny in capsule form and the seeds are located below the leaflets. The bark of this herb is smooth and light green in color. The keezhanelli is also commonly called as Bhumi Aml, stonebreaker. 


Other Names Of Keezhanelli

Arranca-Pedras, Amli, Bhoomi Amalaki, Bhonya, Bhumi Amla, Bhui-Amla, Bhuimy Amali, Bhuianvalah, Bhumy Amalaki, Bhuin Amla, Brise Pierre, Bhumyamalaki, Cane Senna, Cane Peas Senna, Casse-Pierre, Carry-Me-Seed, Chanca-Piedra Blanca, Chancapiedra, Child Pick-a-Back, Chance Pierre, Creole Senna, Derriere-Dos, Daun Marisan, Deye Do, Des Dos, Elrageig, Dukong Anak, Erva-Pombinha, Elrigeg, Feuilles la Fièvre, Evatbimi, Graine En Bas Fièvre, Gale-Wind Grass, Hurricane Weed, Graine-En-Bas-Feuille, Jar Amla, Malva-Pedra, Kizha Nelli, Memeniran, Mapatan, Niruri, Meniran, Para-Parai Mi, Nymphanthus niruri, Pei, Paraparai Mi, Phyllanthus amarus, Phyllanto, Phyllanthus fraternus, Phyllanthus carolinianus, Phyllanthus lathyroides, Phyllanthus kirganella, Phyllanthus niruri, Phyllanthus lonphali, Pierre de Chanca, Phyllanthus sellowianus, Pombinha, Pitirishi, Quebra Pedra, Punarnava, Quinina Criolla, Quebrapedra, Quinine Weed, Quinine Creole, Sacha Foster, Rami Buah, Seed on the Leaf, Sasha Foster, Shka-Nin-Du, Semence dans la Feuille, Stone Breaker, Shatter Stone, Stonebreaker, Stone-Breaker, Turi Hutan, Tamalaka, Ya-Taibai, Viernes Santo, Yah-Tai-Bai, Yaa Tai Bai, Yerba de San Pablo.

Ayurvedic Properties of Keezhanelli

❊ Taste (Rasa): Bitter (Tikta), Astringent (Kashaya), and Sweet (Madhura)         

Qualities (Guna): Light (Laghu) and Dryness (Ruksha) 

❊ Metabolic property(Vipaka): Sweet (Madhura) after digestion 

❊ Potency (Virya) : Cold (Sheeta) 

❊ Action (Karma): Decrease kapha and pitta dosha (Kaphapitta Shamaka)

Common Names Of Keezhanelli

Common names of Keezhanelli

  • Botanical Name: Phyllanthus niruri
  • English Name: Shatterstone, Seed-under-leaf, Gale of the wind, Stone-breaker, carry me seed, Niruri, Phyllanthus, Dixie Leaf-flower, Chanca piedra, Surinam bitters
  • Tamil Name:  Kila-nelli (கீழாநெல்லி), Kizhar Nelli, Kizhaanelli, Keela Nelli, Arunelli
  • Hindi Name:  भुईंआंवला  Bhuinanvalah, Bhuiaonla, Kanocha (कनोछा), Hajarmani (हजारमणी), Bhumyamalaki, Jar Amla, Harfarauri, Chalmeri
  • Malayalam Name:  Keezharnelli, Kiizhaarnelli (കീഴാര്‍നെല്ലി), Kizhaanelli, Kiruthaanelli, Kizhukanelli, Kizhar Nelli
  • Kannada Name:  Nelanelli (ನೆಲನೆಲ್ಲಿ), Kirunelli (ಕಿರುನೆಲ್ಲಿ)
  • Telugu Name:  Ratsavusirike, Nela Usiri (నేల ఉసిరి)
  • Marathi Name:  Rayavali, Bhuiavali (भुईआवळी)
  • Konkani Name: Bhuin-avalae
  • Manipuri Name:  চকপা হৈক্রূ   Chakpa-heikru
  • Oriya Name: Narakoli
  • Sanskrit Name:  Ajata, Amala, भूम्यामलकी Bbumyamalaki, Sukshmadala, तमालकी   Tamalaki, Vituntika, Bhoodatri
  • Urdu Name:  بھوئی آنولہ  ,  بھوئیں آملہ   

Scitifically Proven Health Benefits Of Keezhanelli

The nelanelli has a long history in traditional medicine in all tropical countries. The nelanelli is a herbal remedy to treat a viral infection, kidney stones, bacterial infection, liver problems, and other ailments for hundreds of years. In recent years, nelanelli is also used in modern medicine to cure many health problems. Here, we listed some health benefits of nelanelli.

1. Treat Kidney Stone

The keezhanelli ver is a well-known herb to cure kidney stones; due to this medicinal property, it has the name stone breaker. The alkaline of this herb will prevent acidic kidney stones.

This nelanelli ver is the cheapest option so that you can use as an alternative option for the potassium citrate that is commonly used to prevent acidic kidney stone. It also helps to clean the urinary tract.

One study conducted with the 56 people who have kidney stones proves that consuming 4.5 gms of nelanelli powder per day will help to reduce the size and number of kidney stones.

It is also proved that nelanelli powder improves the elimination of potassium and magnesium from the body through urine. The nelanelli helps to relax the ureter after the lithotripsy helps to pass the kidney stone through urine. The lithotripsy helps to break the stones in the urinary tract.

Also Read: 10 Best Herbs for Kidney Stones 

2. Antiviral, Antibacterial, Anti-fungal

The lithotripsy is one of the well known traditional medicines that effectively fight against the bacterial, parasites, fungal, and viral infections. Some medical publications support the benefits of this herbal plant.

Research has proven this herb is effectively treated for vaginal yeast infection, chickenpox, and pulmonary tuberculosis. Another study tested this lithotripsy for its antibacterial property, found it will be effectively fighting against the Helicobacter pylori bacterias without affecting the good lactic acid bacteria.

The good thing about this herb is; it is not like the antibiotics that kill both bad and good bacterias; this herbal plant only fights against the selective Helicobacter pylori without affecting the good bacterias.

The antibacterial property of this nelanelli helps to fight against the pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, bacillus pumilus, micrococcus luteus, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella pneumonia, and escherichia coli. The antifungal property of this herb helps to fight against the Candida Albicans.

3. Treat Cancer

The nelanelli and other Phyllanthus species will help to resist the metastasis of some breast and lung cancer. Some researches prove the polyphenols of this herb to prevent the migration, invasion, and adhesion of the cancer cells.

One study conducted in the year 2012 about human liver and colorectal cancer cells found that nelanelli helps to slow down the growth of the cancer cells and increase the death of the cancer cells. 

Also Read: 10 Best Herbs to Treat Cancer

4. Treat Diabetes

The keezhanelli has a high level of anti-diabetic properties. Research conducted by Dr.CharlesOkoli and his associates using the diabetic rat proves the aerial extract of the nelanelli will reduce the blood sugar level and also reduce the absorption and storage of the glucose in the body. The antioxidant of this herb also helps to manage the blood sugar level. 

Also Read: 10 Best Herbs for Diabetes

5. Fight Against Harmful Organisms

The water extract of the nelanelli is toxic for some harmful organisms without affecting the good organisms. The Universidad de la Republica did research with 28 plants and algae species found the activity against the harmful organisms.

In this research, the researchers found an interesting activity about nelanelli. The University of Malaysia also confirms the activity of the nelanelli.

6. Inflammation

The nelanelli is a well known traditional remedy to treat inflammation and pain. Most of the research proves that nelanelli has the anti-inflammatory property for ulcerative colitis, ulcer protection. Moreover, the tonsil inflammation of this herb helps to get good relief from the sore throat pain.

Also Read: 10 Best Herbs for Inflammation

7. Antioxidant Property

The nelanelli is evaluated for its antioxidant property, and it is responsible for the high blood sugar and high blood pressure. The nelanelli has a high level of phenolic it is responsible for the antioxidant property, which helps to support the normal blood pressure and balanced blood sugar.

The potential of this herbal plant is beneficial in distress times. One study proves the enhanced antioxidant of this herb helps the defense system.

8. Treat Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a form of viral hepatitis, and it may cause liver inflammation and damage. The nelanelli has the liver-protecting and anti-viral properties so that it helps to treat hepatitis B infections.

A study conducted in the year 2010 with 60 people proves, consuming 100 mg of seven herbal medicine, including nelanelli, will help to get the fast recovery from the placebo.

Anyhow, it also has some side effects, such as diarrhea and upper abdominal pain. This nelanelli may not help to recover from chronic hepatitis B.

9. Treat Liver Diseases

In traditional Chinese medicine, this nelanelli is used to support a healthy liver. The animal research conducted by the department of chemistry at Bose institute in India found that nelanelli will help to protect the liver against acetaminophen toxicity.

The protein in the nelanelli also helps to protect the liver tissues against the oxidative stress, and also it gradually increases the antioxidant defenses.

The scientists also found that some species in the Phyllanthus will help to prevent liver inflammation and damage. This herb also helps to treat hepatitis B and viral infection in the liver.

Read Also: 10 Best Herbs for Liver

10. Eliminate Gallstones

The indigenous peoples in Amazon use this nelanelli to eliminate the gallstones. The clinical trial of the nelanelli confirms the therapeutic property so that this herb is recommended to discharge the gallbladders.

The alkalizing property of this herb helps to prevent gallstones. In traditional medicine, the nelanelli is mainly used to treat gallstones.

11. High Blood Pressure

Animal research proves this nelanelli will help to relax the blood vessels, and also it is used to maintain the blood pressure level.

One research conducted with humans proves consuming this nelanelli will slightly increase the blood pressure. The extract of the keezhanelli will help to maintain the blood pressure level so that it reduces the risk of heart problems. 

Also Read: 10 Best Herbs for Blood Pressure

12. Treat Jaundice

Consuming the mixture of nelanelli powder, turmeric powder, onion, and cardamom powder with the buttermilk in an empty stomach in the morning will effectively help to treat and cure jaundice.

Consuming the fresh keezhanelli ver with the fresh milk will quickly cure jaundice. Consuming 10 to 20 ml of nelanelli juice for two or three times per day also helps to cure jaundice.

13. Cure Stomach Ulcers

The extract of the nelanelli may kill bacterias that cause stomach ulcers by helicobacter pylori. The test-tube studies proves that by applying a highly concentrated extract of this herb on the bacterial cells effectively cure stomach ulcer.

Also Read: 10 Best Herbs for Ulcers

14. Keezhanelli For Acidity

In terms of Ayurveda, the Keezhanelli plant is good for restoring pitta balance. Therefore, it’s a good choice for getting relief from acidity.

15. Treat Gout

The high level of uric acid formation in the blood is the major cause for gout. The nelanelli will help to balance the uric acid level in the blood and helps to prevent gout attacks. Some animal studies prove the nelanelli reduce the uric acid levels.

16. For One-sided Headache(Otrai Thalavali)

Use Keezhanelli oil extracted from the keezhanelli roots to get rid of a one-sided headache and Migraine. 

A person with a one-sided headache has to use this keezhanelli oil bath once a week until 2 to 3 months. This remedy won’t give you instant results, but you need to use it patiently for 2 -3 months, and it’ll work the best for one-sided headaches.

For treating Migraine, cut the keezhanelli plant roots and boil the roots in sesame or coconut oil and let the oil cool down. After it gets cool, filter the oil and apply it to your scalp to get relief from Migraines.

17. Keezhanelli For Eye Problems

Keezhanelli is suitable for treating eye problems caused due to malfunctioning liver. To treat this, add a tablespoon of keezhanelli powder to warm water and drink it once in the morning on an empty stomach. This will show you the improvements in eye health.

Also Read: Best Herbs for Brighter Eye Vision

18. Treat Skin Problems

Due to the antibacterial and antifungal property of the nelanelli, it is used to treat some skin problems, such as rashes, acne, wounds, scabies. Applying the paste of the keezhanelli leaves with the salt will help to cure the skin problems.

Also Read: Best Herbs for Skin 

Ayurvedic Benefits Of Keezhanelli And Methods Of Usage

 ⇒ Jaundice: Consuming the 20 ml of the extract of the keezhanelli herb thrice per day will cure jaundice, or consuming the 1/2 tsp of keezhanelli ver paste with the warm milk in the morning also helps to cure jaundice.

 ⇒ Skin Diseases: Mix the 1 tsp paste of the keezhanelli leaves with 4 gm of salt and applying on the affected area will cure the swelling, skin heat, and itches.

⇒ Diabetes: Prepare a decoction by using the keezhanelli herb in one cup of water. Consume 20 ml of this decoction every day. It will help to control the glucose level in the blood.

⇒ Leucorrhoea: Consuming 20 ml of the extract of keezhanelli herb in every morning will help to cure leucorrhoea.

⇒ Wounds: Applying the paste of the dried keezhanelli seeds is an excellent remedy for injuries, and it effectively treats ringworms and scabies.

⇒ Aphthous ulcers: Prepare a decoction by using the keezhanelli root and leaves. Using this decoction for gargling will help to cure aphthous ulcer.

⇒ Dysentery: Collect the new shoots of keezhanelli herb and prepare an infusion. Consume 1 tbsp of the infusion three times per day will help to treat dysentery.

⇒ Fever: Prepare a decoction by using the keezhanelli leaves. Consume 2 tsp of this decoction three times per day will cure fever.

⇒ Gonorrhea: Drink 50 ml of keezhanelli extract with the butter in an empty stomach will help to treat gonorrhea.

⇒ Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: Consume the 4 tbsp of keezhanelli extract with the clarified butter in the morning and night time to stop the heavy menstrual bleeding.

⇒ Scabies: Apply the paste of the dried keezhanelli seed with the water on the affected area.

⇒ Liver Disease: Consume 40 gm of the keezhanelli powder daily will to treat the fatty liver.

⇒ Antispasmodic: The stem and leaves of the keezhanelli have the alkaloid Phyllanthus, which is more important for the antispasmodic property. Prepare a decoction in one cup of water with the stem and leaves of the keezhanelli and strain and drink the liquid.

⇒ Ringworm: The keezhanelli seeds are effectively treated for ringworms. Make a paste by using the dried keezhanelli seed with water. Apply the paste on the affected area; it will quickly cure the ringworms.

⇒ Urinary Tract infection: Make a paste by using the keezhanelli and conch grass in a 1:2 ratio. Consuming this paste with one cup of buttermilk in the morning will help to cure the urinary infection.

Where To Buy Keezhanelli?

You can buy Keezhanelli powder, roots, oil, capsules easily in traditional herbal shops, and if you are living in Tamil Nadu, you can buy it from “Moolihai.” Also, you can order and get it through online shops.

Keezhanelli tablets are also available in herbal shops, and it’s sold in Spanish Name Phyllanthus Niruri Capsules or Chanca Piedra, which is ideal for consuming for treating kidney stones.

Traditional Uses Of Keezhanelli

  • The ayurvedic experts are recommended to use this herb to treat the genitourinary system, stomach, kidney, liver, and spleen.
  • Consuming the decoction of the keezhanelli with honey will treat cough.
  • This herb will lower the cholesterol level, cure liver disease, reduce the growth of hepatitis B, removes toxins, has antiviral, antifungal, cure diuretic, liver cirrhosis, menorrhagia, stomachic, hypertension, ringworm, leucorrhea, leprosy, anemia, and menstrual problems.
  • The keezhanelli has the anti-hepatitis B property so that it helps to treat kidney stones
  • Regularly consuming the small amount of leaf will highly increase the immunity power.
  • The extract of the keezhanelli ver is used as the body lotion, massage oil, and hair oil.
  • The keezhanelli will help to remove the kidney stone and gallstones.
  • Consuming this herb with other herbs like kalmegh, bhringraj, kaasni will cure liver hepatitis.
  • The keezhanelli will increase the production of bile and improve the bile quality; it will help to the proper digestion.
  • It helps to reduce the growth of bloodstream hepatitis B virus.
  • This herb is used to improve the immune system, and also it prevents asthma, respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis in children.
  • The keezhanelli is defined as a diuretic; hence it is used to treat bacterial infections, such as prostatitis and cystitis.
  • This herb is also used to treat anorexia.
  • The poultice of the keezhanelli leaves with the salt will cure the scabby disorder.
  • The keezhanelli leaves and root infusion is an excellent diuretic and tonic for cold.
  • The fresh keezhanelli ver is an excellent remedy for jaundice.
  • Applying the poultice of this herb will cure wounds and bruises.
  • In Unani medicine, the keezhanelli is used for stomach ache, and also it is used to treat chronic dysentery.
  • Applying the milky juice of this herb is an excellent remedy for skin sores.
  • The decoction of the keezhanelli is effectively fighting against the malarial fever.
  • The keezhanelli seeds used to treat wounds, tubercular ulcers, scabies, sores, and ringworm.
  • Consuming the young shoots of the keezhanelli will effectively cure dysentery.
  • The keezhanelli increases appetite and relieves inflammation.
  • Consuming the keezhanelli extract with Jira and sugar helps to cure and mitigate pain in urination.
  • Consuming the extract of the keezhanelli herb with ghee will effectively treat leucorrhea, menorrhagia, and gonorrhea.
  • The keezhanelli is also used to control tuberculosis.
  • The whole plant has a good amount of potassium. Regularly consuming a small amount of leaves every morning on an empty stomach will get rid of toxins.
  • The extract of the keezhanelli with the oil will help to treat eye inflammation and conjunctivitis.
  • Consuming the boiled milk with keezhanelli leaves helps to cure urinary complaints and dropsical disorders.
  • The young keezhanelli leaves are used to cure mild intermittent fever. 
  • The keezhanelli paste used to treat scabies, itch, and other skin problems.
  • Applying the keezhanelli leaf poultice with the rice water on the ulcer or edematous swelling.
  • Applying the crushed leaves with salt will cure skin problems.
  • Consuming the fresh keezhanelli ver with the rice water will cure menorrhagia.
  • The decoction of roots and leaves of this herb used to treat ulcers.
  • This plant decoction is effectively treating chest pain and diabetes.
  • In Unani medicine, the root of this herb is a good remedy for liver problems.
  • Applying the dried keezhanelli powder with the gruel water will cure wounds and ulcers.

Other Facts Of Keezhanelli

  • This herb is used to catch fishes.
  • The decoction of the keezhanelli stem and leaves is used to dye the cotton black.
  • In India, this herb is commonly found in maize, rice, sorghum, cassava, and other dry land crops. It is considered a serious weed.
  • In the desert region, this herb is given to the camels to treat indigestion.
  • In Nepal, it is reported as a weed in the sugarcane and rice field.
  • In India and Bangladesh, this herb is considered a common weed in the jute and sugarcane field.

How To Consume Keezhanelli

The keezhanelli has various medicinal properties so that it is used to treat many health problems, but it is not used as food.

Decoction, Capsules, and infusion are mainly prepared by using keezhanelli to cure health problems.

Decoction: The aerial part of the keezhanelli is boiled in the water to prepare a decoction. Consuming this decoction helps to remove the kidney stone and manage the symptoms of gout.

Capsule: Consuming this herb in this supplemental form is highly preferred for all health problems to avoid its naturally bitter taste.

Infusion: The keezhanelli can infuse in the warm tisane to reduce uric acid. It will prevent stone formation.

Recommended Dosage

  • You can consume the keezhanelli powder 3-6 gm as per requirement.
  • You can consume keezhanelli juice 15-20 ml twice per day.
  • You can take keezhanelli decoction 20-30 ml twice per day.
  • The keezhanelli capsule is recommended to take 1-2 per day with water after the meal.
  • You can also chew the fresh leaves in an empty stomach.

How to prepare keezhanelli herbal tea

If you have ingredients to prepare the herbal tea, you can easily make the keezhanelli herbal tea at home.

Step 1: Boil the 3 cups of water on the stove.
Step 2: Add 1 tbsp of keezhanelli leaves in the teapot or the infuser.
Step 3: Pour the hot water over the tea leaves and allow it for 15 minutes.
Step 4: Strain the leaves and serve the hot tea.
Step 5: You can also add lemon or honey for the taste.

Note: You have to consume 1 cup of tea 2-3 times per day to cure kidney stone and acute problems.

Side Effects And Precautions Of Keezhanelli

One human study says that side effects may occur when consuming the keezhanelli, such as painful urination, abdominal pain, nausea, and blood in the urine.

Bleeding Disorder: The keezhanelli might slow down the blood clotting. Consuming keezhanelli is not good for the people who have bleeding disorder; it may cause more bleeding so that it is better to avoid the consumption of keezhanelli.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: The keezhanelli is unsafe for pregnant women. Consuming the keezhanelli may reduce the chance of getting pregnant, and also it increases the risk of low birth weight.

If you are breastfeeding, there is not enough safety information about consuming this herb so that pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers are better at avoiding this herb.

Surgery: The keezhanelli helps to lower the blood sugar level. There is also the chance to interfere with the blood sugar control during and after the surgery.

Diabetes: The keezhanelli might affect blood sugar levels. When consuming keezhanelli, you have to check your blood sugar level carefully; it may affect your blood sugar level.


The keezhanelli has the potential to interact with several medications, such as:

Blood Pressure Lowering drugs: The keezhanelli may reduce the blood pressure level; it potentially leads to the low blood pressure level, especially for the people who are already using the blood pressure medications.

Lithium: The keezhanelli may cause more urine; it will get rid of lithium in your body.

Blood-thinning medications: The keezhanelli may reduce blood clotting, so it leads complications for the people who are on the blood thinners.

Blood sugar lowering drugs: The keezhanelli will reduce the blood sugar level. If you are already using insulin or other medicine to lower the blood sugar level, this herb dangerously lowers the hypoglycemia level.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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