How To Get Rid Of Vertigo Permanently: Treatment and Maneuver

How to cure vertigo permanently

Vertigo is a dizziness and spinning sensation that resists your activity and makes you feel sick. There are some medical treatments available to treat vertigo, but these are not necessary in most cases, as we have natural treatments to cure this problem without any side effects. Vertigo will occur when the brain feels that the body is off-balance even when it is not. If you feel dizzy, you should immediately sit down and reduce the chance of falling down. Usually, vertigo is a symptom of a primary medical condition. Usually, it happens one at a time, rarely people with deficiencies may go through it often till they find the real cause.

BPPV is the most common type of vertigo, which is caused when the small calcium crystal loses in the inner ear. You can feel it when you tilt your head or get in or out of the bed. Most people over 60 years old get BPPV. It is the easiest type of vertigo to treat. Before going to see the doctor for vertigo, you have to find out what type of vertigo you are affected by. 

How To Diagnose Vertigo?

Most people visit doctors for the initial symptom of dizziness; in that case, doctors first ask about their medications, further symptoms and then make you do some physical exercises. In this test, doctors check how you are walking and maintaining balance and how major nerves of your central nervous system works.

You may need a balance test and hearing test with:

Head movement Test: If your doctors suspect that the vertigo is caused by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo then you have to do a simple head movement test called the Dix-Hallpike maneuver to find out the problem.

Eye movement test: Your doctor will check the path of your eye movement when your eyes follow the moving object. Moreover, you may also go for an eye motion test, which means air or water placed in the ear canal.

Rotary chair test: During this test, you have to sit on the computer-controlled chair that will move very slowly in a circular motion. While moving the chair very fast, it will move forth and back like a small arc.

Posturography: This test will help you to find out which part of the balancing system performs well and which part has a problem. You have to stand on your bare foot on the platform and try to maintain balance in various conditions.

Additionally, you can also take a blood test to check for the infection and check heart and blood vessel health are some other tests for vertigo.

Types of Vertigo

Usually, vertigo has two types. Central and Peripheral are the most common types of vertigo. These two types can be treated by using medicines and treatments. Before going for the treatment, you have to find out which type of vertigo you are affected by and what causes it. It will help you and your doctor to treat it. One of the important things you have to keep in mind is that vertigo is a symptom of a health problem and not a disease. So your doctor will try to find out the reason for vertigo and help to cure it.

Peripheral Vertigo

If your doctor told you that you are affected by peripheral vertigo, you have a lot of options to guess your disease. It is the most common type of vertigo. In most cases, it is caused by inner ear problems that control your balance. BPPV, Meniere’s disease, and Vestibular neuronitis are the most common problems caused by inner ear trouble that leads to peripheral vertigo. 

BPPV is caused by the small crystals that fall in the fluid of our ear. The movement of that crystal leads to feeling dizzy. Sometimes ear injury also leads to BPPV. In Meniere disease, you may feel the combined symptoms of dizziness and occasional hearing loss. Doctors are not sure about the reason for this problem. It may be caused by stress, eating salty foods, and drinking alcohol and caffeine. Vestibular neuronitis will cause severe dizziness that will come suddenly and cure within 2 to 3 weeks. Doctors think this type of vertigo may be caused by viral infection.

There are some other inner ear conditions that lead to peripheral vertigo, such as perilymph fistula, labyrinthitis, and SSCDS (Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome). The perilymph fistula may be caused by a head injury or sudden pressure change while scuba diving or doing some other adventures. Labyrinthitis may be caused by a viral infection in the inner ear. SSCDS may be caused because of the breakdown in the bony part of the canal that carries fluids in the inner ear.

Symptoms of Peripheral Vertigo

Sweating, nausea, vomiting, and ear problems are the common symptoms of vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is caused by an inner ear problem or infection, you may feel fullness or pain in your ear. If you are affected by Meniere’s disease or labyrinthitis, you may have tinnitus or hearing loss in one or both sides of the ear. These are some common symptoms of peripheral vertigo that help doctors to identify easily. Vertigo will start without any warning and stop quickly in the case of peripheral vertigo.

You can also feel that your eye will move without your control. This problem will be rectified when you are trying to focus on the fixed point. This also happens only in the first few days of vertigo and then it will disappear. 

Central Vertigo

Central vertigo is caused by the injuries or diseases in the brain like infection or illness, head injury, Migraines, Multiple sclerosis, strokes, brain tumors, Transient ischemic attacks, etc.

Symptoms of Central Vertigo

Peripheral vertigo will come without any warning and pass quickly, but central vertigo lasts for a long period. Usually, the symptoms of central vertigo are more severe than peripheral vertigo and make you walk and stand with others’ help. You can’t control eye movement in both types of vertigo.

But in central vertigo, the eye movement will last for a long period and it does not cure even when you focus on the fixed point. You can also experience the hearing problem that frequently happens in peripheral vertigo. Some other symptoms like weakness, headaches, trouble swallowing are common in both types of vertigo.

Home Remedies For Vertigo

Epley Maneuver

Epley Maneuver is also known as canalith repositioning. This technique has to be done before going to bed every day until you get relief from the symptoms for at least 24 hours. The purpose of doing this method is to move the crystal calcium from the semicircular canals of the ear to the other area so that our body can easily absorb it. A report from the Institute of Quality and Efficiency in Health Care says 52 out of 100 people use this method to get relief from vertigo symptoms. 

If you feel the symptom occur in the left ear or left side then you have to do this Epley maneuver like this:

  • Sit at the edge of the bed and turn the head 45-degree left side.
  • Quickly lie down on your back and face up on the bed at a 45-degree angle.
  • Be in this position for 30 seconds. 
  • Turn your head halfway to the right side and hold this position for 30 seconds. 
  • Turn your body and head to the right side and look down for 30 seconds.
  • Slowly get up and sit on the bed for a few minutes.

If you feel vertigo on the right ear, do this process on the right side. 

Ginger Tea

Research published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science proves that ginger will effectively reduce the symptoms of vertigo than manual repositioning exercises like the Epley maneuver. Prepare ginger tea by boiling the ginger root in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Add some drops of honey to enhance the taste. Drinking this ginger tea twice per day will help to get relief from nausea, dizziness, and other vertigo symptoms. 

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a Chinese herb well known for treating vertigo symptoms. It will help to manage the blood flow on the brain, treat dizziness and balance problems. One study proves that ginkgo Biloba is an effective herbal medicine to manage vertigo.

Staying Hydrated

Dehydration also causes dizziness. Even mild dehydration will trigger vertigo symptoms. Staying hydrated will help to reduce balancing problems and dizziness. Our body requires 8 to 12 cups of fluid per day. It includes all kinds of fluid, but water is the best choice because it is caffeine and calorie-free and does not cause diuresis. 

Stress Management

Some problems that cause vertigo are Meniere’s disease that will trigger stress. By developing coping strategies, the stressful circumstance will navigate and decrease the vertigo symptoms. Doing meditation and deep-breath techniques is good for stress management. You can not get relief from long-term stress by simply doing breathing exercises and also you could not cut off the stress in your daily life. Simply, you have to be aware of what causes stress in your life; by cutting it you can also cut down the vertigo symptoms.

Doing Yoga

Yoga also helps to reduce stress in our daily life by increasing balance and flexibility. Physical therapy is used by the outpatient for training their brain to compensate for the vertigo symptoms. You can try some simple yoga poses like corpse pose, and child’s pose when you feel weak. You have to be aware of the thing that suddenly bends forward, which makes your symptoms temporarily feel stronger. 

Sufficient Sleep

Vertigo is also caused by a lack of sleep. If you are experiencing vertigo for the first time, it may be the lack of sleep or the result of stress. You have to stop what you are doing and take a nap, it may make you feel better and vertigo will resolve itself.


Almond is a pack of vitamins like A, B, and E. Consuming a handful of almonds every day will help to get rid of vertigo. There is no proof for this statement, but the vitamin content of the almond will effectively fight against vertigo symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar With Honey

Both Apple cider vinegar and honey have a good amount of curative properties that will help to get proper blood flow on the brain. One part of apple cider vinegar and two-part of honey will help to treat and prevent vertigo symptoms. 

Essential Oil

Essential oils are affordable and natural choices to treat the vertigo symptoms like headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Ginger, lavender, lemon, and peppermint essential oil are some of the options to treat vertigo. Inhaling the essential oil by using an infuser or dilute in the carrier oil is best before applying it. You have to use various types of essential oil to find the best one to treat vertigo symptoms. 

Having Vitamin D

If you feel that vertigo is related to your diet, you could be right. Some study proves that insufficient vitamin D is also worse the vertigo symptoms for the people who have BPPV. Having a glass full of orange juice, milk, egg yolks, and canned tuna will help to boost up the vitamin D level in your body. You have to ask your doctor to check the vitamin D level to know if you need to add more vitamin D food to your diet.

Physical Therapy

Vestibular rehabilitation is a type of physical therapy that gives relief from balance issues and inner ear problems. This therapy helps your brain learn how to use other senses to compensate for vertigo. Generally, this therapy can be modified based on individual needs.  They include head and eye movements, balance training, and other maneuvers based on the symptoms of vertigo. This therapy is effective on an outpatient basis, but you can also do this therapy in home and hospital settings.

Some Other Treatments For Vertigo

Medicinal Drug

There are numerous medicines used to treat vertigo symptoms. Usually, the drugs used to treat vertigo are more effective, so it makes you sleep for a few hours. People who are affected by Meniere’s disease can take diuretic medicine that helps them to remove unwanted salts and water from the body. If vertigo is caused by the infection then you can try steroids and antibiotics as a remedy. 

Sometimes doctors recommend taking antihistamines like Benadryl, Antivert, and Dramamine to treat vertigo symptoms. Anticholinergics medicines like Transderm scop patch also helps to treat dizziness. The anxiety disorder will trigger vertigo symptoms for some people; in that case, doctors suggested taking anti-anxiety medicines like Xanax and Valium to get relief from vertigo. If vertigo is caused by stroke then you can use some drugs like Plavix, aspirin, Coumadin, and Aggrenox to prevent that problem. 

The medicines used to treat migraines also help to treat vertigo for some people. These all medicines have different drug classes and various medicinal properties like beta-blockers, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and anti-emetics. There are a lot of medicines available to treat vertigo, so you have to consult with your doctor to take the drug, which is suitable for your particular condition.


Sometimes, when oral treatments are not responding to the patients, injections help them to get relief from the vertigo symptoms. Injecting the antibiotic Gentamicin in the inner ear allows the unaffected ear to perform the balance function. 


Surgery is an uncommon treatment for vertigo, but sometimes it needs to treat vertigo symptoms. You may require surgery if the symptoms are caused by some basic condition of injury or tumor in the brain or neck. In some rare cases, doctors are suggested to do canal plugging surgery for the people who are affected by BPPV when other treatments are failed. In the surgery, the bone plug is used to block the area of the inner ear and prevent the semicircular canals from the particular movements.

Labyrinthectomy is another type of surgery. It is done when the vestibular labyrinth is disabled in the bad ear and allows another ear to control balance. This surgery is rarely done, but it is suggested to do if you are experiencing hearing loss or other therapies are not responding to vertigo symptoms. 

Hardly, people who have Meniere’s disease also require surgery like shunt surgery to treat vertigo symptoms. 


People who are affected by vertigo get relief by using psychotherapy, even if the symptoms are not caused by a psychiatric disorder. Psychotherapy is also called talk therapy, it helps to find out the negative thoughts and replace them with positive thinking. There are several types of psychotherapies available, so you can try different methods for better relief.

Treatment For Underlying Problems

Doctors are also recommended some other treatments for vertigo based on the underlying problems that cause vertigo symptoms. For instance, people who have diabetes, heart problems, Parkinson’s diseases, multiple sclerosis, and anemia may have the chance to develop vertigo. You need some specific treatment for these problems. 

Maneuver To Treat Vertigo

Semont Maneuver

This exercise will help to get relief from dizziness from the left ear.

  • Sit on the edge of the bed and turn your head 45 degrees to the right side.
  • Then quickly lie down on the right side and stay for 30 seconds. 
  • Quickly move to the opposite side of the bed without changing the direction of your head. Keep your head at 45 degrees and lie down for 30 seconds. 
  • Slowly sit on the bed and wait for a minute.
  • Then Reverse this process for the right ear.

Do this process 3 times per day, until you get relief from vertigo for 24 hours.

Foster Maneuver

Some people say this exercise is very easy to do.

  • Kneel down and look up at the ceiling for a few seconds.
  • Touch the floor with your head and tuck your chin so that your head will go towards the knees. Wait for 30 seconds.
  • Turn your head in the direction of the affected ear and wait for 30 seconds.
  • Quickly raise your head that will level up your back. Turn your head 45 degrees and wait for 30 seconds.
  • Quickly raise your head, so it will be fully upright but maintain your head at 45 degrees.
  • Then slowly stand up.

You may have to repeat this process a few times for a better result. After doing this process for the first time, take some rest for 15 minutes before doing it for the second time. 

Brandt-Daroff Exercise

Here are the steps you have to do for this exercise.

  • Sit on the upright position on your bed.
  • Tilt your head up to 45 degrees to the side causing vertigo. 
  • Move it to a lying position on one side with your nose pointing up. 
  • Stay for 30 seconds in that position. Then move to sit position.
  • Repeat this process on another side.

You have to do this process 3 to 5 times per day for 2 weeks.

Follow Up

If you are experiencing vertigo symptoms, you should consult with your doctor. Usually, vertigo is harmless, but it will keep the person away from their daily activities. Moreover, it is more important to find out the reason for vertigo. Doing is a simple and effective way to get relief from vertigo symptoms and medications and home remedies also help to treat vertigo. After doing the exercises, try to not tilt your head up and down for the rest of the day. If you are not feeling better after a week of doing exercises then again talk to your doctor and ask them what to do next. 

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1 thoughts on “How To Get Rid Of Vertigo Permanently: Treatment and Maneuver

  1. Jack Mills says:

    Thanks for the great article. I suffered from vertigo for years and my balance got worse and worse. Then a few weeks ago I started following the instructions on this website and my vertigo is now gone:

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