Health Benefits and Nutritional Facts of White Chickpeas

Recently updated on December 23rd, 2021 at 12:44 pm

What is White Chickpea?

Chickpeas are also called garbanzo beans that come under the legume family. In Middle Eastern countries, chickpeas are one of the most famous ingredients. Its nutty taste and grainy texture can blend well with all other foods.

As it is high in minerals, fiber, and vitamins, it can provide many health benefits, such as supporting the digestive system, reducing weight, and decreasing the risk of many diseases. Moreover, chickpeas are rich in protein, thus make a perfect alternative for vegetarian meat and diets.

The scientific name of this chickpea is Cicer arietinum, usually in a light color, and comes with a smoother coat. We’ve also had kaala chana, also known as black chickpea.

It can grow up to 30 to 60 cm long and comes with feathery leaves. It is one of the healthiest legumes in nature so that it is essential to add in your diet.

The shape of the Chickpeas is roundish, which is very famous in West Asia, India, as well as in the Mediterranean. It is widely used in salads and gravy. You can also grind the chickpea and use it as a form of flour.

In Italian cuisine, chickpea is one of the usual ingredients. They can be used to make pasta and beans. You can also add them with marinated vegetables, and they may even be part of an antipasto dish. They can be identified primarily in a three-bean salad made up of green beans, kidney beans, and tofu and can be pickled with vinegar or placed in vinegar and oil.

Health Benefits Of Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)

Like other beans, chickpeas are high in soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Scientific studies have shown that insoluble fiber increases the amount of stool and stops intestinal problems and helps prevent digestive complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis.

Garbanzo beans are rich in protein and other nutrients such as B6 and C, folate, manganese, and magnesium. They contain calcium and potassium (essential for heart health). Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium, and Protein helps build muscle mass while keeping your bones strong and improves cell health. Vitamin C helps to prevent diseases like cancer and improves skin health. Moreover, iron and folate work well in pregnancy times.

1 Decreases the Weight

Chickpeas come with many properties thus may help to reduce your weight. When compared to the nutrient, it contains less amount of calories. One study found that people who consume low-calorie foods are more likely to lose weight and maintain it.

In addition, its protein and fiber can promote appetite suppression and weight management due to its ability to reduce calorie intake in the diet.

One study found that those who ate chickpeas regularly were 53% less likely to be obese and had a lower body mass index and weight circumference, compared to those who did not eat chickpeas.

Dietary fibers act as total agents in the digestive system. Total agents enhance the feeling of wholeness after eating, and protein has the same effect. Fiber makes this very clear. It will help you to stay away from junk and other useless things. In fact, chickpeas can help reduce body fat – contributing to weight loss.

Studies show that high protein supplements help you lose weight and fat. Furthermore, the thermal effect of the protein is 30 percent. It means you will burn 30 percent of your calories during protein digestion.

2 Manage Blood Sugar Level

One study found that chickpeas can balance your blood sugar level. It has a very low glycemic index (GI), which is an indication of how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating a meal. Foods have been shown to improve blood sugar management.

Moreover, it is rich in fiber and protein, both known for their role in blood sugar regulation.

It promotes a steady increase in blood sugar levels over a spike as fiber reduces carb absorption. In addition, the intake of protein-rich foods helps maintain a healthy blood sugar level in people with type 2 diabetes.

In one study, 19 people who ate a diet containing 200 grams of chickpeas had a 21% lower blood sugar level than those who ate food containing whole grain cereals or white bread.

In another 12-week study, 45 people who ate 728 grams of chickpeas per week had significantly reduced fasting insulin levels, which is a key factor in blood sugar control.

Furthermore, several studies have linked the consumption of chickpeas to a lower risk of many diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.

3 Improves the Digestive System

It is again the fiber in carbonaceous beans. Fiber acts as a major agent in the digestive system, thus improving overall digestive health. Its fiber helps to maintain the pH levels and healthy gut bacteria. Chickpeas contain starch that can help with digestion.

Like other legumes, chickpeas can also cause significant intestinal gas, one of the many adverse effects of the overuse of chickpeas. Nevertheless, it may offer many exciting health benefits for those with intestinal problems.

An assessment published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2012 found that foods rich in fennel can improve all-round bowel health by aiding the movement of substances from the digestive system and avoiding constipation.

One study reported that 42 people who ate 104 grams of chickpeas every day for up to 12 weeks improved bowel function, including frequent bowel movements and smoother stool consistency.
If you need to increase your digestive health, you should definitely try to include more chickpeas in your diet.

4 Increases Heart Health

Chickpeas are an excellent source of many minerals such as magnesium and potassium, which have been helping to enhance heart health. Chickpeas have no fat. Its fiber helps reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The blood pressure is the primary reason for heart disease, and the chickpea may stop this problem. In addition, chickpeas soluble fiber has been shown to help lower triglyceride levels and “bad” LDL cholesterol, which in turn can improve the risk of heart disease.

A 12-week study found that 45 people who ate 728 grams of chickpeas per week decreased their total fat levels by an average of 16 mg / dL.

Chickpeas are high in fiber, and 16% of your daily needs are in a half-cup serving. One-third of the fiber in chickpeas is soluble fiber, which makes it a heart-healthy food. Studies show that people who eat high-fiber foods maintain a healthy weight and reduce their risk of heart disease.

A 2006 study, published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, found that chickpeas consumption decreased bad cholesterol or low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels. Excess fat is linked to poor heart health, so consuming chickpeas can help maintain heart health.

5 Can Fight Against Cancer

You can’t find selenium in most fruits and vegetables but can find in chickpeas. Its mineral helps the liver function properly, which in turn detoxifies certain cancer-causing compounds in the body. Selenium helps to stop inflammation and prevent tumor growth.

The folate plays a role in DNA synthesis and repair. That’s why it can prevent cancer cells from developing mutations in DNA. Chickpeas have phytochemicals called saponins, which inhibit the proliferation and proliferation of cancer cells.

Its fiber also helps reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant, which fights free radicals and completely prevents cancer.

Studies show that taking isoflavones can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Free radicals are toxins that enter the body as a result of metabolism and other factors. When these toxins are formed, they can damage cells and lead to various health problems, including cancer.

One cup of chickpeas contains 6.1 micrograms (mcg) of selenium. The ODS suggests that adults eat 55 mcg of selenium per day.

Adding chickpeas to your diet every day can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Consuming chickpeas may stimulate the body’s butyrate production, a fatty acid that has been decreasing the inflammation in colon cells and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

6 Cures Diabetes

Its protein and fiber can lower the blood sugar level, which is an essential factor in diabetes management. As it contains several minerals and vitamins, it can decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. One cup of chickpeas contains 12.5 grams of fiber.

In addition, their low glycemic index (GI) makes them suitable for people with diabetes because they are unlikely to lead to a sharp drop in blood sugar.

A 2014 study found that consuming 30 grams of fiber a day can help decrease inflammation in people with type 1 diabetes.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that young adults consume 25.2–28.0 grams of fiber a day.

According to a survey published in the January issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who consume legumes are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

One report finds that women who ate legumes similar to Chickpeas were found to be 40% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to women who did not eat legumes. Its carbohydrates are gradually broken down, lowering blood sugar peaks and valleys, leading to insulin resistance and diabetes.

7 Controls Blood Pressure Level

Chickpeas lower your blood pressure by modifying the changes that are in the blood vessels of individuals who are struggling with high blood pressure. As it contains potassium and magnesium, it can work well and balances proper electrolyte in your body.

Experts suggest chickpeas to control the intake of added sodium or salt and increases potassium intake to prevent high blood pressure. Adults can consume 4,700 milligrams (mg) of potassium per day. One cup of chickpeas contains 474 mg of potassium.

Users should check how much sodium the makers have included in the canned chickpeas. When using the dried chickpeas in your cooking, you should reduce the amount of salt in the food.

Keep in mind, your sodium level should be less than 2,300 mg per day. People with 51 or more and those at risk for heart disease should take less than 1,500 mg per day.

8 Prevents Hair Loss

Your hair is an essential part of your body, and you need to take care of it regularly. Are you sure you do not want it to fall or collapse? So to avoid such common hair difficulties, we recommend you to use peas packed with healthy benefits. They fight against regular hair problems and protect against damage to the hair. Not only that, but hair growth will also be promoted, and you will look beautiful all the time. So you can definitely use some chickpeas to give your hair to increase its growth.

Chickpeas are high in protein and can help prevent hair loss. And its manganese will strengthen your hair and can lead to hair growth.

It’s Vitamin A, and zinc can fight against dandruff. You can mix six tablespoons of mashed chickpeas with water and massage it on your scalp. Ideal it for 15 minutes before you rinse as usual.

How to Add Chickpeas in Your Food?

Here we’ve mentioned some tips to add the chickpea into your diet.

  • Toss the chickpeas with vegetables; it is like a healthy protein-rich salad.
  • Sprinkle the canned chickpeas on the top of the salad which gives a nutty flavor and elegant texture.
  • You can also grind the chickpea and use it as a form of flour.
  • Take the chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and tahini. Blend them together and make hummus.
  • By adding chickpeas into the soup or stew, you can add nutrients and the protein in your diet.
  • It is the best alternative for the meat in soups.
  • To eat the delicious snack, you can mix the chickpeas in any spices.
  • Smash the chickpeas and add the cumin, chili, coriander, garlic. Make this mixture as small balls, then fry them. Wait for the crisp flavor.

Nutrient Facts of White Chickpea

Chickpeas come with an interesting nutrition profile. It has 46 calories per 1 ounce. About 67% of those calories come from carbs and the remaining comes from protein and a small amount of fat.


Most of the calories in chickpeas come from carbohydrates. One cup of chickpeas serving about 35 grams of carbs. Most of the carbohydrates in chickpeas are fiber and starch, although chickpeas naturally contain a small amount of sugar.

The glycemic load for serving 1 cup of chickpeas is estimated at 23.


Chickpeas contain a small amount of fat. Most of these are polyunsaturated fats, which are considered a healthy form of fat. Chickpeas also contain small amounts of saturated and monounsaturated fats.


It is one of the best sources of plant-based protein, about 11 grams per 1 cup serving. Protein is one of the essential factors to keep your immune system healthy. Moreover, it is the building block of hair, skin, and nails, and it helps build muscle tissue.

Vitamins and Minerals

Chickpeas are also rich in vitamin B6 and folate (they give 14% of your daily requirement of 1 cup serving each). You will get healthy levels of Vitamin C and B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid.

Chickpeas have some healthy minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, and small amounts of potassium, selenium, and calcium.

Nutritional Values of White Chickpea

As per the United states department of agriculture, 1 cup (164 g) of white chickpeas contain following nutrition amounts.

Total Fat4.2 g
Carbohydrates47.7 g
Protein14.4 g
Dietary fiber12.5 g
Manganese0.3 mg
Calcium80.4 mg
Iron4.7 mg
Magnesium78.7 mg
Copper0.6 mg
Vitamin C2.1 mg

If you are a vegetarian and want to follow the diet, then the chickpeas are one of the right choices. It contains more protein, iron, selenium, and vitamin B when equal to the nonvegetarian.

Spicy Roasted Chickpeas


  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas
  • 1½ teaspoons olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • ¾ teaspoon chili powder
  • ¼ teaspoon paprika
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder

Processing Method

Preheat the oven for up to 425 degrees F.

Let the Chickpeas dry between two pieces of paper and remove the loose skins.

Pour the chickpeas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and drizzle with olive oil.

Use your hands or a spoon to toss the chickpeas.

Take a small bowl, mix the seasonings, and whisk.

Sprinkle the mixture over the chickpeas and toss to coat.

Stir fry for 15 minutes and bake for 25 minutes.

It’s time to taste the yummy and Spicy Roasted Chickpeas.

When to Avoid Eating Chickpeas

Two major health concerns to learn about canned chickpeas.

1. Saponins have Some Risks

Saponins are natural chemical compounds that you can find in all legumes. They create liquid foam from canned chickpeas called aquafaba. You can find them in natural cleaning products like liquid soap or toothpaste.

Saponins provide many health benefits to you. It contains anti-cancer properties. Studies found that they efficiently work with obesity and diabetes.

Apart from that, they may also have some risks. Plants containing saponins can cause diarrhea and stomach upset to some animals. Studies show that they can cause reproductive problems in female mice, such as damaged ovaries. They are also toxic to cold-blooded animals such as fish and snails.
Some say that saponins are not toxic to humans, but that we want further research to confirm this.

2. Canned Foods May Contain BPA

Bisphenol A is an industrial chemical that can be found in coatings on the inside of food cans. Studies show that it can leak into your diet.

The lowest levels found in canned foods are safe, as per the FDA. But research shows that BPA can be harmful to your health. It may lead to

  • Male and female infertility
  • Brain growth issues in organisms for babies, and children
  • Performance issues for children
  • Breast and prostate cancer
  • Metabolic disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome
  • High blood pressure

To stay on from BPA, check whether the canned chickpeas that are labeled “BPA-free” or not. Also, rinse the canned chickpeas below running water before you consume to remove any excess.

3. Risks

Don’t eat raw chickpeas because they contain toxins and substances that are hard to digest.

Cooked chickpeas also contain complex sugars, which are difficult to digest and can lead to intestinal gas and indigestion.

Introduce legumes into the diet slowly so that the body gets used to them.

Final Words

Chickpeas are one of the healthiest foods. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein. These characteristics contribute to most of their health benefits ranging from weight gain to blood sugar control.

Regularly adding chickpeas in your food will promote your health and decrease your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

You can add them to different foods, and they make an excellent meat alternative to vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.

Also, chickpeas are delicious, and if you want to reap their health benefits, they are sure to be included in your diet.

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