Monofloral Honey – Benefits, Harvest, Nutrition, Types, Side Effects

Recently updated on February 16th, 2022 at 11:23 am

Benefits of Monofloral Honey

Monofloral honey is a great natural sweetener to add to any diet. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in different dishes for flavor, sweetness, texture, and aroma. Honey is an herbal gift from nature for the beauty, culinary, and medicinal applications of humankind.

What is Monofloral Honey?

Monofloral Honey is also called Unifloral Honey which is a type of honey harvested by bees collecting nectar from a specific or single flowering plant. It involves different steps of manufacturing so it prices high compared to traditional multi-flora honey.

Bees are natural pollinators who go from plant to plant to collect nectar so it is not easy to make them take nectar from a single plant. That’s why most of the honey jars on the shelves in the markets are multi-floral. 

It is just ‘NOT EASY’, but doable. 

It requires constant monitoring, a separate farm to grow and collect nectar from specific plants. It might be the reason why Unifloral honey is rarely available.

Monofloral honey appears in white, amber, light yellow, dark amber, black, brown, dark brown, etc. Its taste varies from floral, fruity, nutty, woody, minty, bitter, herbal, or musky.

Different types of blossom honey

Before getting into the Monofloral honey and its harvest, let’s see the choices of different honey varieties.

Generally, we can divide blossom honey into three main categories.

  1. Multifloral or Polyfloral honey
  2. Monofloral or Unifloral honey
  3. Infused honey

Multifloral or Polyfloral Honey

It is the type of honey that we are mostly using and which is available all year. The polyfloral honey is collected by bees from the nectar of different plants in an area. It involves basic manufacturing processes like placing beehives, monitoring the bees, and collecting honey.

Multifloral honey has been sold with different names such as Mountain honey, Cliff honey, Raw honey, or with the name of a specific region or place where it was collected such as Himalayan honey, New Zealand honey, Ooty honey, Marthandam honey, etc.

The multiflora honey differs in taste, color, flavor, and price according to flower nectar, harvest, and suppliers.

Monofloral or Unifloral Honey

Monofloral honey is collected from a single flowering plant by bees. Not all plants bloom all year, so it is not possible to get monofloral honey as you need. Based on the flowering season of plants only the honey has been collected and packaged for selling.

Not only the demand but also the medicinal values and health benefits offered by unifloral honey are also the reasons why they are expensive.

The most popular and highly valued monofloral honey might be the Manuka honey which has a high healthy chemical profile and MGO levels. The health benefits of manuka honey are higher compared to traditional honey.

Infused Honey

Infused honey can be multifloral or unifloral. The infused honey is manufactured by infusing a specific herb or ingredient into any monofloral honey or multifloral honey.

For example, ginger-infused honey, here ginger is infused in traditional regular honey or multiflora honey. 

If you are consuming honey for specific dietary needs, you can choose monofloral honey and a herb of your choice to prepare customized honey that balances your diet. 

For example, Tulsi Infused Orange Honey, here the holy basil leaves are infused with orange nectar honey.

Infused honey can be homemade or you can buy from stores if the herb you want to infuse in honey is not available in your place.

Monofloral Vs. Multifloral Honey

Monofloral HoneyMultifloral Honey
MGO levels range up to 840MGO levels range from 30 to 70
Complex harvest and manufactureSimple harvest and manufacture
Single plant nectar Multiple plant nectars
Seasonal, highly demandedConventional, highly available
ExpensiveNot expensive
Highest levels of mineralsModerate
Take longer to produceIn less time
Different flavors and varieties are available.Taste and color difference in each jar even from the same manufacturer.
High acid levelsModerate acid levels

Monofloral Honey Harvesting Process

For a honey manufacturer, harvesting is a breathtaking operation, it requires preplanning and perfect execution. We can’t force bees to collect nectar from a specific plant, but what we can do is reduce choices for them. 

Location and Timing are the two important factors in making monofloral honey.

Bees are one of the major pollinators who have a specific system for them. A beehive sends the bees to search and collect the best nectar.

If you set up a farm with a single variety of plants, bees have no choice but to collect nectar from available plants. In short, you have to dominate the environment with a desired single flowering plant.

Once the location is ready, next we have to wait for our time. In monofloral honey harvest, it is a different story to guide bees to collect honey in a specific area than one in the traditional honey harvest. 

The beekeepers introduce the bees to an environment where the desired single variety plants have been highly supplied. Beekeepers have control over them throughout the process.

The beekeepers carefully observe the blooming period of selected species and other available plants around the area. If those blooming periods are overlapping, they remove all other blooming plants from the location to ensure purity. 

Once the specific plants start blooming, the bees are introduced to the field. After the bloom ends, the bees are removed as quickly as possible.

The beekeepers clean hives multiple times before they introduce bees to the farm to avoid the new honey mixed with leftover old honey that creates contamination. Now, you know how tricky it is to harvest monofloral honey.

The high maintenance, season, and availability of specific plants have made the monofloral honey harvest more complex and expensive.

Benefits of Monofloral Honey

Monofloral honey varieties have unique properties according to specific plant nectar. So they can be used in medicinal and therapeutic applications.

A study examined monofloral honey as a potential source of Antioxidants, minerals, and medicine, here is the result.

The primary benefit of all types of honey is Wound healing which is not an exception in monofloral.

The second ability will be the benefit of boosting immunity.

Honey consumption induces sleep, relaxes nerve systems, and relieves stress and anxiety.

A teaspoon of honey after a meal improves digestion. It cures gastric and intestinal problems. A study proved that consuming honey with raw garlic on an empty stomach treats indigestion and promotes healthy weight loss.

Honey is a natural skin moisturizer that heals dry skin, uneven skin tone, complexion, and acne scars.

Taking honey for cough and cold has been followed for hundreds of years, it effectively treats sore throat, dry cough, cold, and common flu.

Topical application honey treats skin allergies, cuts, and burns.

The fungus infections and dandruff can be washed off using honey in your hair pack.

Honey consumption keeps hypoglycemia at bay.

Nutrition Profile of Monofloral Honey

The medicinal properties of monofloral honey are as follows

  • antibiotic
  • antibacterial
  • antioxidant
  • antiseptic
  • antidiabetic
  • antiacne
  • antiviral
  • antimicrobial
  • antifungal 
  • anti-inflammatory 
  • aphrodisiac
  • demulcent
  • humectant

Nutrition Composition of Blossom Honey

In 100 g of honey, below nutritional values (in g) are present.

Water15 – 2017.2
Total sugars79.7
1. Monosaccharides
fructose30 – 4538.2
glucose24 – 4031.3
2. Disaccharides
sucrose0.1 – 4.80.7
others2.0 – 8.05.0
3. Trisaccharides
erlose0.5 – 6.00.8
melezitose< 0.1
others0.5 – 1.00.5
Minerals0.1 – 0.50.2
Amino acids, proteins0.2 – 0.40.3
Acids0.2 – 0.80.5
pH value3.2 – 4.53.9

Major chemical elements in Blossom Honey

In 100 g honey, below minerals and vitamins are high.

MineralsAmount (mg)VitaminsAmount (mg)
Sodium (Na)1.6 – 17Thiamine (B1)0.00 – 0.01
Calcium (Ca)3 – 31Riboflavin (B2)0.01 – 0.02
Potassium (K)40 – 3500Niacin (B3)0.10 – 0.20
Magnesium (Mg)0.7 – 13Pantothenic acid (B5)0.02 – 0.11
Phosphorus (P)2 – 15Pyridoxine (B6)0.01 – 0.32
Selenium (Se)0.002 – 0.01Folic acid (B9)0.002 – 0.01
Copper (Cu)a0.02 – 0.6Ascorbic acid (C)2.2 – 2.5
Iron (Fe)a0.03 – 4Phyllochinon (K)0.025
Manganese (Mn)a0.02 – 2
Chromium (Cr)a0.01 – 0.3
Zinc (Zn)a0.05 – 2

Micronutrients and trace elements in Blossom Honey

In 100 g honey, below chemical elements were identified.

ElementAmount (mg)ElementAmount (mg)
Aluminium (Al)0.01 – 2.4Arsenic (As)a,b0.014 – 0.026
Barium (Ba)0.01 – 0.08Boron (B)0.05 – 0.3
Bromine (Br)0.4 – 1.3Cadmium (Cd)a,b0 – 0.001
Chlorine (Cl)0.4 – 56Cobalt (Co)a0.1 – 0.35
Fluoride (F)0.4 – 1.34Iodide (I)10 – 100
Lead (Pb)a,b0.001 – 0.03Lithium (Li)0.225 – 1.56
Molybdenum (Mo)a0 – 0.004Nickel (Ni)a0 – 0.051
Rubidium (Rb)0.040 – 3.5Silicon (Si)0.05 – 24
Strontium (Sr)0.04 – 0.35Sulphur (S)0.7 – 26
Vanadium (V)0 – 0.013Zirconium (Zr)0.05 – 0.08

Best Monofloral Honey

Here we will see a list of the Best Monofloral Honey varieties from

1. Manuka Honey

Ingredients: Raw Manuka Nectar Honey

Manuka New Zealand honey is produced from the nectar of manuka or tea tree flowers. Manuka honey has hundreds of times high MG levels than other honey types. The three important chemicals in manuka honey that make it unique and herbal honey are,

  1. Methylglyoxal (MGO)
  2. Dihydroxyacetone (DHA)
  3. Leptosperin


  • Manuka heals wounds faster.
  • It treats eczema and dermatitis.
  • It is the best medicine for sore throat and cough relief.
  • This unifloral honey also promotes digestion.
  • Honey prevents plaque production.

2. Acacia Honey

Ingredients: Acacia Nectar Honey

Wild Acacia Honey is taken from Acacia trees or Black locust trees in the Himalayan region. It has a very unique, light, amber color. Acacia honey is high in vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, and K, minerals, amino acids, and live enzymes.

This flora honey has low sucrose and high fructose levels.


  • It detoxifies toxins from the liver and promotes liver health.
  • The great remedy for respiratory issues like cough, cold, fever, sore throat.
  • It is a natural sugar replacement for processed sugar for diabetic patients.
  • It reduced asthmatic and breathing problems.
  • Acacia reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart ailments, and cancer. 
  • Acacia honey improves skin health and brain functions.

3. Eucalyptus Honey

Ingredients: Eucalyptus Nectar Honey

Eucalyptus honey is collected by bees from the nectar of eucalyptus plants.

It has generous health benefits, unique herbal flavor, and superior quality.

Over 15 species of eucalyptus were found.


  • It acts Acts as an expectorant, nasal decongestant, cough suppressant.
  • Raw Eucalyptus Honey is an antimicrobial and antiviral diet.
  • It is a great immune booster.
  • It kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Vitamin C and vitamin B9 boost immunity and energy.

4. Jamun Honey

Ingredients: Jamun Nectar Honey

Jamun honey is collected from Jamun orchards. Jamun trees bloom white fragrant flowers. These flowers are high in pollen and nectar.

It is dark and slightly bitter and has a strong aroma. Honey contains high vitamins and minerals.


  • Jamun honey is mainly used to boost fertility and libido in men. 
  • The aphrodisiac properties reduce anxiety and mental stress.
  • The detoxifying properties of this honey purify the blood and remove toxins.
  • The iron in the honey naturally treats anemia.
  • This honey slows down sugar absorption in the blood and increases insulin levels.

5. Coriander Honey

Ingredients: Coriander Nectar Honey

Coriander Honey is made using the nectar from Coriander flowers. It is a common plant but its nectar is highly dependent on weather conditions. So production of coriander honey is very low, thus it is a rare type.


  • This blossom honey is best for constipation and flatulence.
  • It gives relief to stomach problems like ulcers, gastritis, and colic.
  • This honey soothes joint pain and wound pain.
  • It fights fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Herb honey comforts specific eye problems.

6. Curry Patta Honey

Ingredients: Curry Patta Nectar Honey

Curry patta honey is collected from Curry patta trees in the Haridwar hills, India. It is bright, golden, and aromatic as it is taken from a spicy plant.

This honey has a sweet, smooth, and spicy taste with a peppery aroma. It goes well with hot tea.


  • It is packed with essential vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, volatile oils, and minerals. 
  • The honey controls diabetes, heart problems, infections, and gives hair and skin health.
  • The antiseptic and antibacterial properties in honey heal wounds.
  • It cures pain, fights infections, reduces diarrhea, offers cough relief, and treats colds.
  • Honey is the natural medicine for treating obesity.

7. Sulai (Vana Tulsi) Honey

Ingredients: Sulai Nectar Honey

Sulai (Vana Tulsi) Honey is extracted from the nectar of Sulai flowers. The blooming period starts in August and ends in October. This honey has a different aroma, flavor, taste, and color.


  • Raw Sulai Honey has antioxidants such as phenolic and flavonoids. These antioxidants prevent oxidation stress and free radical damages which are promoting aging and severe chronic conditions.
  • Honey can be used as a cough suppressant. It acts as a great remedy for sore throat, throat infections, and colds. Take honey in tea with lemon juice for quick relief from cold and cough.
  • The plant nutrients of the Sulai tree which get retained in the honey protect from UV radiation.
  • The antiseptic agent in honey called hydrogen peroxide kills harmful bacteria and fungi.

8. Jhandi Honey

Ingredients: Jhandi Nectar Honey

Jhandi Honey is extracted from the flowers of the Jhandi or Khejri tree. It is an indigenous tree and helps to stabilize sand dunes. The tree is also known as Ghaf. It is a species of flowering tree from the pea family. In India, this tree is seen as sacred as Tulsi (Holy basil) tree.


  • The tree has anthelmintic properties and so does the honey. The property helps to treat bronchitis, asthma, and piles.
  • The plant is rich in protein and carbohydrates. So it is a potential and cheap source of protein in Afro-Asian countries.
  • It has macro minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium so it can be used as good food for mineral deficiency.
  • Its honey can also be used to cure leprosy, dysentery, leucoderma, earache, and dyspepsia.
  • It has chemical constituents such as alkaloids, steroids, alcohol, and alkane.

9. Karanj Honey

Ingredients: Karanj Nectar Honey

Karanj Honey is collected from karanji flora by bees. This honey has been used in Ayurveda medicine for children and skin ailments.

The tree is native India where its leaves, bark, flowers, and oil are used as medicine. It is often referred to with Neem.


  • Karanj honey has been used in Folk and Ayurveda medicine for treating eye problems and skin ailments.
  • The honey prevents bacterial growth in the mouth and reduces oxidative stress.
  • It is good medicine for piles, constipation, stomach aches, bloating, flatulence, and other digestion problems.
  • Karanja helps to improve gut motility and has a laxative property.

10. Lychee Honey

Ingredients: Litchi Nectar Honey

Lychee or Litchy Honey is taken from Litchi nectar by bees in a natural way. It is a member of the Litchi genus in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae. This tropical tree is native to Southeast and Southwest China and is also found in India.

It has been a favorite fruit of Cantonese since ancient times. The tree is cultivated for its edible fruit which can be eaten fresh, dried, or canned.


  • This honey treats indigestion and loss of appetite.
  • It is filled with polyphenols and pro-anthocyanidins compounds.
  • The antioxidants and anti-cancer properties in honey prevent healthy cell damage and tumors.
  • Honey is good medicine for cough, cold, flu, and similar symptoms associated with fever.
  • The Vitamin C in litchi honey improves immunity and reduces wound healing time.

11. Tulsi Honey

Ingredients: Tulsi (Holy basil) Nectar Honey

Tulsi Honey is natural mountain honey collected from Holy basil flowers. The herb is sweet and mild, so is the honey.

Tulsi is a holy herb in India that has been used in Ayurveda medicine for many decades. 


  • Tulsi leaves treat cold, cough, and flu. 
  • The tulsi leaves are a great mouth refresher as it has antibacterial properties that remove bad bacterias.
  • The herbal honey fights skin disorders and infections. 
  • It works as a natural energy booster and wound healer.
  • The anti-inflammation properties reduce and prevent inflammation.

12. Orange Honey

Ingredients: Orange Nectar Honey

Orange Honey is originally produced by bees when they are liberated from orange tree flowers.

Orange honey is mild, aromatic, and balances acidity well. It has a thick consistency and amber light color with a fruity, sweet, and a little tangy taste.


  • Orange Blossom honey is high in antioxidants naturally. Consuming a spoon of honey daily keeps you away from sicknesses.
  • Orange honey has anti-bacterial agents which  treat wounds. Honey is a great dresser for burns, scalds, and wounds to speed up the healing.
  • It has essential minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Iron, Selenium, Manganese, and Zinc.
  • The blossom honey regulates blood cholesterol levels, moisturizes skin, and boosts the immune system. 

13. Moringa Honey

Ingredients: Moringa Nectar Honey

Drumstick honey is collected from its flowers by bees. It is a blend of natural honey from the nectar of moringa (drumstick) flowers.

The drumstick tree is one of the rare species whose leaves, flowers, seeds, stems, and all parts of the plant are filled with nutrition and medicinal properties.


  • Moringa honey  reduces ulcer, gastrointestinal disorders, and bacterial infections.
  • This honey hydrates, treats, and prevents dry skin conditions.
  • Moringa slows down the aging process and controls oily skin.
  • It is a great cleanser for skin and hair.
  • The moringa honey reduces stretch marks.
  • The healing and inflammatory properties soothe inflammation.
  • It prevents and reduces sunspots.

Side Effects of Monofloral Honey

Not only monofloral, but any raw honey is not safe for infants because their immune system won’t be strong enough to handle any potential bacteria in raw honey.

Honey is likely safe for children who are one year old.

Monofloral honey has strong acids and chemicals though these are healthy, it should be avoided by pregnant women.

If you are a diabetic patient, consult with your doctor before consuming honey as it may hike sugar levels.

People with pollen allergies should avoid raw unprocessed honey.

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This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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