What is Holarrhena Antidysenterica?
Indraja is widely known as kutaja. The botanical name of the kutaja is Holarrhena antidysenterica. It is one of the essential herbs in the Indian traditional medicine. Each part of this plant can provide many health benefits. It is widely used to cure different types of ailments. This plant is one of the essential ingredients in skin creams and foundations. This herb can be used as a form of paste, powder, and decoction.
Overview Information

Indrajav is a herbal plant abundantly found in India, mostly in Himalayan ranges. Holarrhena Antidysenterica is not an accepted botanical name. The accepted botanical name is Holarrhena Pubescens. It’s a small, compact and semi-deciduous shrub that grows up to 2 m tall and 1.5 m wide. It is a small shrub with moderate growth rate. The short and divisible branches are ovate, acuminate and change into chocolate brown color.
The dark green leaves are 2.5 to 6 cm long and arranged oppositely. The flowers have five petals, white, tubular, with star-shaped yellow centers, forming cymes at the ends of the branches. The flowers have a smooth corona and pollen yellow center on the throat. The flowering occurs throughout the year in the hardiness zone.
As Kutaja doesn’t create any adverse effect, you can consume it with proper health care provider advice.
Traditional Ayurvedic texts of Charaka Samhita use this potent herb as,
Arshoghna – used to treat piles or arsha.
Kandughna – to get rid of itching.
Stanyasodhana – can cleanse and purify breast milk.
Asthapanopaga – can treat enema.
Traditionally, it has been used to treat Atisara (diarrhea), Jwaratisara (secondary diarrhea), asra (blood or blood-related disorders), Pravahika (amebiasis), Trsna (thirst), sukrasodhana (sperm-purification), Kusthahara (skin disease), Deepana (enhance digestion function), Vatasruk (cures gout) and Jantujit (relieves from worm infestation).
Chemical Composition of the Kutaj (Conessi tree)
Kutaj includes five steroidal alkaloids that are Conimin, Conessine, Conarrhimin, Isoconessimine, Conessimin.
Common Names of Indrajao (Holarrhena Antidysenterica)
- Hindi Name : dhudi, kura, hat, kureya, kurchi, karva-indarjau
- Tamil Name : vepali
- Malayalam Name : Kodagapala
- Sanskrit Name : kuṭaja, ambika, kutaja, inderbeeja
- Punjabi Name : Kenara
- Bengali Name : kurchi tita-indarjau, dhudi
- Marathi Name : Kuda
- Gujarati Name : Kudo
- Kannada Name : Korachi
- Urdu Name: Kherva
- Telugu Name : kodaga
- Oriya Name : Keruan

Scientific Information of Indrajao (Holarrhena Antidysenterica)
Kingdom: Plantae
Sub-Kingdom: Viridiplantae
Infra Kingdom: Streptophyta (Land Plants)
Super Division: Embryophyta
Division: Tracheophyta (Tracheophytes Or Vascular Plants)
Sub Division: Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes Or Seed Plants)
Class: Magnoliopsida
Super Order: Asteranae
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae (Apocyns, Dogbane)
Genus: Holarrhena R
Species: Holarrhena Pubescens Wall ex G. Don
Ayurvedic Properties of Holarrhena Antidysenterica
--> Rasa (Taste) – Tikta and Kasaya (Bitter and Astringent)
--> Dhatu (Tissue) – Effect (Rasa & Rakta)
--> Vipaka (Resultant) – Katu (Pungent)
--> Guna (Main Quality) – Laghu and Ruksha (light and dry)
--> Dosha Karma (Effect on Humors) – Pacifies Kapha Dosha and Pitta Dosha
--> Virya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
--> Therapeutic Effect – Prabhava (Antidysenteric)
--> Beneficial for Organs All organs in the Abdomen

Can Treat Dysentery Related Issues
Holarrhena antidysenterica is used in Ayurveda to cure digestive problems like diarrhea, also known as Pravahika. It is caused by the Kapha and Vata defects. In diarrhea (acute), enteritis causes the appearance of mucus and blood in the stool. As it has appetizer and digestive properties, it can control mucus by promoting digestive fire. Since it comes with astringent and cooling properties, it can control blood flow by reducing intestinal inflammation.
Take 1/2 tsp of Holarrhena antidysenterica powder. Mix this powder with the required amount of water. Drink this water after light food. It will control dysentery.
One clinical research has proven that the Holarrhena Antidysenterica gives a better result in 70 percent of intestinal amoebiasis people. Moreover, it reduces all the symptoms like loose stools, flatulence, muscle cramps or tingling before defecation, and mucus in the stool.
Take in Vatsakadi Kashayam and Vatsakadi Churna to cure amoebiasis because it includes other essential elements that helps to enhance the anti-protozoal action of the Kurchi (Kutaja).
Bacillary dysentery is a bacterial infection caused by Shigella bacteria that may lead to severe diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Shigella Infection includes mucus and blood content in the stool.
As this herb has antibacterial activities, it can fight against Shigella bacteria. The CONESSINE and CONIMINE are the chemical constituents of the Holarrhena Antidysenterica that helps to stop the vigorous growth of the Shigella bacteria.
Multidrug Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii (MDRAB)
Holarrhena Antidysenterica is being studied for its effects against Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii (MDRAB). Holarrhena Antidysenterica extract’s possible action is that it weakens the outer layer. In the case of A. Baumannii, it prevents its infiltration.
Stops Bleeding Piles
A sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet may lead to piles, resulting in three defects. Primarily worsening roundness. Excess Vata causes constipation due to low digestive fire. Moreover, it can cause inflammation in the veins of the rectal area. Bleeding occurs in this condition. As it has digestive and appetite properties, it can enhance the digestive fire. By its astringent nature, it can help to control bleeding.
Consuming indrajao (holarrhena antidysenterica) powder with water can control bleeding.
Removes Kidney Stone
Holarrhena Antidysenterica has antiurolithic activity, thus preventing the calcium oxalate crystals accumulation in the kidneys. It has renal epithelial cell-protective effects. Moreover, its antioxidant property plays an essential role in preventing kidney stones as well as kidney diseases.
Take 1.5 grams of kutaj seed powder and Nishoth powder. Mix them with some amount of buttermilk. Consuming it regularly can remove kidney stones.
Treats Urination related Problems
The root bark is used to cure urinary infections and burning micturition. Take 2 grams of root bark, mix it with cow’s milk. Consuming this drink, can regulate proper urination, and give relief from burning sensation.
Beneficial for Diabetes
Indrajao has been shown to have beneficial effects on diabetes.
Consuming kutaja can significantly lower the blood glucose levels, serum cholesterol, triglyceride, aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, alkaline transferase, urea, creatinine, and uric acid.
Generally, indrajava has the ability to inhibit carbohydrate absorption. The high level of curcumin has anti-hyperglycemic and hyperlipidemic functions. Moreover, it helps to lower glycosylated hemoglobin, which is beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes (D2D).
Can Treat Diarrhea
Diarrhea is caused by the improper diet, toxins, unclean water, and stress or poor digestive fire. These factors may lead to the deterioration of the bowel, which carries fluid from the body to the intestines. It causes loose and watery diarrhea. As we’ve mentioned before, its digestive and appetizing properties can control diarrhea by promoting digestive fire. It has the ability to control water loss by its astringent and absorbent properties.
Take 1/2 tsp of Holarrhena antidysenterica powder, mix it with water. Consume it after taking light food. Wait for the result.
Holarrhena Antidysenterica for Jaundice
Consuming fresh, soft indrajao leaves on an empty stomach for up to 7 days can normalize bilirubin levels and stimulate liver function. It is one of the best natural remedies for jaundice or any underlying infections. It acts as a hepato-protective and a curative role in jaundice.
Improves Intestinal Function
Indrajao is useful for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and decreases inflammation in the intestine as well as bowel movement.
It can decrease the symptoms of ulcerative colitis (UC) similar to mesalamine. Moreover, it can fight against severe diarrhea. This herb activates histamine receptors and Ca (++) channel blockade, which modifies intestinal stimulation/relaxation. Stomach infection is one of the main reasons for diarrhea.
May Be Helpful for Common Infections
One study found that indrajava can cure common cold infections such as nausea, flatulence, constipation, agitation, anxiety and insomnia, vertigo, syncope, weakness and emptiness, xerostomia, and mild body condition. By decreasing body heat, Holarrhena antidysenterica can cure high fever. It also includes anti-malarial, anti-dengue, and antimalarial activities.
Abdominal Cramps or Pain
Indrajav may be beneficial as an analgesic for relieving abdominal cramps or pain.
A decoction is prepared using 10-gram seeds of Indrajav(Kutaja) in 240ml water to treat this. It was then reduced to 60ml and utilized along with Hing Churna of 250 mg twice or thrice a day. However, if long-term treatment is recommended, Hing’s dosage should be reduced to 65 mg instead of 250 mg.
Medicinal Uses of Indraj (Veppali)

- The juice of the leaves is used for jaundice.
- For toothache, fill the cavity of the crushed teeth by using the smashed fresh leaves of Indraj.
- It is used in Siddha medicine to treat psoriasis and other skin problems.
- It is also effective in relieving body aches and thirst.
- It relieves nausea and vomiting.
- The extract of fresh leaves contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties that are used in treating psoriasis.
- As it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it can remove bacteria from your body and keep you stronger.
It is used to cleanse and stimulate milk production in lactating mothers. - Consume the extract of indrajao bark to get rid of ulcers, and the leaves are used to treat specific non-dermatitis.
Its milk thistle is used to stop blood clots in Nepal. - To cure fever, use the soaked roots and leaves.
- If you want to cure psoriasis, toothache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, then use the leaves and bark of the herb. It is a common traditional treatment in Indian medicine.
- Rub the body with dry and powdered bark to cure dropsy.
- One study has proven that Holarrhena antidysenterica can effectively work to treat malaria.
- You can also use its seeds to cure diarrhea, fever, intestinal worms, and dysentery.
- It is beneficial for different ENT infections.
- In Ayurveda, Indrajao is used to treat amoebic dysentery as well as chronic diarrhea.
- If your small infants suffer from gut-related issues, then you can use this herb to treat that problem.
- It is used to remove the harmful bacteria and worms from your intestine.
- It stimulates your immune system and strengthens the body cells. It acts as an excellent refreshing agent for the body cells and helps repair damaged cells.
- As it has antioxidant properties, it can fight with free radicals and different infections.
- It is one of the best herbal remedies for urinary tract infections.
- If you want to treat bad mouth odor, swollen gums, dental issues, and bleeding, use the bark powder of this herb. It is the best herbal treatment for these issues.
- Naturally, indrajao is anti-diabetic, thus helping to decrease the blood sugar level in your body. Moreover, it regulates insulin
secretion in the body. - Indrajao is also used to cure different skin ailments such as scabies, leprosy, eczema, and fungal infections.
- Using this veppali herb everyday, you can relieve inflammation, stiffness of joints, and pain.
- Furthermore, it is the best natural medicine for people who have arthritis and gout issues.
- It can fight against chronic constipation and is also used to treat indigestion, acid reflux, and stomach upset.
- Veppali boosts the healing process, and so you can use its paste to cure wounds and oozing ulcers of the skin.
- Kutaj has the ability to fight against various types of cancer cells, such as oral, lung, colon, and breast cancers.
- It acts as a guard for your kidneys from the harmful microorganism and the renal stones action.
- The herb’s decoction can cure Ano-rectal issues and Seeds promote antibilious and fertilization.
- It helps to enhance vaginal tissue after baby birth in women.
How to Prepare Kutaja Ghana Vati
Ingredients :
- 48 grams of Kutaja bark – Holarrhena antidysenterica (connessi bark)
- 12 grams of Ativisha – Aconitum heterophyllum (root powder)
- 768 ml of Water
Processing Method
First the herbs should be washed well in clean water.
Purify the root of Ativisha through the distillation process using cow urine.
Boil the bark in a thick-bottomed pot of water and wait until it comes to ⅛ th part.
Drain the decoction with a muslin cloth to remove the parts of the strips.
Bring the decoction back to medium and then simmer i.e, low heat.
When boiling, you should stir the mixture with a wooden spoon until it becomes thick and semi-solid.
Then remove it and place it under direct sunlight.
Take the powder of Adivisha root, add it into the dried Kutaja extract. Mix them well until they become a homogeneous mixture.
Take and roll the powder in the palm of your hand to make circular vatis.
If you want large scale production, then you can also use a tablet punching machine.
To remove the moisture, put it into the air dryer.
Keep it in a dry and airtight container. It will last for long days.
Safety Precaution and Side Effects

Holarrhena Antidysenterica (Kurchi) is significantly safe to everyone, when taken under professional healthcare providers and with the right level of dosage suggested in Ayurveda.
Side Effects
Its bitter taste can cause vomiting or nausea in some people. So if you are allergic to this taste, then don’t take it. Holarrhena antidysenterica has some side effects, such as insomnia. High dosage of this herb can cause anxiety. Patients with liver and kidney problems should avoid using it. Therefore, before using this herb, you should consult a healthcare professional.
Pregnancy and Lactation
In Ayurveda, Holarrhena Antidysenterica (Indrajao) has been used for thousands of years to manage pregnant and lactating mothers who have diarrhea and intestinal disorders. Holarrhena Antidysenterica does not cause any adverse effects with its bark and seeds when you are taking it in natural form.
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