Simple Guidelines For Decreasing Vata

According to ancient Ayurvedic science, there are three biological energies (doshas) derived from the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space). They control all the physical and mental activities in the human body. They offer us individual and unique health details of the person. For maintaining a healthy body, you need to balance all […]

Health Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic & Honey In Empty Stomach


Nowadays, people are doing a lot of research on adding healthy ingredients to their diet. As modernization grows, the health concern also gets increased in all age groups. We are finding ways to avoid the most serious health conditions and regular body aches. Eating vegetables, fruits, and adding herbs and medicinal ingredients to the food […]

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Benefits, Sources & Deficiency

Vitamin B1 is otherwise known as Thiamin or Thiamine, that makes the human body utilize carbohydrates as energy. It helps the body in breaking complex carbohydrates (present in food) into sugar (glucose), fats, and proteins, which in turn gives energy for various physical activities. Vitamin B1 has a significant role in glucose metabolism. Vitamin B1 […]

Best Herbs to Support Lungs and Respiratory Health

The seasonal challenges and changes, as well as the environmental pollutants, are the main reasons for the lungs to get swollen and it is hard to breathe. Consuming the best herbs for your lungs when you face these problems can help support your respiratory health. Generally, herbs give a natural and plant-based choice to keep […]

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