Category Archives: Info

23 Possible Health Benefits of Moringa Seeds [For Skin & Hair]

Health Benefits of Moringa Seeds

Moringa is derived from its botanical name, Moringa Oleifera. The other familiar names of the moringa trees are the ben oil tree, miracle tree, drumstick tree, and horseradish tree. It is native to Asia, Arabia, Africa, and Sub-Himalayan regions.  Let’s take a closer look at the health benefits of moringa seeds. If you would like […]

Medicinal Benefits Of Neem : Incredible Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Overall Health

Health Benefits of Neem

Neem Tree is also known as ‘Azadirachta indica’ which is completely filled with medicinal properties and it’s native to India. Actually, Neem is known for its anti-aging properties. Every single part of the neem tree gives a lot of medicinal properties and beauty properties. In Sanskrit, the name of Neem is “Arista” which means perfect, […]

14 Benefits of Shilajit: The Ancient Himalayan Superfood (Silasathu)

Health Benefits of Shilajit

Shilajit, a unique and potent substance revered in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, has recently gained attention worldwide for its potential health benefits. This blackish-brown resin, formed over centuries in the high mountain ranges of the Himalayas, is rich in fulvic acid and minerals. As interest in natural health solutions grows, Moolihai is proud […]

26 Health Benefits of Black Nightshade (Manathakkali | Solanum Nigrum)

Health Benefits of Black Nightshade

Manathakkali or Black Nightshade has excellent medicinal properties and health benefits. All the parts of this plant can be consumed by anyone, including babies and pregnant women.  The plant is native to Tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans, including Africa, Indochina, Hawai, and Madagascar.  In India, manathakkali keerai (Nightshade leaves) are commonly used to treat stomach […]

Health Benefits of Brahmi (Bacopa & Gotu kola)

Health Benefits of Brahmi

“Brahmi” is a generic term used to describe two different Ayurvedic herbs, Bacopa Monnier and Centella Asiatica. In fact, Brahmi is not a Tamil word, it is a Sanskrit word which refers to creativity manifested through pure awareness, and the feminine gist of global consciousness. These two herbs, commonly known as Brahmi, are considered by […]

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