Category Archives: Guide

Emerged Health Benefits of Orithal Thamarai (Spade Flower / Ratnapurusha)

Using supplements as a substitute to cure illnesses has been rampant nowadays. We cannot blame some individuals who are consuming this kind of treatment or method to treat some diseases and have self-medication instead of consulting a physician. Natural remedies are good, especially if we don’t like the side effects of synthetic drugs. But it […]

Medicinal Properties and Health Benefits of Mexican Poppy Seeds

This plant takes its roots from Texas, Mexico, and Central America. However, it is also available in other continents, such as Africa and Australia. In Australia, for instance, it has become a troublesome weed and is largely distributed in their rural areas, much especially in areas along river systems. It bears yellow to pale orange […]

10 Best Herbs to Boost Immune System

What is a herb? Let us start with that question, and from there, we will know how herbs can help our immune system. Herb These are plants with herbal or savory properties used for flavoring and garnishing fruit, for medicinal purposes or fragrances, only vegetables and other plants eaten for macronutrients. Typically the culinary use […]

10 Incredible Natural Herbs to Cure Fever- A Detailed Guide

Having high temperatures, cerebral pain or headache, muscle throb, loss of craving to food, and appetite this might be fever and is never a good experience to encounter for anyone. Nevertheless, these normal indications and symptoms related to fever, a few people likewise endure drying out or dehydration, feeling of weakness, and slight shuddering or […]

Health Benefits and Medical Properties of Snake Weed (Euphorbia Thymifolia)

What is Snake Weed? This plant has plenty of names but it is typically referred to as snake weed because it can be used to treat snake bites amongst sheep. Other names you may come across with are broom weed, match weed, tawa-tawa, asthma plant, and porter weed. Its binomial name is gutierrezia sarothrae, and […]

Health benefits & Traditional Uses of Clerodendrum serratum (Turk / Angaravalli)

A Complete Guide And Benefits of Angaravalli,Cheruteku / Turk Powder The plant Angaravalli is a wooded bush that has different therapeutic properties to give alleviation and relief from numerous sicknesses. Each leaf, base or root of the plant may be utilized and used in clinical and medical treatment as well. The leaves of this particular […]

Traditional Benefits and Side Effects of Coscinium Fenestratum (Mara Manjal)

Coscinium fenestratum is a medicinal herb that offers a lot of ayurvedic benefits, it is derived from the source medicine daruharidra. Every part of this herb produces innumerable uses, its stem is used as a yellow dye and bitter tonic. Europeans named this plant as “tree turmeric or false calumba”, it comes under the Menispermaceae family. You […]

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