Category Archives: Info

Chitrak (Plumbago Zeylanica): Benefits, Medicinal Uses, and Side Effects

We all know that generally, ayurvedic herbs offer incredible medicinal and health benefits. One of those herbs is plumbago zeylanica, which is commonly known as chitrak in India. Plumbago zeylanica or white leadwort is a herb that is widely found in India. It comes with three colors that are red, blue, and white. The white […]

Sorghum: Health Benefits, Culinary Uses, & Nutrition Facts

Sorghum is an ancient cereal crop that is highly used in Western countries. There are almost 30 different sorghum species available as of now, but the majority are fed to animals or added to processed products like syrup and alcohol. There are only a few varieties of sorghum harvested for human consumption. Sorghum in English, […]

Benefits of Rosy Periwinkle (Catharanthus Roseus / Madagascar Periwinkle)

Catharanthus Roseus is a flowering plant belonging to the botanical family Apocynaceae, native to eastern and South-eastern Madagascar, and is widely grown as an ornamental plant in all residential areas. These have the common names Periwinkle, Rose periwinkle, Pink periwinkle, Madagascar periwinkle, Cape periwinkle, Old maid, Graveyard plant, Annual vinca, and Bright eyes. Although they […]

Pippali (Piper Longum, Long Pepper): Health Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects

Health Benefits of Indian long Pepper

What is Indian long Pepper (Piper Longum)? Indian long Pepper is a plant; its fruits and roots are used to prepare the medicine. Pippali is commonly used in both Ayurvedic medicine and traditional medicine. Indian long Pepper can cure menstrual problems, gastrointestinal problems, arthritis, lung problems, and many other diseases. Still, you have to keep […]

Health Benefits & Medicinal Uses of Gokhru/Caltrops

Gokhru is an effective traditional herb that is widely used throughout the world because of its powerful medicinal values.  It is effectively used to treat various urinary related diseases and promotes the function of the kidney. The fruit and root of this herb can be used in Ayurveda and other traditional medicines to treat many […]

Benefits of Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa): The Ayurvedic Medicinal Herb

Commonly known as Punarnava, it is an essential medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicine till the date. Punarnava is a flowering plant that belongs to the four o’clock family which has 33 genera and 290 species. This herbaceous plant, which has the botanical name Boerhavia Diffusa, belongs to the genus Nyctaginaceae. The word Punarnava means “renewal […]

Benefits of Nutrition-Filled Seaweed (Macroalgae)

Seaweed or Marine Macroalgae is a genus of plants that can grow on beaches or in the depths of the ocean along with rock or other hard substrates. These seaweeds were classified before the 19th century on the basis of the morphological traits, pigmentation, regulation of photosynthetic membranes, and chemical characteristics of photosynthetic storage products. But […]

Indian Madder: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects (Manjistha)

What is Indian Madder? Indian Madder is a plant, roots of this plant are used to prepare the medicine. Even though it has some serious safety concerns, most people consume it by mouth to prevent and cure kidney stones. In addition, it has the ability to treat jaundice, general menstrual disorders, blood disorders, bruises, paralysis, […]

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