Category Archives: Info

Benefits of Black Stone Flower (Parmotrema Perlatum / Kalpasi)

The Black Stone Flower with the botanical name Parmotrema Perlatum belongs to the genus Foliose lichen. Lichen is a classified species between fungi and photosynthetic partners, and very rarely they include algaes. They thrive as invasive plants throughout the southern and northern hemispheres of the earth with moderate temperatures. The black stone flower with the […]

Brazil Nuts: Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, & Side Effects

Brazil nuts, botanically called Bertholletia excelsa are derived from the Brazil nut tree fruit pods. The nuts are seeds of the tree that is native to Amazon rainforests. The nuts are separated from the fruit pods, washed, dried in sunlight, and then packed for transport. Brazil nuts are eaten raw or roasted, often blanched. The […]

Health Benefits of Muskmelon Seeds and Fruit for Body, Skin, & Hair

Muskmelon, a popular summer season fruit botanically named Cucumis melo, is sweet and has a great aroma. The melon keeps you hydrated, cold, and healthy too. Muskmelons are also called Cantaloupe, Sweet melons, Persian melons, Christmas melons, etc. It has different varieties across the world, such as Crenshaw, honeydew, casaba, and netted cultivars. Muskmelon is […]

Benefits of Cypress Vine (Ipomoea Quamoclit / Mayil Manikkam)

Ipomoea Quamoclit is a flowering plant belonging to the largest botanical species called Ipomoea. It is an evergreen plant native to the tropics of the New World. New World is a general term that refers to the majority of regions of Earth’s Western Hemisphere (specifically the Americas). These slender plants can grow naturally in the tropics […]

Health Benefits of Salab Misri (Salep Orchid / Early Purple Orchid)

Health Benefits of Salab Misri

Orchis belongs to the botanical genus of flowering plants called Orchidaceae. This family of plants includes a variety of colorful and fragrant flowers which is commonly called as Orchid family. Such flowering plants are native to Tibet, Europe, Mongolia, northwestern Africa, and Xinjiang. The botanical name Orchis is derived from the ancient Greek word ὄρχις, […]

Nutritional Facts & Health Benefits of Soybeans (Glycine Max)

Glycine Max is an annual legume from the family Fabaceae, a native of southeastern Asia. Also known by two different names, soybean or soya bean, this plant is widely cultivated for its protein-rich edible bean. Beans, the product of these easily cultivated plants, contain a myriad of nutrients. Today, soybeans have become one of the […]

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